1、]有艰辛就]有幸福。 No hardship, no happiness.
2、一个人最大的胜利,就是战胜自己。 One's greatest victory is to defeat oneself.
3、一切的扎根,都是为了更好地成长。 Everything takes root for better growth.
4、一定要优秀给自己看。 We must show ourselves excellent.
5、三人行,必有我师焉。 Among any three people walking, I will find something to learn for sure.
6、不挣钱的话,以后老了都会比隔壁老太太多两条皱纹的。 If you don't earn money, you will have two more wrinkles than the old lady next door.
7、不管怎么样,明天又是新的一天。 Anyway, tomorrow is another day.
8、不要慨叹生活的痛苦。慨叹是弱者。 Don't lament the pain of life. Sigh is the weak.
9、不要把别人的好,视为理所当然,要知道感恩。 Don't take other people's good for granted. Be grateful.
10、书到用时方恨少,事到经过才知难。 When books are used, they hate less. When things are done, they know how difficult they are.
11、互联网像一杯啤酒,有沫的时候喝。 The Internet is like a glass of beer, when there is foam.
12、亲爱的自己,何必强留,留不住的人,他未必适合自己! Dear oneself, why force to stay, the person who can't stay, he may not be suitable for himself!
13、亲爱的自己,对自己好点,让自己时刻保持好心情! Dear yourself, be good to yourself and keep yourself in a good mood all the time!
14、人们所努力追求的庸俗的目标——我总觉得都是可鄙的。 The vulgar goals that people try to pursue - I always feel despicable.
15、人总是在痛苦中成长。 People always grow up in pain.
16、人无学识,处处招难。 A man without knowledge is hard to recruit.
17、人生总要疯狂一次,拼搏一次。 Life must be crazy once, and strive once.
18、人生的价值,并不是用时刻,而是用深度去衡量的。 The value of life is not measured by time, but by depth.
19、今朝有事今朝做,莫将忙事待明天。 If you have something to do today, don't wait till tomorrow.
20、从前很美,但是回不去,以后很残酷,可是依然要走。 It used to be beautiful, but I can't go back. It will be cruel, but I still have to go.
21、任何事业、学业的基础,都要以自身品德的修炼为根基。 The foundation of any career or study should be based on the cultivation of one's own morality.
22、任何成绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。 The qualitative change of any achievement comes from the accumulation of quantitative change.
23、你总是喊着努力努力,可是又坚持了多久。 You're always yelling hard, but how long have you persisted.
24、你曾经也是第一名啊。 You used to be number one.
25、你未来的样子藏在现在的努力里。 Your future is hidden in your present efforts.
26、你给了我那么多温柔和热情,已经让我忘了怎么去独立。 You have given me so much tenderness and enthusiasm that I have forgotten how to be independent.
27、你要逼自己优秀,然后骄傲地生活。 You have to make yourself excellent and live with pride.
28、先相信自己,然后别人才会相信你。 Believe in yourself before others believe in you.
29、出门走好路,出口说好话,出手做好事。 Go out and take a good road, speak good words and do good deeds.
30、刀不磨要生锈,人不学要落后。 If a knife is not polished, it will rust; if a man does not learn, he will fall behind.
31、刀钝石上磨,人笨勤奋学。 A dull knife grinds on a stone.
32、力行善事,有羞耻之心,方可成君子。 If you do good deeds and have a sense of shame, you can become a gentleman.
33、努力,是奇迹的另一个名字。 Hard work is another name of miracle.
34、只有征服自己,才会产生一种生而为赢的自信和骄傲感。 Only by conquering ourselves can we have a sense of self-confidence and pride that we are born to win.
35、听着音乐干家务,不会觉得疲劳,还会觉得是一种享受。 Listening to music to do housework, will not feel tired, will feel is a kind of enjoyment.
36、在逆境中,把俯视墓穴的悲痛,转换为仰望星空的情感。 In adversity, the grief of overlooking the grave is transformed into the emotion of looking up at the starry sky.
37、坚强者能在命运风暴中奋斗。 The strong can struggle in the storm of fate.
38、天才就是无止境刻苦勤奋的潜质。 Genius is the potential of endless hard work.
39、女人爱自己也爱世界,女人爱美丽也爱男人。 Women love themselves and the world. Women love beauty and men.
40、女人的力量是温柔,刁蛮只能让男人负重。 Women's strength is gentle, unruly can only let the man load.
41、如果心胸不似海,怎能成就海一样的事业。 If the mind is not like the sea, how can we achieve the same cause as the sea.
42、展我智慧,秀我风采。 Show my wisdom, show my style.
43、心中有理想,脚下的路再远,也永远不会迷失方向。 If you have an ideal in your heart, no matter how far the road is, you will never lose your way.
44、想拥有别人的爱,先拥有自己的爱,尊重他人善待自己。 If you want to have the love of others, first have your own love, respect others and treat yourself well.
45、愚昧来自懒惰,聪明来自勤奋。 Ignorance comes from laziness, and cleverness from diligence.
46、我以为我拥有、或许我已经拥有。却。不甘如此静。 I think I have, maybe I have. But it's not. Not willing to be so quiet.
47、我们要征服的不是高山,而是我们自己。 What we want to conquer is not mountains, but ourselves.
48、我谈过最长的恋爱,就是自恋,我爱自己,没有情敌。 I have talked about the longest love, is narcissism, I love myself, no rival.
49、手艺是活宝,天下饿不倒。 Craftsmanship is a living treasure, the world can not be hungry.
50、把自己当傻瓜,不懂就问,你会学的更多。 Treat yourself as a fool and ask if you don't understand. You will learn more.
51、抢时间,抓基础,勤演练定有收获;树自信,誓拼搏。 Seizing the time, grasping the foundation, and practicing frequently will surely bring harvest; Build confidence and work hard.
52、拼命逞强是男人的浪漫;拼命坚强是女人的习惯。 Trying to be brave is a man's romance; It's a woman's habit to be strong.
53、数不尽的沙粒,渡不尽的学海。 Countless grains of sand, endless sea of learning.
54、既然运气差到家了,那我们就试试勇气。 Now that we're out of luck, let's try our courage.
55、时间就是一张网,撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 Time is a net, where you scatter, where you harvest.
56、来不及说出的对白,消散在不拼凑不全的未来。 Too late to say the dialogue, dissipated in the incomplete future.
57、欲望以提升热忱,毅力以磨平高山。 Desire to promote enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth mountains.
58、正因为孤独,所以更紧密。然后因为紧密,而变的更强。 Because of loneliness, it is closer. And then because it's tight, it's stronger.
59、每天的坏心情,都在睡前都清零。 Every day's bad mood is cleared before going to bed.
60、永远不要说你已经够努力了,因为你总可以更努力一点。 Never say you've worked hard enough, because you can always work harder.
61、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 There is no destiny that can be conquered without contempt, endurance and struggle.
62、没有人对你说“不”的时候,你是长不大的。 When no one says "no" to you, you are young.
63、温固而知新,可以为师已。 If you are warm and solid and know the new, you can be a teacher.
64、爱你的人已星夜兼程,走在来路。 People who love you are on their way.
65、爱自己不仅仅是自我欣赏,也是一种自我提高。 To love oneself is not only self appreciation, but also self improvement.
66、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人,才能到达彼岸。 Life is like the ocean, only a strong willed person can reach the other side.
67、男人爱你的程度,取决于你爱自己的程度。 How much a man loves you depends on how much you love yourself.
68、相信自己,没有问题! Believe in yourself, no problem!
69、破釜沉舟,搏他个头破血流。 Break the boat, beat him, break the blood.
70、积学在身,事事好办。 Everything is easy to do with learning.
71、积极思索造成积极人生,消极思索造成消极人生。 Positive thinking leads to positive life, while negative thinking leads to negative life.
72、粮食补身体,书籍丰富智慧。 Food nourishes the body and books enrich wisdom.
73、给世界和身边人多一点宽容,多一份担当。 Give the world and people around more tolerance, more responsibility.
74、莫笑别人背驼,自己把腰挺直。 Don't laugh at other people's hump, keep your waist straight.
75、被人嘲笑的梦想才有实现的意义。 The dream of being ridiculed has the meaning of realization.
76、要学会新东西,要不断进步,就必须放低自己的姿势。 To learn something new and to make progress, you must lower your posture.
77、读书不知意,等于嚼树皮。 Reading without meaning is chewing bark.
78、读书给人以快乐、给人以光彩、给人以才干。 Reading gives people happiness, brilliance and talent.
79、越努力越幸运。 The harder you work, the luckier you will be.
80、运气不行的话就试试勇气吧。 If you're not lucky, try your courage.
81、运气交给锦鲤,你只管努力就行。 You just have to work hard.
82、造物之前,必先造人。 Before creating things, we must first create people.
83、青春是在它即将逝去的时候有魅力。 Youth is charming when it is about to die.