1、人人为环保,环保为人人。 Every man for environmental protection, environmental protection for all.
2、人类善待自然、就是善待自己。 Do good to nature, human beings is to yourself.
3、你受伤了!有人心痛!地球伤的很重!有谁来抚慰? Are you hurt! Someone heartache! Earth's injury is very heavy! Who is there to comfort?
4、你是否听见,地球妈妈在哭泣。 Do you hear, the earth mother is crying.
5、你累了!可以休息!地球累了!谁让她休息? Are you tired! You can rest! The earth is tired! Who let her havea rest?
6、保护环境光荣,污染环境可耻。 Protecting the environment is glorious, shame on environmental pollution.
7、保护赖以生存的海陆环境需要我们人类的节制和努力! Protecting the Marine environment need our human restraint and hard work!
8、利用地球资源是为了人类更好地生存,保护地球环境是人类为了生存得更久。 Use the earth's resources for human survival better, protect the earth's environment is the human to live longer.上一页12下一页
9、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。 Participate in the green action, protect the beautiful home.
10、只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。 There is only one earth, human should be in the same boat.
11、地球不仅仅是人类的家园,更是所有生物的家园。 The earth is not only a human home, but also the home of all creatures.
12、地球不该是黑色的,让天空湛蓝,河流洁净,花儿娇艳! Earth is black, dont let the sky was crystal clear, the river clean, delicate and charming flowers!
13、地球只有一个,失去它,我们到哪里去寻找家园。 There is only one earth, lose it, where are we going to look for their homes.
14、地球妈妈,需要你我的细心呵护。 The earth mother, need you to my care.
15、地球是万物生灵共同的家园, The earth is common home of all living beings, coexistence and co-prosperity from the harmony of all things.
16、地球是我们从后代手中借来的。 The earth is we borrowed from the control of the offspring.
17、地球是我们的妈妈,我们是妈妈的孩子,热爱妈妈吧! The earth is our mother, we are children of the mother, mother love!
18、地球是我们,从后代手中借来的。 The earth is our, borrowed from the control of the offspring.
19、地球的命运掌握在人们的股掌之间,稍不留神,将会被毁灭。 The fate of the earth lies in the people's hand, a bit not careful, will be destroyed.
20、地球的梦想,给自己穿上一件漂亮的“绿衫”。 Earth's dream, get yourself a beautiful "green unlined upper garment".
21、地球能满足人类的需要、但满足不了人类的贪婪。 The earth can satisfy the need of human beings, but can't satisfy the human greed.
22、地球,我们共同的家。保护地球就是保护我们的家! The earth, our common home. Protect the earth is to protect our home!
23、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。 To have a smoke less and planted a tree.
24、山中何所有?岑上多白云。 All in the mountains? Cen on many white clouds.
25、手下留情,足下留青,爱护环境,人人有责。 Hand, the first step to stay blue, care for the environment, everyone duty.
26、拯救地球,一起动手。 Save the earth together.
27、拯救地球,从生活中的细节做起。 Save the earth, start from the details of life.
28、止住您的脚步,留住一片绿茵! Stop your footsteps, keep a piece of green!
29、没有绿色,生命就没有希望。 No green, life is to be without hope.
30、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。 Use your hands well, garbage everywhere.
31、留住草的美,体现你的美。 Keep the beauty of the grass, embodies the beauty of you.
32、看,蓝色的地球多美呀!千万不要让她变成单调的黄色! Look, blue earth how beautiful ah! Don't let her become a dull yellow!
33、破坏环境,祸及千古,保护环境,功盖千秋。 Damage to the environment, through the ages, protect the environment, work and consent.
34、节约用水,请从身边做起。 Save water, please start from the side.
35、让地球妈妈永远年轻美丽。 Let the earth mother forever young and beautiful.
36、让我们为地球妈妈共同撑起一把绿伞。 Let us hold up a green umbrella together for the earth mother.
37、迎绿色资源,送废气污染。 Face green resources, send exhaust pollution.
38、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。 There are green, where there is life.
39、风清水绿天蓝,我们美丽的家。 The wind clear aqua green shamrock, our beautiful home.