1、一个云淡风轻,一个念念不忘,便是最遥远的距离。 The most distant distance is that one is calm and the other never forgets.

2、一句对不起,让我们的爱输给时间,失去距离。 A sorry, let our love lost to time, lost distance.

3、一寸相思一寸灰,一抹年华一抹伤。 An inch of Acacia, an inch of ash, a touch of time, a touch of injury.

4、不属于我的东西,我不要。不是真心给我的东西,我不稀罕。 I don't want what doesn't belong to me. It's not something that I really want.

5、人家怕你,并不是一种福,人家欺你,并不是一种辱。 It's not a blessing for others to be afraid of you. It's not a shame for others to bully you.

6、从不后悔遇见过谁,只是后悔怎么成了现在这样的自己。 Never regret met who, just regret how to become now such oneself.

7、从前的无话不说,到如今的无话可说,只用了几个春秋。 In the past, it took only a few years for us to say nothing.

8、他对我说别在喝酒胃会痛,我说放下酒杯心会痛。 He told me not to drink in the stomach will hurt, I said put down the glass heart will hurt.

9、他说不让你受一点委屈,果然没有食言,让你受了很多委屈。 He said that he would not let you suffer any grievances, but he did not break his promise and made you suffer a lot of grievances.

10、付出不一定有收获,努力了就值得了。 Pay not necessarily harvest, efforts are worth it.

11、以前我只在乎我在乎的人,从今以后我只在乎在乎我的人。 Before I only care about the people I care about, from now on I only care about the people who care about me.

12、你永远不明白,对于彼此,你的在乎不值一顾。 You never understand, for each other, you care about nothing.

13、你若成功了,吃青菜那叫养生;你若失败了,吃青菜则叫寒酸。 If you succeed, eating vegetables is called health preservation; if you fail, eating vegetables is called poor.

14、像我这样的女人,总是以一个难题的形式出现在感情里。 Women like me are always in the form of a difficult problem.

15、冰握久了,泼杯凉水都觉得温暖。 Hold the ice for a long time, pour a cup of cold water feel warm.

16、删掉的人不加第二次,曾经滚了的那些人,也不看第二眼。 Those who have been deleted will not be added a second time, and those who have rolled will not be given a second look.

17、别人眼中恶魔的你,却是我心中的天使。 In the eyes of others, you are the angel in my heart.

18、如果成为不了一个知识渊博的人,也不要成为贫瘠的人。 If you can't be a knowledgeable person, don't be a poor person.

19、姐妹如手足,男人如衣服,谁动我姐妹,我撕他衣服。 Sisters are like hands and feet, men are like clothes. Whoever moves my sister, I tear his clothes.

20、姐的一瓶卸妆水,吓跑了多少无知小男人。 My sister's bottle of makeup remover scared away many ignorant little men.

21、帅哥都喜欢美女,如果你不喜欢我,那你就不是帅哥。 Handsome guys like beautiful women. If you don't like me, you are not handsome.

22、希望你无聊的时候,爱的人刚好给你打电话。 I hope that when you are bored, the person you love just calls you.

23、带着你口中的爱,滚出我的世界。 With the love in your mouth, get out of my world.

24、幸福便可以泠峻地坐成时间,任意流走苍白,也就有了力量。 Happiness will be able to sit into time, flow away at will pale, there will be power.

25、慢慢长大,慢慢生活,慢慢恋爱,慢慢爱你。 Grow up slowly, live slowly, love slowly, love you slowly.

26、成熟的最大好处就是,以前得不到的,现在不想要了。 The biggest advantage of maturity is that you don't want what you didn't get before.

27、我从来不说话,因为我害怕,没有人回答。 I never spoke because I was afraid and no one answered.

28、我们哭叫着降生,痛苦地生活,失望地死去。 We were born crying, we lived in pain, we died in despair.

29、我们总是在敷衍,然后不停说抱歉。 We are always perfunctory, and then keep saying sorry.

30、我喜欢下雨,雨水冲刷着生命的路,带走一切回忆。 I like the rain, the rain washed the road of life, take away all memories.

31、我碰到了一只狗,然后踩到了*,之后我就遇到了你。 I met a dog and stepped on the dog poop, and then I met you.

32、我紧张得心跳加速,好像心里有个小球跳来跳去。 I was so nervous that my heart beat faster, as if there was a little ball in my heart.

33、我说过的话不重说,做错的事不重做,爱过的人不重爱。 Don't repeat what I said, don't repeat what I did wrong, and don't love who I loved.

34、或许是我自己太有意思,无需他人陪。 Maybe I'm too interesting to be accompanied by others.

35、无疾而终最好,不必告别,不必说破,也不必难堪。 It's best to die without illness. There's no need to say goodbye, no need to explain, and no need to be embarrassed.

36、时刻就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 Time is like a net, where you scatter, where you harvest.

37、昨天所有都已过去,明天未来都要珍惜。 Yesterday is past, tomorrow is future.

38、有一条路,每个人非走不可,那就是年轻时候的弯路。 There is a way that everyone has to go, and that is the detour in his youth.

39、望过青山的北方,望过温顺的异乡,后来望着没你的远方。 I have looked at the north of the green mountains, at the gentle foreign land, and then at the distance without you.

40、每次别人提到有关你的一切,我就在心里小声嘀咕一声,我的。 Every time people mention everything about you, I whisper in my heart, my love.

41、生活把我逼得像个汉子,叫我如何再去小鸟依人。 Life forced me to be like a man, how to tell me to go again.

42、真正的爱情是,我让你动了心,你让我安了心。 True love is, I let you move the heart, you let me at ease.

43、知道看人背后的是君子;只知道背后看人的是小人。 He who knows to look at people behind is a gentleman; he who only knows to look at people behind is a villain.

44、资料一天改八遍,不就是为了让你多关注我两眼么? The data is changed eight times a day to make you pay more attention to me?

45、这辈子最幸运的事就是遇见你。 The luckiest thing in my life is to meet you.

46、逃避不一定躲得过,面对不一定难受,转身不一定最软弱。 Escape is not necessarily to avoid, face is not necessarily uncomfortable, turn around is not necessarily the weakest.

47、遇一人白首,择一城终老。 Meet a white head, choose a city to die.

48、那些孤独和心事,都在阳光下说给风听。 Those loneliness and thoughts are all told to the wind in the sunshine.

49、青春并不是指生命的某个时期,而是指一种精神状态。 Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind.

50、风够温暖,阳光够暖和,青春盎然,一切都美,和你一样。 The wind is warm enough, the sun is warm enough, full of youth, everything is beautiful, just like you.