1、一身傲骨誓天地,心跳不停怎能屈。 A proud oath of heaven and earth, the heart does not stop how to bend.
2、不想睡是怕梦里见不到你,不想醒是怕现实里也见不到你。 Do not want to sleep is afraid of not seeing you in the dream, do not want to wake up is afraid of not seeing you in reality.
3、不感兴趣,不想了解,不要废话。 Not interested, don't want to understand, don't talk nonsense.
4、你家是批发炫迈的吧,难怪犯起贱根本停不下来。 Your home is wholesale dazzle Mai, no wonder make cheap simply can't stop.
5、做个悲伤的智者,不如做个开心的*。 It is better to be a happy fool than to be a sad wise man.
6、关于我们的一生,已经永远失落。 About our life, has been lost forever.
7、别再说你舍不得,干净利落说再见就好。 Don't say goodbye.
8、别笑我没品味因为你没品就说没味。 Don't laugh at me because you don't have taste.
9、别跟我谈感情,多伤钱呐。 Don't talk to me about feelings. It hurts money.
10、勤奋不一定成功,就像笨鸟先飞,然后不知所踪。 Diligence does not necessarily succeed, just like a stupid bird flying first and then missing.
11、千变万化的是人心,纹丝不动的是命运。 The ever-changing is the people's heart, the motionless is the fate.
12、喝酒可以麻醉一时,清醒过来后发现还是一个人。 Drinking alcohol can be used for anesthesia for a while. When you wake up, you will find that you are still alone.
13、大家都是第一次出来做人,我凭什么让着你。 It's the first time for everyone to be a man. Why should I let you.
14、如果你讨厌我,我一点也不介意,我活着不是为了取悦你。 If you hate me, I don't mind at all. I don't live to please you.
15、岁月匆匆,此经流年,时间若指尖划过的一缕青烟。 Years in a hurry, this by fleeting years, time if a wisp of smoke across the fingertips.
16、带着时间行走,哪来的刻骨铭心。 Take time to walk, where to unforgettable.
17、当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。 When forgetting becomes another kind of beginning, the light recollection, the pain is the most real.
18、心态决定思维,思维决定行动,行动改变结果,结果构成命运。 Mentality determines thinking, thinking determines action, action changes the result, and the result constitutes destiny.
19、怪你脾气太好哄人人拿刀向你桶。 I blame you for your good temper and coax everyone to take a knife to your bucket.
20、想做一个很酷的人,当你残忍的时候,我能比你更狠。 Want to be a cool person, when you are cruel, I can be more ruthless than you.
21、我们不要和好了,坏了就是坏了。 Let's not make up, bad is bad.
22、我愿意做你最忠实的听众,看你装逼从始至终。 I'd like to be your most loyal audience, watching you pretend to be a force from the beginning to the end.
23、我把自己养那么贵,不是让你告诉我怎么省钱的。 It's not for you to tell me how to save money.
24、我曾爱你,爱得连未来都想好了。 I loved you so much that I thought about the future.
25、我有足够的野心来迎接对我狂的人。 I have enough ambition to meet those who are crazy about me.
26、时光将岁月阻隔,能留下的,都是最爱的主角。 Time will block the years, can leave, are the favorite protagonists.
27、有一种态度叫有情犯贱,有一种状态叫没事找抽。 There is a kind of attitude called love offending base, there is a state called nothing to smoke.
28、沉默,可以让混乱的心,变得清澈。 Silence, can make the chaotic heart, become clear.
29、爱我的请继续,恨我的也别放弃。 Love me please continue, hate me do not give up.
30、男人小富换车,大富换房,暴富换老婆。 A rich man changes his car, a rich man changes his house, and a rich man changes his wife.
31、真的不用时刻替别人着想,不是每个人都能把你的善良放在心上。 Really don't have to think about others all the time, not everyone can put your kindness in the heart.
32、眼有些小,可是不缺;我脾气很好,但不是没有。 My eyes are small, but not lacking; I have a good temper, but not without them.
33、矍⑽由陌生成熟悉,又由熟悉成陌生。 Love turns us from strangeness to familiarity, and from familiarity to strangeness.
34、穿有质感的衣服,找有质量的男人。 Wear textured clothes and find quality men.
35、给你最大的报复,就是活的比你幸福。 The biggest revenge for you is to live happier than you.
36、给我一个勇敢地理由,我会再一次的奋不顾身。 Give me a brave reason, I will be desperate again.
37、脾气好不代表没脾气,你可以什么都对,但我也并非什么都错。 Temper doesn't mean no temper. You can be right about everything, but I'm not all wrong.
38、要风情绝伦,亲吻不同的唇,喜欢不同的人,却不爱任何人。 You should kiss different lips, like different people, but don't love anyone.
39、走自己的路,让猫和狗说去吧。 Go your own way and let the cat and dog talk.
40、锁住时间,锁住仅存的温暖,锁住关于你一切的回忆。 Lock time, lock the only warmth, lock all the memories about you.