1、一分年成一分销,十分年成不愁销。 One minute a year into a distribution, ten years into no worry about sales.

2、一分钱一分货,十分钱买不错。 Every cent is worth a cent. It's good to buy ten cents.

3、一张广告,万家知晓。 An advertisement is known to all.

4、三分利店冷落,一分利客来多。 Three points of profit shop cold, one point of profit more.

5、三尺柜台学问高。 The three foot counter is highly learned.

6、上赶子不是买卖。 Catching up is not a business.

7、不怕不识货,就怕货比货。 We are not afraid of not knowing the goods, but we are afraid of comparing them.

8、不怕口袋空,就怕脑瓜穷。 Fear not the empty pocket, but the poor brain.

9、不怕货多,就怕货缺。 Not afraid of more goods, but afraid of shortage.

10、不怕货比货,只求心贴心。 We are not afraid to compare goods with goods, but only care for our hearts.

11、事业未成功未到,买卖不成话不透。 Business is not successful, business is not done.

12、人无利心,谁肯早起。 Who will get up early without profit.

13、人没到话要到,生意一定跑不掉。 If people don't arrive, business will never run away.

14、人靠梳洗打扮,货靠整理挑选。 People depend on grooming, while goods depend on sorting.

15、人高谈今古,物高价出头。 People talk about the present and the past, and things come out at a high price.

16、做生意不懂行,好比瞎子撞南墙。 Business is like a blind man bumping into a south wall.

17、公平心似水,生意稳如山。 Fairness is like water and business is stable.

18、出门看天气,买卖看行情。 Go out to see the weather, business to see the market.

19、十分生意七分谈,话不投机成交难。 It's difficult to make a deal without speculating.

20、十年寒窗出秀才,卖药三年当大夫。 After ten years of hard work, he became a scholar and sold medicine for three years.

21、十户人家八家商,还有两家要开张。 Ten families, eight businesses, and two more to open.

22、只选对的,不买贵的。 Only choose the right ones, not expensive ones.

23、和气能招万里财。 Harmony can attract thousands of miles of wealth.

24、商场如战场,竞争如战争。 Business is like battlefield, competition is like war.

25、商战如兵战,取胜靠智勇。 Business war is like military war, and victory depends on wisdom and courage.

26、图便宜没有好货。 The picture is cheap, but there is no good one.

27、失信丢财,自砸招牌。 If you lose your money, you will lose your signboard.

28、好汉不希干,赖汉干不了。 A hero doesn't want to work, but Lai Han can't.

29、小数怕长点,零数怕整算。 Decimals are afraid of long points, while zeros are afraid of integer calculation.

30、指山卖蘑,买空卖空。 Sell mushrooms in the mountains and sell them in short.

31、没有最好,只有更好。 There is no best, only better.

32、物以稀为贵,货抓早值钱。 Rare things are precious, and goods are worth early.

33、褒贬是买主,喝彩是闲人。 Praise and criticism are buyers and cheers are idlers.

34、言无二价,童叟无欺。 There is no price for words.

35、誉高招客远,物好价出头。 High reputation attracts customers far away, good price leads.

36、过秤量轻重,听语测人品。 Weigh the weight, listen to the words to judge the character.

37、过路客人别纠缠,来了买主别心烦。 Don't pester the passers-by. Don't be upset when the buyer comes.

38、隔行休贪利,无水不行船。 Don't be greedy for profit every other way. You can't sail without water.

39、黄金有价誉无价,买卖有信利无边。 Gold has price, reputation, and profit.