1、一写谪仙怨,双泪满君颐。 When he wrote about the resentment of banished immortals, his tears filled his eyes.
2、一轮明月照华庭,沉醉星空写满情。 A bright moon shines on the Chinese court, intoxicated with the starry sky and full of feelings.
3、三十六旬盈复缺,百年堪喜又堪伤。 Thirty six years of surplus and deficiency, a hundred years of gratification and injury.
4、不患寡而患不均,不患贫而患不安。 We should not suffer from poverty but from uneasiness.
5、不知江月待何人,但见长江送流水。 I don't know who Jiang Yue is waiting for, but I see the Yangtze River carrying water.
6、云青青兮欲雨,水澹澹兮生烟。 The clouds are blue and blue, and the water is dantan and smoky.
7、伤心莫问前朝事,重上越王台。 If you are sad, don't ask about the affairs of the previous dynasty, and return to the king of Yue.
8、但凭阑无语,烟花三月春愁。 But with no language, fireworks in March spring sorrow.
9、几度东风吹世换,千年往事随潮去。 Several times the east wind blows and the world changes, and the past millennium goes with the tide.
10、凭觞静忆去年秋,桐落故溪头。 With a cup of wine, I remember the autumn of last year.
11、别离还有经年客,怅望不如河鼓星。 Farewell, there are many years of visitors, hope as river drum star.
12、剪不断,理还乱。 Cutting is not enough, but it is still disorderly.
13、功名何在,文章漫与,空叹流年。 Where is the fame, the article is diffuse and empty sigh fleeting time.
14、匣浅难羁宝剑锋,玉藏石中也玲珑。 The box is shallow and hard to control. The jade is also exquisite in the stone.
15、千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。 Although it's hard to find the gold, it's hard to blow out the crazy sand.
16、午醉未醒红日晚,黄昏帘幕无人卷。 Drunk in the afternoon, red sun night, evening curtain no roll.
17、可怜今夕月,向何处,去悠悠? Poor this evening, where to, go leisurely?
18、君在天一涯,妾身长别离。 You are at the end of the day. I am separated.
19、君子修道立德,不因窘困而改节。 A gentleman cultivates morality and does not change his morality because of embarrassment.
20、君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。 A gentleman is frank, but a villain is sad.
21、吾令羲和弭节兮,望崦嵫而勿迫。 I order Xihe to eliminate the festival. I hope you will not be forced.
22、大丈夫不死则已,死则举大名耳。 If a man does not die, he will be dead.
23、好峰随处改,幽径独行迷。 Good peaks change everywhere, and you can walk alone.
24、如今俱是异乡人,相见更无因。 Now all of us are from other places, so we have no reason to meet each other.
25、寂寞深闺,柔肠一寸愁千缕。 Lonely boudoir, tender hearted, a thousand wisps of sorrow.
26、少年射虎名豪,等闲赤羽千夫膳。 Young shooting tiger celebrities, leisure Qianfu meal.
27、少年心事当拿云,谁念幽寒坐呜呃。 Young people should take cloud, who read you cold sit Wu er.
28、少闻鸡声眠,老听鸡声起。 Sleep less when you hear the sound of a chicken, but you always listen to it.
29、平生不下泪,于此泣无穷。 I have no tears in my life, and I can't stop crying here.
30、得即高歌失即休,多愁多恨亦悠悠。 Gain is to sing, lose to rest, worry and hate.
31、快意当前,适观而已矣。 It's just a matter of being happy at present.
32、恨到归时方始休,月明人倚楼。 Hate to return to just stop, moon Ming people leaning on the floor.
33、情人节日得情人,胜过江南任一春。 A lover on Valentine's Day is better than any spring in the south of the Yangtze River.
34、春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。 Spring breeze and green river south bank, the moon when I return.
35、月儿弯弯照九州,几家欢乐几家愁。 The moon shines on Kyushu, a few happy and a few sad.
36、杜鹃再拜忧天泪,精卫无穷填海心。 The cuckoo worships the sorrowful sky and tears again, and the soul of Jingwei is endless.
37、桑弧未了男子事,何能局促甘囚山。 Mulberry arc is not a man's matter, how can be confined Gan *er mountain.
38、此后锦书休寄,画楼云雨无凭。 After that, the brocade books were not sent, and there was no proof of the paintings.
39、此生谁料,心情无水身老沧明。 This life who expected, the mood does not have the body old Cang Ming.
40、泼墨三千烟火,许你一世迷离。 Splash ink 3000 fireworks, you may be confused for a lifetime.
41、琉璃梳子抚青丝,画心牵肠痴不痴。 The glass comb caresses the green silk, and the heart of the painting is not infatuated.
42、留得悲秋残影在,分付旗亭。 Leave sad autumn shadow in, pay flag Pavilion.
43、百年同谢西山日,千秋万古北邙尘。 Thanks to the west mountain for a hundred years, thousands of ancient North mang dust.
44、相去万余里,各在天一涯。 To go more than ten thousand miles, each in the end of the day.
45、相呼已到无人境,何处玉箫吹一声。 Xianghu has reached no one's land, where the jade flute blows.
46、相濡以沫,不若相忘于江湖。 It is not like forgetting each other in the lake.
47、知否,知否?应是绿肥红瘦。 Do you know, do you know? It should be green, red and thin.
48、红泪偷垂,满眼春风百事非。 Red tears are falling, spring breeze is everywhere.
49、良马不念秣,烈士不苟营。 A good horse will not feed, and a martyr will not camp.
50、花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 A pot of wine between flowers, drinking alone, no blind date.
51、苍穹浩茫茫,万劫太极长。 The sky is vast and boundless, and the disaster is long.
52、莫让年华度日虚,劝君惜取青丝发。 Don't let your life be empty. You should cherish your green hair.
53、落日无人松径里,鬼火高低明灭。 No one in the sunset pine path, ghost fire high and low.
54、衣带渐宽终不毁,为伊消得人憔悴。 The clothing belt gradually widens, does not destroy finally, for the Yi elimination person haggard.
55、西湖春色归,春水绿於染。 The West Lake returns in spring, and the spring water is green in dye.
56、话到英雄失路,忽凉风索索。 When it comes to the hero's lost road, suddenly the cool wind asks for help.
57、醉笑陪君三千场,不诉离殇。 Drunk smile with you 3000, do not complain from the war.
58、长安清明好时节,只宜相送不宜别。 Changan Qingming good season, only to send off, not to leave.
59、长相思,在长安。 Everlasting longing for each other in Changan.
60、额名旧载零陵志,碑字新镌子厚诗。 The name of the forehead is recorded in the Lingling annals, and the tablet characters are engraved with thick poems.