1、一句情话,传递情的真挚,新年快乐,我爱你! A love word, convey the sincere feelings, happy new year, I love you!

2、一路走好,别来无恙!我的新年心愿是、我希望今年的吃苦能力比去年更强。 Go all the way and be safe! My new year's wish is, I hope this year's ability to bear hardships is stronger than last year.

3、不管是昨天、今天、明天,能和你在一起的一天,就是美好的一天,祝宝贝新年快乐! Whether it is yesterday, today, tomorrow, can be with you one day, is a beautiful day, I wish baby a happy New Year!

4、今年过年是个教训,一个人在火车站吃开封菜有感。 This year, I have a lesson to eat at the railway station.

5、你们都把手里的活放一放,准备一下给我的跨年礼物吧。 You all put the work in your hands and prepare a new year's gift for me.

6、压岁钱这种东西,就是大人给大人的,中途给小孩看看。 This kind of new year's money is given to adults by adults and shown to children on the way.

7、又到了给红包还要假装不好意思收的时候。 It's time to give the red envelope and pretend to be embarrassed to accept it.

8、叔叔阿姨新年好,考得一般,不饿,还没男朋友,二月开学,作业挺多的,我先进屋了。 Uncle and aunt happy new year, test general, not hungry, no boyfriend, February school starts, homework quite a lot, I advanced house.

9、可望不可及的遭遇,过去就让它过去,幸好还有你,陪我听新年钟声响起。 If you can't expect to encounter, let it pass. Fortunately, you will accompany me to hear the New Year bell ring.

10、在这个日子,我倒满一杯烈酒,不是想醉,是想敬我心中的那些值得我珍惜的人。 On this day, I fill a glass of liquor, not to be drunk, but to honor those in my heart who are worth cherishing.

11、在这快乐的季节给你我最真的祝愿和亲热的思念,愿你今年的春节比往年更璀璨。 In this happy season, I would like to give you my sincere wishes and affectionate thoughts. May the Spring Festival of this year be more brilliant than the previous years.

12、在这温馨的日子里,常常忆起共处的岁月。祝新年快乐,心想事成! In this warm day, I often recall the years of coexistence. Wish you a happy New Year!

13、大家这一年要喝好吃好鸭。 We should drink delicious duck this year.

14、天天向上,做栋梁材,创千秋大业。 Day by day, to be a pillar material, to create a great cause.

15、学会承受痛苦。有些事情,只适合烂在心里,适合无声无息的忘记。 Learn to suffer. Some things, only suitable for rotten in the heart, suitable for silent forgetting.

16、孩子有钱就学坏,为了你能做个好人,请把你收到的压岁钱都给我。 Children learn bad when they have money. In order to be a good person, please give me all the lucky money you receive.

17、宝贝身体健康、天天开心、做个乖巧懂事的好孩子! Baby health, happy every day, to be a clever and sensible good child!

18、宝贝,你幸福所以我幸福!祝你在新的一年里取得更大的进步! Baby, you are happy, so I am happy! I wish you greater progress in the New Year!

19、宝贝,看到你快乐成长,我们由衷感到:无论我们经历了多少艰辛,都是值得的! Baby, see you happy growth, we sincerely feel: no matter how hard we have experienced, it is worth it!

20、对于过年,总有一种说不出的欢悦、欣喜和久久的期待。 For the new year, there is always a kind of unspeakable joy, joy and long-term expectation.

21、岁岁常欢愉,年年皆胜意。 Every year is always happy, and every year is a victory.

22、岁月可以褪去记忆,却褪不去我们一路留下的欢声笑语。祝你新春快乐,岁岁安怡! Years can fade the memory, but not the laughter we left all the way. I wish you a happy new year and a happy New Year!

23、岁末将至,敬颂冬绥,平安喜乐,万事胜意。 At the end of the year, we pay tribute to dongsui, peace and joy, and win everything.

24、快过年了,有没有一个人,你想见却见不到? Is there anyone you want to see but can't see?

25、快过年了,都晒晒自己对象吧,万一有同款呢。 It's almost new year's day. Let's bask in your own objects. In case you have the same style.

26、愿我找到我喜欢的人,愿我和我喜欢的人都幸福健康。 May I find the people I like, wish me and the people I like are happy and healthy.

27、愿片片洁白美丽的雪花,带着我美好的祝愿,飞到你的身边,祝你新年如意,事业发达。 May the white and beautiful snowflakes fly to you with my best wishes. I wish you a happy new year and a prosperous career.

28、我怕明天晚起,就预定了新年第一缕阳光给你,新年快乐! I'm afraid I'll get up late tomorrow. I'll book you the first ray of sunshine for the new year. Happy New Year!

29、我的年龄让我怀疑今年我还能拿到压岁钱吗? My age makes me wonder if I can get lucky money this year?

30、新岁平安、年年如意、新春快乐、恭喜发财! Happy new year, happy new year and happy New Year!

31、新年快乐,感谢有你,未来我与你同在。 Happy new year, thank you, I will be with you in the future.

32、新年愿望是愿自己好好锻炼,把自己练的棒棒的。身体健康,吃嘛嘛香。 New year's wish is to exercise well and do well. Good health. It's delicious to eat.

33、新年捎去我温暖如春的问候,祝您拥有幸福甜美的新年。猪年行好运,万事遂心愿! I wish you a happy and sweet new year. Good luck in the year of the pig!

34、新年的第一天我收到了好大的一份礼物,谢谢亲爱的我们会幸福的。 On the first day of the new year, I received a big gift. Thank you, my dear. We will be happy.

35、新春光顾,灵羊送福:祝你祥云笼罩;祝你一世逍遥;祝你身体健壮;祝你大吉大利。 Spring Festival patronage, Lingyang send blessing: I wish you auspicious clouds; I wish you a happy life; I wish you good health; I wish you good luck.

36、新的一年,传达我至爱的情怀!我的好闺蜜,在这里为你默默祝福,愿春节快乐! New year, convey my love! My good friend, I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

37、新的一年,元气满满每一天呀。 The new year is full of vitality every day.

38、每次过年人家给我红包都要推来推去的,其实吧我真怕这样一推就真的给推走了。 Every time people give me a red envelope, they have to push back and forth. In fact, I'm really afraid that such a push will really push away.

39、生活,有悲伤,有惊喜,有成功,有失败。让你痛哭流涕,有时也会喜极而泣。 Life, there are sorrow, surprise, success and failure. It makes you cry, and sometimes you cry with joy.

40、祝你在新的一年里取得更大的进步! I wish you greater progress in the New Year!

41、老爸,我很想你,虽然我不能陪您过新年,但我会为您祈福的。,希望您健康平安。 Dad, I miss you very much. Although I can't spend the new year with you, I will pray for you. Hope you are healthy and safe.

42、虽是一张小小的卡片,虽只是几句短短的问候,却是我最真挚的祝福:新年快乐! Although it is a small card, although only a few short greetings, it is my most sincere blessing: Happy New Year!

43、过年亲戚问我成绩,我就问他年终奖金。 When a relative asks about my grades, I ask him about his year-end bonus.

44、过年就是要回家,可我的家在哪里呢? Spring Festival is to go home, but where is my home?

45、过年的气氛,真是一年不如一年。 The atmosphere of the new year is really getting worse every year.

46、过年要压岁钱特别幼稚!但我不管!我还小!我就要!谁给我的红包最大我就跟谁第一好! New year's money is especially naive! But I don't care! I'm still young! I will! Who gives me the biggest red envelope, I will be the first with whom!

47、还有一堆事在等着我,新的一年新的开始,希望能有一年的好运气降临。 I'm waiting for a new year, and I've got a lot of good things to do in the new year.

48、这个新年能让我快乐的恐怕也只有钱了。 I'm afraid the only thing that makes me happy this new year is money.

49、那就祝自己新的一年里每天都能睡个好觉,不再失眠,不再无精打采,不再庸人自扰。 I wish you a good sleep every day in the new year, no more insomnia, no more listlessness, no more fussing.

50、长得好看才叫过年,你那只能叫又老了一岁。 It's spring festival only if you look good. You can only call it another year old.