1、一个以为不会走,一个以为会挽留。 One thought he would not go, and the other thought he would stay.

2、世界就是这样,从来没有公平可言。 The world is like this, never fair.

3、以前喜欢一个人,现在,现在一个人。 Used to like a person, now, now a person.

4、伤得彻底,才会放得彻底。 If the wound is thorough, it will be released completely.

5、你只是随口一说,我却是认真的难过。 You just say it casually, but I'm really sad.

6、你来过一阵子,我却怀念了一辈子。 You've been here for a while, but I miss it all my life.

7、你见感情放过谁,又见谁全身而退。 You see feelings let go of who, see who body and retreat.

8、你走了,希望这一次你不要再回头。 You're gone. I hope you don't look back this time.

9、你随便的一说,我却认真的难过。 You casually say, but I am seriously sad.

10、假如时光倒流,倒不如眼泪可以倒流。 If time goes back, it's better to turn back tears.

11、假装快乐的人,都是熬夜的一把好手。 People who pretend to be happy are good at staying up late.

12、再回到那地方,已没有那时那种感觉。 Back there, I don't feel that way anymore.

13、医生叫我进行光配合用,不要熬夜了。 The doctor told me to do phototherapy and not stay up late.

14、原谅我爱你好深,却一声不吭。 Forgive me for loving you so much and not saying a word.

15、听悲伤的歌,看幸福的戏。 Listen to sad songs and watch happy plays.

16、喜欢他,我为什么没有快、只有痛苦。 Like him, why do I not have fast, only pain.

17、堵在你心中的墙,谁去把它砸碎? Who will break the wall in your heart?

18、孤独,是给你思考自己的时间。 Loneliness is to give you time to think about yourself.

19、心会累爱会冷,这是感情必经的过程。 The heart will be tired, love will be cold, this is the emotional process.

20、忘不了你,放不过我自己。 I can't forget you. I can't let myself go.

21、慢慢变好,是给自己一个最好的礼物。 Getting better slowly is the best gift for yourself.

22、我没有再打扰他,他也没有再想起我。 I didn't disturb him any more, and he didn't think of me again.

23、我活的也不容易,没必要讨你开心。 It's not easy for me to live. There's no need to please you.

24、我的爱人,你们伤我何其深。 My love, how much you hurt me.

25、我要用多长时间,才能明白你不爱我? How long will it take me to understand that you don't love me?

26、我试着不去想你,但,我做不到。 I try not to think about you, but I can't.

27、承载了太多累,已丢失了最初的骄傲。 Bearing too much fatigue, has lost the initial pride.

28、故事不够动人,说故事的人却总掉泪。 The story is not moving enough, but the storyteller is always in tears.

29、无力许你一生笑,但求思我不愁容。 I can't make you laugh all your life, but I don't look sad.

30、时间,带走了你,也带走我的一切。 Time, take away you, also take my everything.

31、明明很孤单,却总说一个人真好。 Obviously very lonely, but always said a person is good.

32、最初不相识,最终不相认。 I didn't know each other at first, but I didn't know each other in the end.

33、最完美的时光,也就是回不去的时光。 The most perfect time is the time when you can't go back.

34、最近访客,已经很久没有你了。 Recently, visitors have not had you for a long time.

35、有些人,一旦错过,后悔莫及。 Some people, once missed, regret.

36、期望越高,失望越大。 The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

37、没事别想往事,毕竟都成故事。 Don't think about the past. After all, they are stories.

38、爱情的情敌,是时间,也是人心。 The enemy of love is time and heart.

39、生活归于平淡,没有惊喜,没有意外。 Life is flat, no surprise, no accident.

40、碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。 Broken the promise of a ground, patched up yesterday.

41、第一次的爱,始终无法轻描淡写。 The first love, always can not be understated.

42、给我一个拥抱,我会还你一个明天。 Give me a hug and I'll give you a tomorrow.

43、聚散总是无常,人生别来无恙。 Gathering and parting are always impermanent. Life is safe.

44、能回忆的东西,证明已经失去了。 What can be recalled proves to have been lost.

45、路的尽头,仍然是路,只要你愿意走。 The end of the road is still the road, as long as you want to go.

46、过于透明的寂寞,是孤单的理由! Too transparent loneliness is the reason for loneliness!

47、那个我爱了整个曾经的人,不爱我了。 That I love the whole person once, do not love me.

48、除了自己,谁也不会懂。 No one can understand except himself.

49、音乐这东西,开心时入耳伤心时入心。 Music is something that comes to your ears when you're happy, and it comes into your heart when you're sad.