1、一夜香甜,抛却所有烦恼。 Sweet night, give up all troubles.

2、一曲一场叹,一生为一人。 One song, one sigh, one life.

3、一遍又一遍,诉说着心声。 Over and over again, with a voice.

4、丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。 My husband's ambition is to live all over the world.

5、不许动我的心,已经瞄准你。 Don't move my heart. It's aimed at you.

6、买尽天下物,难买子孙贤。 It's hard to buy all the things in the world.

7、人间不值得,但人间有你。 The world is not worth it, but the world has you.

8、你从未揣摩过我心思却说我难懂。 You never thought about my mind, but you said I couldn't understand it.

9、你信任人,人才对你忠实。 You trust people, they are loyal to you.

10、你在哪、在家啊。你在我心上。 Where are you? At home. You are in my heart.

11、你在敷衍我的时候又在陪着谁。 Who are you with when you are perfunctory to me.

12、你拥有照亮整个城市的笑容。 You have a smile that lights up the city.

13、你是年少的欢喜,倒过来念哦。 You are the joy of youth, read it on the contrary.

14、你的一生,我独家陪伴。 Your life, I accompany exclusively.

15、你的宽容,是我最大的奢华。 Your tolerance is my biggest luxury.

16、你转身的一瞬,我萧条的一生。 The moment you turn around, my depressed life.

17、停泊,只是为了走得更远。 Park just to go further.

18、吃饭不吃菜,只为省钱谈恋爱。 Eat without food, just to save money and fall in love.

19、合适的人,却不会回来。 The right person will not come back.

20、嘴里很享受,心里很想瘦。 I enjoy my mouth and want to be thin.

21、夜猫子协会常驻理事。 Permanent director of the night owl Association.

22、天黑黑、会不会让我忘了你是谁。 It's dark. Will it make me forget who you are.

23、彼年豆蔻,谁许谁地老天荒。 In that year, cardamom, who allows who is the end of the world.

24、很奇怪爱我的人只能爱到一半。 It's strange that people who love me can only love half of them.

25、心累了,何须在来打扰呢? Heart tired, why bother?

26、总有人,山高路远,为你而来。 There are always people who come for you.

27、想一个人,还是再恋一件事。 Think of a person, or love another thing.

28、成功的奥秘在于目标的坚定。 The secret of success lies in the determination of goals.

29、我书读的少,你别骗我。 I don't read much. Don't lie to me.

30、我会一直爱,就算你不在。 I will always love, even if you are not here.

31、我十拿九稳,就差你一吻。 I'm sure I'll give you a kiss.

32、我对你,只有放弃,没有忘记。 I have to give up and never forget you.

33、我,一个比优乐美还美的女子。 I am a more beautiful woman than Youle Mei.

34、所有的失恋,都是在给真爱让路。 All the lovelorn are making way for the true love.

35、无所谓,是我的代名词。 It doesn't matter. It's my pronoun.

36、曾经有的梦,今后要向谁述说。 Who should I tell my dreams to.

37、有山就有路,有河就能渡。 There are mountains, there are roads, there are rivers to cross.

38、梦里不知身是客,一响贪欢。 I don't know that I'm a guest in my dream.

39、没事可做时,觉得最累。 I feel the most tired when I have nothing to do.

40、没有在等你,也没喜欢上别人。 I'm not waiting for you and I don't like other people.

41、海阔从鱼跃,天空任鸟飞。 The sea is wide and the sky is free of birds.

42、爱你的人,舍不得你受刁难。 Those who love you are reluctant to let you suffer.

43、爱情来的再晚,也不要随便将就。 No matter how late love comes, don't make do with it.

44、爱的,不爱的,一直在告别中。 Love, do not love, has been in farewell.

45、狗和田野,沉醉一整个夏天。 Dogs and fields, all summer long.

46、猫是你的,我也是你的。 The cat is yours, so am I.

47、现在不流行丧,流行假快乐。 Funeral is not popular now, and holiday happiness is popular.

48、现实太残忍,世界太虚伪! The reality is too cruel, the world is too hypocritical!

49、甘愿变成配角,困在爱你的牢。 Willing to become a supporting role, trapped in the * of love you.

50、生活在于经历,而不在于平米。 Life is experience, not square meter.

51、相牵相伴,注定相惜相爱。 We are bound to love each other.

52、虎不怕山高,鱼不怕水深。 A tiger is not afraid of mountains, a fish is not afraid of water.

53、讲的人不相信,听的人也不相信。 The speaker didn't believe it, nor did the listener.

54、许你一世情缘,只愿君心似我心。 I wish you a lifetime of love, just like my heart.

55、话越来越少,你越来越远。 Less and less, you are more and more far away.

56、谢谢你从来没觉得我不够好。 Thank you for never thinking I'm not good enough.

57、车马很慢,阳光很暖,你很好看。 The cars and horses are very slow, the sun is very warm, you are very good-looking.

58、转过身,毫无眷恋的头也不回。 Turn around, no nostalgic head will not return.

59、过去太过幸福,总会很念旧。 The past is too happy, always very nostalgic.

60、隔墙有只耳朵,嘲笑你多难过。 There is an ear in the partition wall, laughing at how sad you are.

61、青春几何时,黄鸟鸣不歇。 When is your youth, the Yellow birds are singing.

62、马好不在叫,人美不在貌。 Good horses are not called, but beautiful people are not.

63、骗人的是他,骗自己的是我。 It's him who lies. It's me who lies.