1、不要到最后失去的时候,才懂得珍惜。 Don't cherish until the last time you lose it.

2、互道晚安后你开始睡觉我开始想你。 After saying good night to each other, you start to sleep and I start to miss you.

3、井越掏,水越清;事越摆,理越明。 The more the well is dug out, the clearer the water is; the more things are arranged, the clearer the reason is.

4、人生]有彩排,每天都是F鲋辈ィ Life has no rehearsal, every day is live!

5、伤口上撒盐,是为了消毒,还是为了疼的更痛快。 Is it to disinfect the wound or to make the pain more pleasant.

6、你明明知道理智的方向,可心却常常与之背道而驰。 You know the direction of reason, but your heart often runs counter to it.

7、你是我见一个爱一个,里最爱的。 You are the one I see and love the most.

8、你来时冬至,但眉上风止。 You came at the winter solstice, but the wind stopped on your brow.

9、你给A回忆我都藏心底,而我却在你A黑名单里。 The memories you give me are hidden in my heart, but I am in your blacklist.

10、你说有我就足够。我会给你我的全部。 You said I was enough. I'll give you all I have.

11、你贱的有出息,骚的够洋气。 You're cheap and promising. You're foreign.

12、假若念你变成习惯,假若爱你变成信仰。 If you become a habit, if you love you, you become faith.

13、全世界只有这么个你,叫我怎能不珍惜。 There is only such a you in the world. How can I not cherish it.

14、其实我想更懂你,却让我们更有距离。 In fact, I want to understand you better, but let us have more distance.

15、别谢,谢完还怎么好意思向你收钱啊! Don't thank you. How nice of you to accept money after thanks!

16、只是心被伤过一次,所以不会轻易悲伤。 Only the heart has been hurt once, so it will not be sad easily.

17、只要天黑,我都会想起你对我的体贴。 As long as it gets dark, I will think of your consideration for me.

18、只要心中有爱,何妨耐心等待。 As long as you have love in your heart, why not wait patiently.

19、可以穷,但不能懒,可以傻一点,但不能自作聪明。 You can be poor, but you can't be lazy. You can be stupid, but you can't be smart.

20、可能我只是个过客,但你不会遇到第个我。 Maybe I'm just a passer-by, but you won't meet the first me.

21、和你在一起我要的不多,只是你的一颗真心而已。 I don't want much with you. It's just your heart.

22、天长地久有多久?永远到底有多远? How long does it last? How far is forever?

23、女人总是内心耐不住寂静,谁来拯救。 Women are always unable to bear the silence in their hearts. Who will save them.

24、幸福如此简单,温情直抵心间,一碗馄饨就足够了。 Happiness is so simple, warm and direct to the heart, a bowl of wonton is enough.

25、很多时候女人不是笨,只是懒得聪明。 Most of the time, women are not stupid, just lazy to be smart.

26、总有那么一些人,你看清了,也就看轻了。 There are always some people, you see clearly, also look down on.

27、想用尽余生和你一起去看看永远的样子。 Want to spend the rest of my life with you to see forever.

28、想着快点忘记,却一次一次的被运气提示。 Want to forget quickly, but again and again by luck prompt.

29、意料之中是戏,意料之外是计。 What is expected is drama, but what is unexpected is plan.

30、懂得珍惜,才配拥有,仅此而已。 Know how to cherish, only deserve to have, that's all.

31、我一刻也不曾拥有过你,但却觉得失去你千万次。 I have never had you for a moment, but I feel that I have lost you thousands of times.

32、我们的爱太无奈、参杂了太多的伤害。 Our love is too helpless, mixed with too much harm.

33、我们的爱,不求生生世世,但求今生今世。 Our love, not for life, but for this life.

34、我何必这样僵持又能换来什么。 Why should I be so deadlocked and what can I get.

35、我先是听人说你恨我,然后你对我说你爱我。 I first heard people say you hate me, and then you tell me you love me.

36、我很傻,我很笨,我有爱我的你。 I'm stupid. I'm stupid. I have you who love me.

37、我的世界里全是你的名字,因为你就是我的全世界。 My world is full of your name, because you are my world.

38、我第一次遇见你的时候,你就劫数难逃。 The first time I met you, you were doomed.

39、我说:我爱你,直到今天的明天。 I said: I love you till today and tomorrow.

40、或许在未来的未来,我可以选择忘了你。 Maybe in the future, I can choose to forget you.

41、或许笑着的人,是在用最美的方式难受。 Maybe the person who is smiling is suffering in the most beautiful way.

42、所谓英雄,就是能打破逆境的人啊。 A hero is a man who can break adversity.

43、拿着刀没办法拥抱你放下刀没办法保护你。 I can't hug you with a knife. I can't protect you when I put it down.

44、时间,让我陷入更深层次的思念。 Time, let me fall into a deeper level of missing.

45、晚风的声音,带走你曾经的曾经。 The sound of the night wind, take away what you once had.

46、有时候,一切显得那么苍白无力。 Sometimes, everything seems so powerless.

47、没有你的日子我可以过得很好,但不代表你不重要。 I can live well without you, but it doesn't mean you don't matter.

48、没有眼泪,没有思想,安安静静。 No tears, no thoughts, quiet.

49、照片中的我们,是那么幸福。 We in the picture are so happy.

50、爱情是开放而诚实地沟通你的感觉。 Love is communicating your feelings openly and honestly.

51、百毒不侵的外表下,其实早已万箭穿心。 Under the appearance of being immune to all kinds of poisons, in fact, thousands of arrows pierce the heart.

52、突然间,我好怕,怕失去你的那一瞬间。那么空白。 All of a sudden, I am so afraid of losing you at that moment. So blank.

53、要自信,常微笑,苦中作乐。 Be confident, smile often and make fun of yourself.

54、记忆可以剥离出心底的温暖,让歌声只剩悲凉。 Memory can peel off the warmth of the bottom of my heart, leaving only sadness and desolation in singing.

55、谁给浮华染了色彩,让孤独静候已久。 Who dyed the color to the flashy, let the loneliness wait for a long time.

56、距离不是问题,问题是你变了心。 Distance is not a problem. The problem is that you have changed your mind.

57、那一曲离别,终是被流亡的岁月谱写。 The song of parting was composed by the years of exile.

58、错过的已经够多了,如果爱过可不可以一辈子在一起。 Miss enough, if you love can be together for a lifetime.

59、须晴日,看红妆素裹,分外妖娆。 On a sunny day, you can see the red makeup wrapped in plain, which is extremely enchanting.

60、鼓不敲不响,理不辩不明。 If the drum does not beat, it will not sound.