1、一入侯门深似海,从此萧郎是路人。 Once entering Hou gate, it was like sea, and Xiao Lang was a passer-by from now on.

2、世上本没有路,走的人多了便成了路。 There is no way in the world, and more people will become the way.

3、人们分开总是有原因的,但是有些人你应该等。 There's always a reason people are separated, but some people you should wait.

4、人生是一张单程车票,没有后路,没有返回! Life is a one-way ticket, no back road, no return!

5、从来都不重要,只是偶尔被需要。 Never matter, it's just needed occasionally.

6、付出不一定有回报,等待不一定有结果。 Giving doesn't have to be rewarded, waiting doesn't have to be a result.

7、你一副不缺我的样子,我真的不敢爱的太深。 You don't want me. I really dare not love too much.

8、你不懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过。 You do not understand my silence, and how will you know my sadness.

9、你总能忽略我的感受,你总以为我哄哄就好。 You can always ignore my feelings, you always think I coax.

10、你要静候,再静候,即使失收,始终要守。 You will wait, wait, and keep it even if you lose your harvest.

11、其实我不敢想象,没有你,生活会怎样。 Actually, I can't imagine how life will be without you.

12、分手快乐,有谁在分手之后还会快乐起来。 Happy break up, who will be happy after the break-up.

13、分明才二十来岁,却已失意半生。 Clearly, he was only in his twenties, but he had been frustrated for half a lifetime.

14、别回头,我不在原地等你了。 Don't turn back. I'm not waiting for you.

15、哪怕一次也好,我想要得一夜安眠。 Even once, I want to have a night's sleep.

16、因为他不爱你,你就放弃了,你好意思说你爱吗。 Because he doesn't love you, you give up. Do you mean you love it.

17、如果能回到过去,我会选择不认识你。 If I can go back to the past, I will choose not to know you.

18、对一个不懂得你的人,费再多的口舌也没用。 It doesn't work to pay more for someone who doesn't know you.

19、当她真的做到冷酷的时候,他将会失去一切。 When she really does cold, he will lose everything.

20、心一片空白、等着你去填写。 Heart is blank, waiting for you to fill in.

21、总有那么一刻,自己会莫名的失落! There will always be such a moment, I will be inexplicable loss!

22、我不爱生气,不代表我没有脾气。 I don't like to be angry, it doesn't mean I don't have a temper.

23、我们之间少了信任,就像隔着河的两座孤城。 We have less trust, like two isolated cities across the river.

24、我们的聊天记录,都是我厚颜无耻的问候。 Our chat records are all my shameless greetings.

25、我已经不记得当初的回忆,因为那只是过眼云烟。 I don't remember the memories, because it was just a passing eye.

26、我熬夜成瘾,却换不来你一句晚安。 I stay up late and get addicted, but I can't change your good night.

27、我的字典里没有分手,只有丧偶。 I don't break up in my dictionary, only widows.

28、我遇见你的时候,就知道有一天你会走。 When I met you, I knew that one day you would go.

29、扣子掉了可以缝上,人心碎了只有疼。 Button can be sewn off, people heartbroken only pain.

30、承诺,你给过我很多,可为什么一个都没实现。 Promise, you gave me a lot, but why one did not achieve.

31、既然不屑与之为伍,又何必害怕与众不同? Why fear being different since you don't care to be with it?

32、时间过得真快,一眨眼你就喜欢上别人了。 Time flies so fast that you like someone in a blink.

33、时间都按了快进键,快到猝不及防。 Time has been pressed fast forward key, fast to be out of the blue.

34、有时我也会难过,只是骄傲不让我说。 Sometimes I feel sad, just proud not to let me say.

35、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 Friends just see you through, and can like you.

36、望你夜里有灯,梦里有我。 I hope you have a light at night, and I am in my dream.

37、树叶黄了,就要掉了,被风吹了,找不到了。 The leaves are yellow, they are about to fall, and they are blown by the wind, and they can't be found.

38、清水入喉像烧胃的烈酒,说要留下的人早已远走。 Water into the throat like a strong stomach wine, said to leave the people have long gone.

39、清风细润,茶烟轻扬。故人未亡,深情已死。 The breeze is fine and the smoke is light. So the man is not dead, and deep love is dead.

40、烟花不美谁痴美,烟花不笑谁人绸。 Fireworks are not beautiful, who is infatuated, fireworks do not laugh who silk.

41、爱,不是一个人的独角戏,而是两个人的对手戏! Love is not a single play of one person, but a rival play of two people!

42、生活,不需要太多的符号去代替。 Life doesn't need too many symbols to replace.

43、眼泪还是留给天抚慰,你是前度,何必听我吠。 Tears are still left to the sky to soothe, you are the front degree, why listen to me bark.

44、自杀并不可怕,比自杀更可怕的是失望和厌世。 Suicide is not terrible, but it is more terrible than suicide to be disappointed and tired of the world.

45、若终将失去,又何必珍惜。 If it will eventually be lost, why cherish.

46、装满你的心,被掏空时,会是怎样的伤痕累累。 Fill your heart, when hollowed out, what kind of scar will be.

47、试图取悦你的时候,是我最讨厌自己的时候。 When I try to please you, it's the time I hate myself the most.

48、迎着风雨走,孤独伴*。 Walk in the wind and rain, alone with freedom.

49、连敷衍都不愿给予我的你,现在拥谁在怀里。 Even perfunctory do not want to give me you, now who is in the arms.

50、酒不过一杯接一杯,心不过醉了又再醉。 Wine is not a cup after cup, but my heart is drunk and drunk again.