1、一辈子太长,只希望你俩承诺爱对方一万年! Life is too long, I only hope you guys promise to love each other for 10,000 years!

2、两姓来合婚,日日有钱春;给您翁姑官,双手抱双孙。 The two surnames will marry each other, and they will have plenty of money every day. Hereyou are, Aunt Weng, holding your grandchildren in both hands.

3、今天你们携手一起,祝愿情天万里。 Today you join hands and wish heaven and earth a thousand miles.

4、今天你们携手一起,祝愿情天万里,祝福送到,新婚快乐! Today you join hands and wish the best of luck for a happy new marriage.

5、今天,你是最美的,他是最开心的,你俩将是世界上最幸福的。 Today, you are the most beautiful, he is the happiest, you two will be the happiest in the world.

6、从今相扶人到老,和谐美好幸福中。 Help each other from now on to old, in harmony and happiness.

7、你们俩是天造地设的一对,从此喜结连理,祝你们新婚快乐。 You two are made for each other. From now on, I wish you a happy marriage.

8、你俩恩恩爱爱,意笃情深,此生爱情永恒,爱心与日俱增! You two are loving and affectionate, love is eternal in this life, love is growing day by day!

9、保留一个最浪漫的故事,给你一声祝福,一个kiss,爱你直到永远! Keep a most romantic story, give you a blessing, a kiss, love you forever!

10、值你新婚之际,请允许我加入祝福的行列。 On the occasion of your new marriage, please allow me to join the ranks of blessings.

11、千禧年结千年缘,百年身伴百年眠。天生才子佳人配,只羡鸳鸯不羡! Millennium knows the edge of the millennium, a hundred years with a hundred years of sleep. Natural talent and beauty match, only envy mandarin ducks do not envy!

12、在你成家立业的美好时刻,祝百年好合!婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜!生贵子! At this wonderful moment when you start a family and start a business, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years. Happy marriage, sweet! Give birth to your son!

13、天上下雨地下流,夫妻恩爱到白头。 It rains and falls, and the love between husband and wife turns white.

14、夫妻恩爱长相守,给我红包我才走。 Husband and wife love each other, give me a red envelope before I leave.

15、志同道合好伴侣,情深谊长新家庭。 Like-minded people make good companions and grow new families with deep friendship.

16、恭喜你!酒与杯从此形影不离!祝福你!酒与杯恩恩爱爱! Congratulations! Wine and cup are inseparable from each other ever since! Bless you! Wine and cup of love!上一页12下一页

17、感情的最高的境界是相对两无厌,祝福你们新婚快乐、百年好合! The highest realm of affection is relative to each other. I wish you a happy new marriage and a good marriage for a hundred years.

18、愿你们的家园如同伊甸园般地美好和谐,在地如同在天! May your home be as beautiful and harmonious as the Garden of Eden and as heaven on earth!

19、愿你们相亲相爱,同德同心,一生幸福! May you love each other, be united in virtue and be happy all your life!

20、我将把你紧紧地搂在怀中,吻你亿万次,像在赤道上面那样炽烈的吻。 I will hold you tight in my arms and kiss you billions of times, as fiercelyas on the equator.

21、我希望这是你们美好生活的开始。 I hope this is the beginning of a better life for you.


23、新娘娶到厝,家财年年富;今年娶媳妇,明年起大厝。 The bride gets rich every year when she gets married; this year she marries her daughter-in-law, and next year she will get rich.

24、新婚快乐,新婚志喜,幸福美满,许定终身。 Happy new marriage, happy new marriage aspirations, happy, promised lifelong.

25、早日得贵子,幸福永徜徉。祝新婚快乐! Get your son as soon as possible and enjoy happiness forever. Happy New Wedding!

26、朝夕相处成连理,双宿双飞成比翼,携手同做神仙伴侣。 Days and nights to get along with each other, two nights to fly in proportion, work hand in hand with the immortal companion.I finally waited until I drank your wedding wine. Happy new marriage and a happy future!

27、白头偕老,甜蜜美满,新婚快乐。 Old and white, sweet and happy, happy new marriage.

28、白首齐眉鸳鸯比翼,青阳启瑞桃李同心! Baishou Qimei Mandarin duck wing, Qingyang Qirui Taoli concentric!

29、相亲相爱幸永,同德同心幸长。愿你俩情比海深! Love each other and grow together with virtue. May you two be deeper than the sea!

30、相亲相爱幸福永远,同德同心幸福长愿你俩情比海深! Love each other, happiness forever, happiness with one heart and one mind, I wish you two love deeper than the sea!

31、祝两位新人白头偕老,早生贵子,永远幸福。 I wish the two newcomers a long life together, a good son and happiness forever.

32、祝你们百年恩爱结连理,一生幸福永同心! Wish you all a hundred years of love and marriage, and a happy life with one heart forever!

33、祝福两位新婚愉快,百事好合,万事顺利,携手相依,共享幸福。 I wish the two newlyweds a happy marriage, a good union of Pepsi, everything goes smoothly, hand in hand, and share happiness.

34、祝福你们新婚愉快,幸福美满,白头偕老! Wishing you a happy new marriage, happiness and old age together!

35、祝福你们的爱,是开满玫瑰的五月花园。 Blessing your love is the May Garden full of roses.

36、祝福我的好姐妹新婚愉快,幸福美满,和新郎**永在,白头偕老! I wish my good sister a happy marriage, happiness and happiness, and the passion of the groom forever, old age together!

37、红梅吐芳喜成连理,绿柳含笑永结同心。 Red plum Tufang likes tobe connected, green willow smiles and knows one heart forever.

38、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't get married, love will die without a place to bury.

39、花花世界,*恋爱;新娘黑猫款,新郎黑狗派。 Flower world, free love; bride black cat style, groom black dog pie.

40、衷心祝愿爱侣一生常相伴,爱意一世常相随。 I sincerely wish my lover a lifetime of companionship and love.

41、让这缠绵的诗句,敲响幸福的钟声。愿你俩永浴爱河,白头偕老! Let this lingering poem ring the bell of happiness. May you two always be in love and grow old together!

42、金屋笙歌偕彩凤,洞房花烛喜乘龙。 Golden house sings with colorful phoenixes, and bridal chamber candles like dragons.

43、闺蜜祝你百年好合,新婚愉快,甜甜蜜蜜,早生贵子。 Honey wishes you a hundred years of good marriage, happy marriage, sweet, early birth of your son.
