1、一人一孤城,半梦半浮生。 One person, one lonely city, half dream and half floating life.

2、下雨了,我心也跟着被淋湿了,冻伤了。 It rained, and my heart got wet and frostbite.

3、不要为了挽留一个不爱你的人,而变得可怜兮兮。 Don't become pathetic in order to keep a person who doesn't love you.

4、你对我多重要,我后悔没让你知道。 I regret not letting you know how important you are to me.

5、你爱了那么多人,却只记住了一个人的名字。 You love so many people, but only remember one person's name.

6、你知不知道,你那些掩藏的秘密,让我伤透了心。 Do you know, your hidden secrets have broken my heart.

7、你若爱我,怎么会轻易受时间挑拨离开的那么诀别。 If you love me, how can easily be provoked by time to leave, so goodbye.

8、做自己该做的事吧!生活还要继续,学习还要努力啊! Do what you should do! Life needs to continue and study hard!

9、再对我笑一次吧,就像初见时那样。 Smile at me again, just like you did when you first met.

10、即使已经被你抛弃,你的爱也就不值得我拥有。 Even if it has been abandoned by you, your love is not worth me.

11、原来有种心情叫无可奈何,有种感觉叫有心无力。 There is a kind of mood called helpless, there is a feeling called powerless.

12、后来想想当初那份深情,倒像是胡闹。 Later, when I think about that deep feeling, it seems to be farce.

13、因为爱你,所以害怕失去你。 Because I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.

14、如果他总在为别人撑伞,你又何必为他等在雨中。 If he is always holding an umbrella for others, why do you have to wait in the rain for him.

15、小时候,受委屈,会哭。长大了,受委屈,想哭。 When I was a child, I would cry when I was wronged. Grow up, aggrieved, want to cry.

16、当一个人仰望天的时候他不是傻,他只是落寂而已。 When a man looks up at the sky, he is not stupid, he is just lonely.

17、当看破一切的时候,才知道,原来失去比拥有更踏实。 When seeing through everything, I know that losing is more practical than owning.

18、得不到回报的付出,要懂得适可而止。 If you don't get paid back, you should know enough.

19、忘掉岁月,忘掉痛苦,忘掉你,我们永不说再见。 Forget the years, forget the pain, forget you, we will never say goodbye.

20、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。 Think of you when some happy, happy some sad.

21、我不会温暖人,我是个可怕的人。 I don't warm people. I'm a terrible person.

22、我们之间的距离并不远,只是你,连半步都不肯迈出。 The distance between us is not far, just you, not even half a step.

23、我在等一个神话,在等一个不可能发生的神话。 I'm waiting for a myth, for an impossible myth.

24、我总有那么多的无奈,好似所有人都已将我忘记。 I always have so many helpless, as if everyone has forgotten me.

25、或许生命的尽头,才就是思念的终结。 Perhaps the end of life is the end of missing.

26、无话不说是我们的曾经,无话可说是我们的结局。 No words do not say is our once, nothing to say is our end.

27、最爱你的人是我,你怎么舍得我难过。 The person who loves you most is me. How can you let me feel sad.

28、有些人,想念在生命里,消失在生活里。 Some people, miss in life, disappear in life.

29、有些人,错过了,不是错了,而是过了。 Some people, missed, not wrong, but passed.

30、有时候,孤单一个人反而更好。没人伤害得了你。 Sometimes it's better to be alone. No one hurt you.

31、有时候,选择快乐,更需要勇气。 Sometimes, it takes courage to choose happiness.

32、每个人,都有一个世界,安静而孤独。 Everyone has a world, quiet and lonely.

33、没压住,发火了。你倒霉,碰到我心境不好。 I didn't hold it down. I got angry. You're in a bad mood when you meet me.

34、没有什么是永远灿烂的,太阳都不能,更何况爱情。 Nothing is always brilliant, the sun can not, let alone love.

35、没有你,就算把世界给我,我还是一无所有。 Without you, even if you give me the world, I still have nothing.

36、泪水化作丝雨,假装一切悲伤从没来过。 Tears into silk rain, pretending that all sadness has never come.

37、爱情里,累的永远是主角,伤的永远是配角。 In love, tired is always the leading role, hurt is always the supporting role.

38、爱是生活中最好的伙伴,只是我们常常丢弃它。 Love is the best companion in life, but we often discard it.

39、矛盾像首尾互接的鱼,在这个世界中长久地存活着。 Contradictions, like fish that connect head to tail, exist in this world for a long time.

40、穷人家的孩子,喜欢一个人都害怕自己配不上。 Children from poor families are afraid that they are not worthy of being alone.

41、累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑,简单生活就好。 Sleep when you are tired, smile when you wake up, and live a simple life.

42、累了心好憔悴,放下吧,我为什么又放不下呢。 Tired heart good haggard, put it down, why can't I put it down.

43、脸上的高兴,别人看失掉。心里的痛又有谁能觉失掉。 The joy on his face is lost to others. Who can feel the pain in the heart.

44、读书读到抽筋处,文思方能如尿崩! Reading to cramps, Wensi can be like diabetes insipidus!

45、跟朋友装沉默,跟陌生人讲心里话。 Pretend to be silent with friends and talk to strangers.

46、过于透明的寂寞,是孤单的理由! Too transparent loneliness is the reason for loneliness!

47、那一场盛世流年,我们守着寂寞伤得面目全非。 In that prosperous time, we were lonely and hurt beyond recognition.

48、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Those who said never to separate before, have already scattered in the horizon.

49、青春真的很单薄,什么都很轻,风一吹,我们就走散。 Youth is really thin, everything is very light, the wind blows, we are separated.

50、青春,美妙的谎言。没有你,要青春又有何用。 Youth, a wonderful lie. What's the use of youth without you.