1、一生都在错过,哪有什么可后悔的。 Miss all my life. What can I regret.

2、不要怪别人对你冷淡,是你在他心里什么都不算。 Don't blame others for your indifference. It's you who don't count in his heart.

3、他耷拉着脑袋,低垂着眼帘,唉声叹气地走着。 He walked with his head down, his eyes drooping and his groaning.

4、你喜欢的是他,为什么还要把你的难过分享给我。 You like him. Why do you share your sadness with me.

5、你明明知道我不善言辞不懂挽留,为什么你还要走。 You know clearly that I am not good at words and don't understand retention. Why do you still go.

6、你永远看不见我眼里的泪,因为你不在时我才会哭泣。 You will never see the tears in my eyes, because I will cry when you are away.

7、你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。 You use silence to avoid me, then I use not to contact to complete you.

8、别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影。 Don't think about rewinding. This is life, not film.

9、到最后心空了,所有的美好都留在了曾经。 In the end, the heart is empty, and all the good things are left in the past.

10、回忆再美,也只是碰巧飘过而已。 No matter how beautiful the memories are, they just happen to drift by.

11、如今的我们,天各一方,愿莫失莫忘。 Today, we are in different parts of the world.

12、如果让我再一次选择,我还是会选择你。 If I choose again, I will still choose you.

13、对一个人的爱累到什么程度才会心甘情愿的去放弃。 To a person's love tired to what extent will be willing to give up.

14、心若倦了,泪也干了。好吧,我们彼就此散了吧! Heart if tired, tears also dry. Well, let's break up!

15、总有那么一刻,自己会莫名的失落! There will always be a moment, their own inexplicable loss!

16、总要彻彻底底绝望一次,才能重新再活一次。 You have to be desperate once and for all to live again.

17、我习惯了无所谓,却不是真的什么都不在乎。 I'm used to nothing, but I don't really care about anything.

18、我们那么久的爱情,最终还是结束于时间。 Our love for so long, finally ended in time.

19、我喜欢了你七年,换来了你一句我有病。 I like you for seven years, in exchange for you, I am sick.

20、我流过的泪,让你咽下去恐怕要撑破你的胃。 My tears, if you swallow them, will burst your stomach.

21、我痛恨所有骗我的人,因为我曾无条件的相信过。 I hate all the people who cheat me, because I believe unconditionally.

22、我的快乐方式有很多种,但每一种都是非你不可。 There are many ways for me to be happy, but each of them is for you.

23、我还是忘记不了他,我知道他永远都看不到。 I still can't forget him. I know he'll never see it.

24、所谓成功,就是按你自己喜欢的方式,过你的一生。 The so-called success is to live your life in the way you like.

25、时间的稀释,今夜的雨是不是可以洗去以往的沉痛。 Time dilution, tonight's rain can wash away the past pain.

26、曾经以为我们不会分开的,可惜那也只是我以为罢了。 Once thought we would not separate, but it was just that I thought.

27、曾经说会等我的人现在各自都有了爱人。 People who once said they would wait for me now have their own lovers.

28、最怕你一生碌碌无为,还安慰自己平凡可贵。 Most afraid of your life, but also comfort their ordinary valuable.

29、有一种感情叫无缘,有一种放下叫成全。 There is a feeling called no fate, there is a put down called Chengquan.

30、有多少人爱看最近访客,就等待着那个人出现。 How many people like to see the recent visitors and wait for that person to show up.

31、朋友就是把你看透了,还能喜欢你的人。 A friend is someone who can see through you and like you.

32、漂亮只能为别人提供眼福,却不一定换到幸福。 Beauty can only provide happiness for others, but not necessarily for happiness.

33、熟悉的歌谣里,藏着童话的影子。 Familiar ballads, hidden in the shadow of fairy tales.

34、爱上文字的人都不会快乐,骨子里有种凄凉。 People who fall in love with words will not be happy, there is a kind of desolation in the bone.

35、爱情像泡沫,一触碰就破。 Love is like a bubble.

36、男人头上一片,天天顶着,所以才会累! A man's head, every day, so will be tired!

37、看了你资料上百遍,但就是不能和你说一句话。 I've read your information a hundred times, but I can't say a word to you.

38、知道心痛的感觉吗?想到你就发抖。 Do you know the feeling of heartache? I shiver at the thought of you.

39、祈求天地放过一双恋人,怕发生的永远别发生。 Pray for heaven and earth to let go of a pair of lovers, afraid of never happen.

40、离开后,别说祝我幸福,你有什么资格祝我幸福? After leaving, don't say wish me happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness?

41、等到你爱过痛过哭过恨过之后,你的感官也就迟钝了。 When you have loved, hurt, cried, hated, your senses will be dull.

42、等待阳光吧,除了等待之外,怎么发愁都是无用的。 Wait for the sunshine, besides waiting, how to worry is useless.

43、能在一起的心不在,真正相爱的永世不分离! Can be together in the heart is not in, the true love forever does not separate!

44、说好每一天,每一分,每一秒,大手拉小手一起走。 Said that every day, every minute, every second, big hand small hand together.

45、请让我逃离有你的地方,就当是我无力承受你的好。 Please let me run away from where you are, just as I can't bear your good.

46、谁应了谁的劫,谁又变成了谁的执念。 Who should be robbed by others becomes the obsession of others.

47、还喜欢还在意,但不再渴望和你在一起。 Still like and care, but no longer eager to be with you.

48、这年头猪都涨价,凭什么你不能涨价? The price of pigs is rising these days. Why can't you raise the price?

49、郁闷的时候蹲下来抱抱自己,原谅别人也原谅自己。 When depressed, squat down and hug yourself, forgive others and forgive yourself.

50、都说孤独和酒很配,却不知这样很容易让人流泪。 They say loneliness and wine match well, but I don't know that it's easy to make people cry.