1、不知道怎么了,这两天总是会梦到你。 I don't know why. I always dream about you these two days.

2、不管怎样,内心深处,始终是你。 No matter what, deep down, it's always you.

3、不要等她放弃了,才说喜欢她。 Don't wait for her to give up and say you like her.

4、专一是喜欢一个人时,用一心一意。 Specificity is to like a person, with one mind.

5、世界人潮万千,只有你入我眼。 There are thousands of people in the world, only you come into my eyes.

6、亲情、友情、爱情,是必须珍惜的财富。 Family affection, friendship and love are treasures that must be cherished.

7、人生若只如初见,我愿停留在昨天。 If life is just like the first sight, I would like to stay in yesterday.

8、你的一句爱*,我的一生从此征战。 Your words of love, my life from the war.

9、你给的温柔,我还是那么着迷。 You give the gentle, I am still so fascinated.

10、你若穿上别人的婚纱,我便穿上袈裟。 If you put on someone else's wedding dress, I'll put on my cassock.

11、你许我三世烟火,如今只剩一世迷离。 You allow me three generations of fireworks, now only one life blurred.

12、你走吧,我总要习惯一个人。 You go. I'll get used to being alone.

13、其实我不是胖嘟嘟,只是肉很多。 In fact, I'm not chubby, just a lot of meat.

14、即使我离你有多近,你总是看不见我。 Even how close I am to you, you can't see me.

15、原来都遗忘了,当年的张国荣。 All of them have been forgotten, Zhang Guorong.

16、只是悔恨当初,没有拉住你的手。 Just regret that I didn't hold your hand.

17、呜呜,我好害怕,你不要走嘛! Sobbing, I'm so scared. Don't go!

18、喜欢你,是我做过最靠近爱情的事。 Like you, is I have done the closest thing to love.

19、喜欢是棋逢对手,爱是甘拜下风。 Like is a good match, love is willing to be inferior.

20、嘿,夏天的风很凉快,但请你不要晒太阳。 Hey, the wind is cool in summer, but please don't bask in the sun.

21、四叶草、太美好、我用未来得不到。 Clover, too beautiful, I can't get it with the future.

22、因为我喜欢你,所以你别喜欢她。 Because I like you, so you don't like her.

23、多余的思念,留给时间去磨灭。 Redundant missing, leave time to wear away.

24、天上无云不下雨,世间无理事不成。 There are no clouds and no rain in the sky.

25、女人抽烟不好,再好看也有风尘味。 It's not good for a woman to smoke.

26、如果今天,你我易地而处,我会信你。 If today, you and I change places, I will believe you.

27、宁可高傲的发霉,也不去卑微的恋爱。 It is better to be haughty and moldy than to be humble in love.

28、小哥:用我一生,换你十年天真无邪。 Brother: with my life, for ten years of innocence.

29、少说多做,属于你的终究会来。 Say less and do more. What belongs to you will come.

30、幸好我爱笑,生活才没那么糟糕。 Fortunately, I love to laugh. Life is not so bad.

31、想不开就不想,得不到就不要。 If you can't think about it, you don't want to get it.

32、想和你去下雪的城市,一步一步成白头。 Want to go with you to snow city, step by step into the white head.

33、感谢生命中有你,让我渡过每段失意。 Thank you in my life, let me through every frustration.

34、我不是木乃伊,却过着木乃伊的生活。 I'm not a mummy, but I live a mummy life.

35、我不管谁是谁的,我只想你是我的。 I don't care who is whose, I just want you to be mine.

36、我已准备好将权利减半。义务倍增了。 I am ready to halve my rights. Obligations have multiplied.

37、我想为你淋雨,直到忘记那过去。 I want to rain for you until I forget the past.

38、我是你的过客,你却是我的心。 I am your passer-by, but you are my heart.

39、我爱你,愿你我偕手到白头! I love you, I wish you and I will go hand in hand!

40、我的不主动联系,弄丢了许多的人。 I don't take the initiative to contact, lost a lot of people.

41、我要的不多,简简单单,有你就够了。 I don't want much. You are enough.

42、故事不能回返,青春早已散场。 The story can not return, youth has long been over.

43、新发型,做头发七个小时,少女感十足。 New hairstyle, hair done for seven hours, full of girlish feeling.

44、曾经的爱,慢慢变成了伤害。 Once the love, slowly turned into injury.

45、月是天下客,君是人间绝色。 The moon is the guest of the world, and the king is the unique beauty in the world.

46、没必要把我当回事,你好好的就好。 There's no need to take me seriously. Just be OK.

47、没有什么,可以永垂不朽,比如爱情。 Nothing can be immortal, such as love.

48、生活的理想就是理想的生活。 The ideal of life is the ideal life.

49、用最诚挚的情意,真真切切给你幸福! With the most sincere affection, really give you happiness!

50、疏远,有时候不是讨厌,而是太喜欢。 Alienation, sometimes not hate, but too like.

51、相爱本是陪伴,宠爱又何须多言。 Love is company, but love needs no more words.

52、空守一座城,独等一个旧人。 Keep a city empty and wait for an old man.

53、繁华落尽,物是人非,怎奈几何时。 Prosperous fall, things are different, but when.

54、*不是你给的,而是我自己的选择。 Freedom is not from you, but from my own choice.

55、花开,是你把我的双眼填满。 Flowers bloom, you fill my eyes.

56、若爱,请深爱,如弃,请彻底。 If love, please love deeply, if abandon, please thoroughly.

57、说句我爱你,让幸福感受长留心间! Say that I love you, let happiness feel long attention!

58、距离让我们淡了,时间让我们累了。 Distance makes us light, time makes us tired.

59、路很长我陪你走,手牵好,别走丢。 The road is very long, I accompany you to walk, hand in hand, don't lose.

60、陪你痴狂千世,陪我万世轮回。 Accompany you crazy thousands of times, accompany me eternal reincarnation.