1、一开始我们为了梦想而忙,渐渐的忙得忘了最初的梦想。 At first we were busy with our dreams, and gradually we forgot our original dreams.
2、上辈子一千次的卖萌,终于换来你今生一次的回眸。 Last life 1000 times of sales, finally exchange for your life of a look back.
3、不要拿过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己。 Don't take the memories of the past to torture yourself.
4、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多么欢快的曲子,都会止不住的流泪。 When people are sad, no matter how happy music they listen, they will cry.
5、人犯错误,多半是在该用真情时太过动脑筋,而在该用脑筋时又太感情用事。 People make mistakes, most of them are too brainy when they should use true feelings, and they are also emotional when they should use their brains.
6、人生,最好的心态是平静,最好的感觉就是*,最好的心情那是童心。 Life, the best mentality is calm, the best feeling is freedom, the best mood is childlike.
7、什么青梅竹马,什么心有灵犀,什么一见钟情,都不过是些锦上添花的借口。 What is plum, what heart has sharp, what love at first sight, is just some pretext of the icing on.
8、你其实不用这么冷淡,你放心,我也没想过要纠缠。 You don't have to be so cold, you can rest assured, I didn't want to entangle.
9、你和她接吻的时候,有没有突然想到、我曾用力咬过你的唇。 When you kissed her, did you suddenly think that I had tried to bite your lips.
10、别指望伯乐从天而降,拜你为上卿。能力是干出来的。 Don't expect Bole to come down from heaven, and worship you as your superior. Ability is done.
11、听话,别趟爱情这滩浑水。 Listen, don't go to love this beach.
12、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。 Where someone likes to be alone, but not disappointed.
13、喜欢一个人是克制不住想要跟他亲近,跟他说话,了解他的一切。 It is impossible to be close to someone, to talk to him and to know everything about him.
14、喜欢花的人是会去摘花的,然而爱花的人则会去浇水。这就是爱和喜欢的区别。 People who like flowers will pick flowers, but those who love flowers will water them. That's the difference between love and love.
15、太完美的爱情,我不相信,途中聚聚散散难舍难分,终有一天会雨过天晴。 Too perfect love, I don't believe, on the way to gather scattered, hard to give up, one day will rain and clear.
16、好像什么都不在乎,却又什么都放不下。 It seems that nothing cares, but nothing can be put down.
17、好好去爱,去生活。记住,每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的晨光。 Love and live. Remember, every day the sun is new, do not live up to the good morning light.
18、好朋友就是即使不能拉你一把,也绝不会让你掉下去的人。 A good friend is someone who will never let you fall even if you can't pull it.
19、如果你想成为最棒的人,必须遇见最厉害的对手。 If you want to be the best person, you have to meet the best opponent.
20、如果你爱我就请告诉我,趁我还在,趁我还爱。 If you love me, please tell me, while I am still, while I love.
21、如果你觉得自己整天累的像狗一样,你真是误会大了,狗都没有你这么累。 If you feel like a dog all day long, you really misunderstood, the dog is not so tired.
22、如果把心也一起沉入海底,思念也一定能跟着潮汐不停地走向你。 If you sink your heart into the bottom of the sea, you will always be able to follow the tide.
23、安乐给人予舒适,却又给人予早逝;劳作给人予磨砺,却能给人予长久。 Comfort gives comfort, but also gives early death; labor gives people a grind, but can give people long-term.
24、希望你永远像个孩子一样,善良可爱真性情。 I hope you will always be like a child, kind and lovely and real temperament.
25、希望迈过这道坎后,那些心有不甘却力所不及的日子也能够变得有意义。 Hope that after walking through this threshold, those days with unwilling but unable to do so will also become meaningful.
26、幸福就是有一个人陪你无聊,难得的是你们两个都不觉得无聊。 Happiness is to have a person accompany you boring, rare is you both do not feel bored.
27、当有人把你推倒了,不管多苦多累,也要站起来狠狠地还她一巴掌。 When someone pushes you down, no matter how hard and tired, you should stand up and give her a slap.
28、我也想忘掉你,可是,连输入法都认得你了。 I want to forget you, but even the input method recognizes you.
29、我们必须拿我们所有的,去换我们所没有的。 We have to take all of us and change what we don't have.
30、我很爱你,但有些不可告诉你的理由要离开你请原谅。 I love you very much, but please forgive me for some reasons that can't tell you to leave you.
31、我想要给你珍惜,但是你却看不上眼。 I want to cherish it for you, but you don't look down on it.
32、掉头一去是风吹黑发,回首再来已雪满白头。 Turn around is the wind blowing black hair, look back and snow is full of white.
33、欣赏一个人,始于颜值,敬于智慧,合于性格,久于善良,终于人品。 Appreciation of a person begins with the appearance, respect for wisdom, in character, long in goodness, and finally character.
34、每一段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。 Every period of youth will be old, but I hope you have been good in my memory.
35、每个人都在努力,并不是只有你满腹委屈。 Everyone is trying, not just you are full of grievances.
36、水浅王八多,遍地是大哥。不是社会人,竟唠社会嗑。 Water shallow Wang more than eight, everywhere is big brother. Not a social person, but nagging society.
37、没什么好抱怨的,今天的每一步,都是在为之前的每一次选择买单。 There is nothing to complain about. Every step of today is to pay for every choice before.
38、爱情可以是低到尘埃里还要开出花来的卑微,也可以是自此天涯不相问的骄傲。 Love can be low to dust but also open flowers from humble, can also be the pride of the end of the world.
39、玲珑骰子安红豆,入骨相思君知否。 Exquisite dice, an red bean, love each other, you know whether.
40、生命中最难的阶段不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂你自己。 The hardest stage in life is not that no one knows you, but you don't understand yourself.
41、生命是一项随时可以中止的契约,爱情在最醇美的时候,却可以跨越生死。 Life is a contract that can be suspended at any time. Love can span life and death when it is the most mellow and beautiful.
42、真正爱一个人的时候,你会在意她的一切,她不开心的时候,你也会不开心。 When you really love someone, you will care about her everything. When she is unhappy, you will not be happy.
43、被人打一巴掌并不可怕,可怕的是你没想过该怎么还回去。 It's not terrible to be slapped. What's terrible is that you didn't think about how to go back.
44、该离开了,没有人属于你。 It's time to leave. No one belongs to you.
45、谁懂你的欲言又止,谁又懂会你的笑而不语。 Who knows your desire to speak and stop, who knows will you laugh and not speak.
46、走得最急的,都是最美的风景,伤得最深的,总是那些最真的感情。 The most urgent to walk, are the most beautiful scenery, the most hurt, always those most true feelings.
47、逝去的岁月,怎么找得回来,你曾经的微笑却在回忆里散不开。 The past years, how to find back, you once smile in the memories can not be separated.
48、遇见你是命运的安排,成为了朋友是我的选择,而爱上你是我无法控制的意外。 Meeting you is the arrangement of fate, becoming a friend is my choice, and falling in love with you is an accident I can't control.
49、那些故事从心灵的小洞钻出去,释放了年少的忧郁。 The stories drill out of the hole of the heart, releasing the melancholy of the young.
50、闯红灯的一般有两种后果,要么比别人快一分钟,要么比别人快一辈子。 There are two consequences for running red lights, either one minute faster than others or a lifetime faster than others.