1、一个人有多不认真,就有多深情! How careless a person is, how affectionate!

2、一个人的情人节,延续到无止境。 A person's Valentine's day, continued to endless.

3、一些伤口之所以总会痛,那是因为你总是去摸。 Some wounds always hurt because you always touch them.

4、不忘初心方得始终,初心易得始终难守。 Don't forget the original intention, you can get it all the time.

5、不管会怎样,只要你记得曾经有我这么一个人。 No matter what, as long as you remember there was a person like me.

6、不要去试探别人,否则你就知道什么叫全剧终。 Don't try to test others, or you will know what the end of the play is.

7、世界有了你神魂颠倒,但是我的世界没有你。 The world is crazy with you, but I don't have you in my world.

8、主动错了吗,爱真的错了吗,心怎么很累很痛了! Active wrong, love is really wrong, how the heart is very tired, very painful!

9、从今以后,左胸口的那个地方再也不属于你。 From now on, the place on your left chest will no longer belong to you.

10、他即使有千般不好,万般辜负毕竟是我爱过的人。 Even if he has a thousand kinds of bad, all kinds of disappointments, after all, is the person I love.

11、你在的时候你是一切,你离开的时候一切是你。 You are everything when you are here, everything is you when you leave.

12、你多学一样本事,就少说一句求人的话。 If you learn more than one skill, you will say less about asking for help.

13、你是我的生命,但我在你生命中却只是路过。 You are my life, but I'm just passing by in your life.

14、你翻过几座山,踏过几条河流,拔山涉水来到这里。 You climb over several mountains, step over several rivers, pull up mountains and wade here.

15、再疼的伤痛终会过去,无论它曾经多么痛彻心扉。 Again the pain of pain will pass, no matter how painful it has been.

16、别告诉她,我还想她,恨总比爱容易放下。 Don't tell her, I still miss her. Hate is easier than love.

17、别觉得我对你好,就是理所当然的。 Don't take it for granted that I treat you well.

18、压抑的痛,有太多太多诉说不出的情愫。 Depressed pain, there are too many feelings that can't be expressed.

19、原本以为、不想跟人说话就不会跟我说的。 Originally thought, do not want to talk to people will not talk to me.

20、后来,那些关于你的记忆,轻轻一碰就惊天地动。 Later, the memory of you touched lightly.

21、吸了多少口勇气,吐出来却只是叹息! How many breaths of courage, spit out just sigh!

22、喝醉从来就不是酒精的罪过,而是感情的度数太高。 Drunkenness is never the crime of alcohol, but the degree of emotion is too high.

23、圆满的,不一定是最美的,最美的,经常只有遗憾。 Perfect, not necessarily the most beautiful, the most beautiful, often only regret.

24、坏人教会你成长,好人告诉你方向。 Bad people teach you to grow, good people tell you the direction.

25、多希望你会看穿我的不安心和难过可是你没有。 I wish you could see through my uneasiness and sadness, but you didn't.

26、如今再回首,才发现,我们曾经是如此的幼稚。 Now looking back, we found that we used to be so naive.

27、如果当初忍住做朋友,会不会更长久。 If I had resisted being a friend, would it have been longer.

28、如若你伴我终其一生、你便是我的信仰。 If you accompany me all my life, you are my faith.

29、宁愿一开始什么都没有,也不愿最后全部都失去。 I'd rather have nothing in the beginning than lose everything in the end.

30、少问别人为什么,多问自己凭什么。 Ask less about why others are, and more about who you are.

31、年龄,只是一种特殊记录过往的代名词。 Age is just a kind of pronoun to record the past.

32、心一跳,爱就开始煎熬,每一分,每一秒。 Heart beat, love begins to suffer, every minute, every second.

33、愿变向日的葵花。一生执着、一生等待。 The sunflower is changing. A lifetime of persistence, a lifetime of waiting.

34、我不过是你的一个选择,你却是我唯一的答案。 I'm just a choice for you, but you're my only answer.

35、我曾说过最害怕的就是你离开我,我的话灵验了。 I once said that the most frightening thing is that you leave me. My words work.

36、我爱他、就像旋涡、一点一点被它吞噬着。 I love him, like a vortex, bit by bit by it swallowed.

37、我的世界那么小全是他,他的世界那么大却没有我。 My world is so small, it's all him, his world is so big, but I'm not.

38、我自己都过不好这一生,却老喜欢给人讲道理。 I don't live a good life myself, but I always like to reason with others.

39、我要像太阳那样,永远照着向日葵。 I want to shine on the sunflower like the sun.

40、所有物是人非的风景里,只有你弥足珍贵。 In all the scenery, only you are precious.

41、无人问我粥可温,无人陪我立黄昏。 No one asked me whether porridge could be warm, no one to accompany me at dusk.

42、时间不会回头,爱情岂能如果。 Time will not turn back, how can love be.

43、曾经以为的天长地久,其实不过是萍水相逢。 Once thought that forever, in fact, it was just a chance encounter.

44、最重要的是自己认识自己,找对自己的位置。 The most important thing is to know yourself and find the right position.

45、有时候有些事,不知道比知道幸福。 Sometimes some things, do not know than know happiness.

46、有时候,觉得自己其实一无所有,仿佛被世界抛弃。 Sometimes, I feel that I have nothing, as if I have been abandoned by the world.

47、止不住的是思绪、藏的住的是想念! Can't stop is thinking, hiding is missing!

48、*如画,山河戎马。我逐鹿天下,守你盛世容华。 The mountains and rivers are picturesque. I'm going after the world to keep you prosperous.

49、淡淡的爱情,阐述的不一样的感觉。 The light love, elaborated the different feeling.

50、爱就像一根扎进肉里的刺,不拨会疼,拨了也会疼。 Love is like a thorn in the flesh. If you don't touch it, it will hurt.

51、爱情是两个人的事,错过了大家都有责任。 Love is a matter of two people, everyone has a responsibility to miss.

52、用自己的力量帮助别人,是疗愈自己的最好方式。 Using your own strength to help others is the best way to heal yourself.

53、用这个年纪最干净最彻底的勇气去爱一个人。 Love someone with the cleanest and most thorough courage at this age.

54、笑容可以瞒过别人,可心疼却瞒不过自己。 Smile can hide from others, but heartache can't hide itself.

55、聊天记录,不舍得删,看着却又那样的讽刺。 Chat records, not willing to delete, looking at but that kind of irony.

56、自尊丢到墙角,掏出所有的好,你还是沉默。 Self esteem to the corner, take out all the good, you are still silent.

57、致命的曾经,是你在我人生中埋下的一个伏笔。 Fatal once, is a foreshadowing of you in my life.

58、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。 The smoke is scattered.

59、这年头,一见钟情的都是脸,不是心。 It's love at first sight.

60、重要的还是当前,每天还要很多路要走。 The important thing is still the present, there are still many ways to go every day.