
2、一个男生不需要太好,肯把游戏退掉听你说就算好。 A boy doesn't need to be too good. It's good if he's willing to return the game and listen to you.

3、一直发着呆、感触着那些和某人有关的过去。 I've been dazed and feeling the past related to someone.

4、不停有意外的美丽,遇见但不是很完美。 There is always unexpected beauty, but it is not perfect.

5、不光明的人生,也能走出一条光明的道路。 Not a bright life, can also walk out of a bright road.

6、不想再次沉陷下去,最后一次想逃开。 I don't want to sink again. I want to escape for the last time.

7、不能久伴,就别深拥。 If you can't be with me for a long time, don't hold me.

8、亲爱的,希望你想明白之前,我还不是别人的新娘。 Honey, I hope you understand before I'm not someone else's bride.

9、人最大的悲伤不是得不到,而是舍不得。 People's biggest sorrow is not not not to get, but to give up.

10、你要抓紧我的手,别缺席我的以后。 You should hold on to my hand and don't miss my future.

11、你要明白,我可以爱你,也可以换了你。 You have to understand that I can love you or change you.

12、你让一个已经消失的人住在你心里,我又怎么去竞争。 You let a disappeared person live in your heart, how can I compete.

13、你还欠我一句对不起,可我不会再说没关系。 You still owe me a sorry, but I won't say it again, it doesn't matter.

14、冬天,装满我们的回忆,让我不敢去碰及。 Winter, full of our memories, let me dare not touch.

15、即使忘记你的样子,也忘不掉你的名字。 Even if I forget your appearance, I can't forget your name.

16、只要你站在那里,我就能够自我治愈。 As long as you stand there, I can heal myself.

17、吃不到的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。 The vinegar that cannot be eaten is the most sour, and the one that moves first is the worst.

18、外貌拿来让别人认得你,内在拿来让别人记得你。 Appearance is used to let others know you, inner is used to let others remember you.

19、大提琴的声音一直在,我只是沉默不语。 The sound of the cello is all the time. I'm just silent.

20、好话谁都会讲,只是行动很少有人做。 Everyone can say good words, but few people do actions.

21、如果可以回到过去、我会选择不认识很多人。 If I could go back to the past, I would choose not to know many people.

22、害怕再次相见,却又担心不再相见。 I'm afraid to meet again, but I'm afraid I won't meet again.

23、尽管有些人最终不属于自己,但遇见了一点也不后悔。 Although some people don't belong to themselves in the end, they don't regret meeting each other.

24、左心房很拥挤,只能装下一个你。 The left atrium is so crowded that it can hold only one of you.

25、当我牵着你的手时,你的心里想着的却是另一个人。 When I hold your hand, your heart is thinking of another person.

26、心若没有良人,眼前全是路人。 If the heart has no lover, the eyes are full of passers-by.

27、心里很难受,想说又说不出来。 I feel very sad, I can't say it again.

28、心里突然有种可怕的想法,我们不应该不在一起。 There was a terrible thought in my heart that we should not be together.

29、想你,是一种痛,隐隐的痛!不常来,却挥之不去。 Miss you, is a kind of pain, faint pain! I don't come often, but I can't get rid of it.

30、我们之间爱着绵延,快乐苦痛都加倍。 The love between us is continuous, the happiness and the pain are doubled.

31、我和暑假分手了,因为开学那贱人! I broke up with the summer vacation, because of that

32、我所看到的只是你的虚伪,你的眼里根本没有我。 All I see is your hypocrisy. There is no me in your eyes.

33、我拒绝所有光,唯独只要你的光。 I refuse all light, only your light.

34、我无法停止去爱你,爱玫男奈薹ㄑ杂鳌 I can't stop loving you, my heart can't express.

35、我陪你走完了冬季,你却把我留在了雪地。 I accompany you through the winter, but you leave me in the snow.

36、扮演你的配角,背叛我的骄傲。 Play your supporting role and betray my pride.

37、明知没有希望,偏偏还要奢望,结局只能失望。 Knowing that there is no hope, but also hope, the outcome can only be disappointed.

38、最初我是一个人,最後我还是一个人。 At first I was alone, and at last I was alone.

39、水凉了可以再喝,可心凉了难以捂热。 When the water is cold, you can drink it again, but when the heart is cold, it's hard to cover the heat.

40、没了你,我连赚钱的动力都没了。 Without you, I can't even make money.

41、灯火阑珊,人彷徨。 The lights are dim and people are hesitating.

42、爱上你等于爱上了悲,放开手却喜欢颓废。 Falling in love with you is equal to falling in love with sadness, let go but like decadence.

43、爱就像拔河,一个人放掉,另一个人就会受伤。 Love is like tug of war, one person let go, another person will be injured.

44、红晕,翡翠,深红,撑起一片光艳暖人的晴空。 Red halo, jadeite, crimson, hold up a bright and warm sky.

45、羡慕的不是风华正茂的,而是搀扶到老的夫妻。 Envy is not the prime, but to help the old couple.

46、能不能让我可以触摸到你,哪怕短暂的瞬间。 Can I touch you, even for a short time.

47、莪的心一直伴随着你,而你的心却装着别人。 My heart is always with you, but your heart is filled with others.

48、记住,永远不要高估自己。 Remember, never overestimate yourself.

49、记忆里的一点一滴,安安静静,细细聆听这雨声。 Listen to the quiet sound of the rain.

50、走过的沿途风景,我只能边走边忘。 I can only forget the scenery along the way.

51、那是一杯清水般的梦境,却只有莪暗暗抽搐的背影。 That is a cup of water like dream, but only Curcuma secretly twitching back.