1、不开心就不要想,对自己好些,因为没有谁会真的在乎你。 If you are not happy, don't think about it, be better to yourself, because no one will really care about you.

2、不要因为打折就去买不需要的东西,不要因为空虚就去爱不合适的人。 Don't buy things you don't need because of discounts. Don't love the wrong people because of emptiness.

3、人们总说,有总比没有好。事实是,不能彻底的拥有,患得患失比一无所有更难受。 People always say that it's better to have than not. The fact is, you can't have it completely, and it's more painful to worry about gain and loss than nothing.

4、从开始的无话不说,到后来的无话可说。 From the beginning, there was nothing to say, to the later, there was nothing to say.

5、你不是真正的快乐,你的笑是你穿的保护色。 You are not really happy. Your smile is the protective color you wear.

6、你今天必须做别人不愿做的事,好让你明天可以拥有别人不能拥有的东西。 You must do what others don't want to do today, so that you can have what others can't have tomorrow.

7、你是我眼都不眨就能说喜欢的人,我却是你头都不抬就能放弃的人。 You are the one I can say I like without blinking, but I am the one you can give up without raising your head.

8、你朝我伸出手的时候,我差点误以为,这一生都可以跟你走。 When you held out your hand to me, I almost mistakenly thought that I could go with you all my life.

9、你走以后来的每个人,我都不敢抱太大希望,这是阴影,也是教训。 Everyone who comes after you leave, I dare not hope too much. This is a shadow and a lesson.

10、你走吧,只是我不说,没人知道你向我承诺过的什么。 You go, just I don't say, no one knows what you promised me.

11、光速流逝的时间,会以回忆的方式重生。 Time passing by the speed of light will be reborn in the way of memory.

12、关于爱的记忆,要好好收藏,只是今后的幸福,要各自寻找。 As for the memory of love, we should collect it well, only for the happiness in the future, we should find each other.

13、只为那心动的瞬间,我爱你,一如当年。 Just for that moment, I love you, just like that year.

14、只有没本事的人才会伤害爱自己的人,欺骗相信自己的人。 Only the incompetent can hurt those who love themselves and cheat those who believe in themselves.

15、各有各的生活,各有各的烦恼,人生过客太多,余生不用你指教了。 Each has his own life, each has his own troubles. There are too many passers-by in life. You don't need to teach him for the rest of his life.

16、如果我假装失忆,会被多少人趁机抛弃。 If I pretend to lose my memory, how many people will abandon me.

17、如果爱情不是错,错的就是爱上你。 If love is not wrong, it is wrong to love you.

18、如花美眷,似水流年。回得了过去,回不了当初。 Like flowers, like water. Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.

19、就当你没来过,我没爱过。 Just think you're not here, I'm not in love.

20、就算你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。 Even if you are a cactus, I would like to bear all the pain to hold you.

21、往往笑的最没心没肺的人,哭的时候往往是最撕心裂肺的。 Often laugh the most heartless people, crying when is often the most heart rending.

22、我们都在期待最好的出现,却往往安于现状的活着。 We are all looking forward to the best, but we are always satisfied with the status quo.

23、我曾试着用一万种方式忘了你,可发现自己总有一万零一次的想起你。 I tried to forget you in ten thousand ways, but I found that I always think of you ten thousand times.

24、我继续热衷于我的生活,就当你从未来过! I continue to be passionate about my life, when you live from the future!

25、我谈了一场恋爱,对着手机笑,对着手机哭,最后分开了也没能抱一抱。 I talked about a love, smile at the mobile phone, cry at the mobile phone, and finally separated and failed to hold.

26、我输了,输给了过去,输给了一场冥冥之中注定的结局。 I lost, lost to the past, lost to a doomed outcome.

27、拼了命的不让身边的人难过,却发现受伤的原来是自己。 I tried my best not to let the people around me feel sad, but I found that it was myself who was hurt.

28、时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了,该懂事了。 Time tells me that it's time to be sensible after the age of vexatious.

29、明明都知道那都是谎言,可是我还是会被感动。 I know it's all lies, but I will be moved.

30、最痛苦的一种再见是从未说出口,但心里却清楚,一切都已结束。 The most painful kind of goodbye is never said, but the heart is clear, everything is over.

31、有些事,只能一个人做。有些关,只能一个人过。有些路,只能一个人。 Some things can only be done by one person. Some pass, only one person. Some roads, only one person.

32、有些感情纠缠久了,到后来你已经分不清楚,到底你是要爱,还是要赢。 Some feelings have been entangled for a long time, but later you have no idea whether you want to love or win.

33、比失去更令人伤心的是,你都没有为了跟我在一起而努力过。 What's more sad than losing is that you haven't tried to be with me.

34、没事的,每个人大概都会经历一些情绪崩溃或者极端的时刻,会好的,会熬过来的。 It's OK. Everyone will probably experience some emotional breakdown or extreme moments. They will be OK and survive.

35、没心没肺地笑,只是不想输掉仅剩下的骄傲。 Heartless smile, just don't want to lose the only remaining pride.

36、爱是费尽心力的全身投入,然后再百转千回的抽身而出。 Love is to put all your heart and soul into it, and then come out again.

37、生命如铜钱,每个人高兴怎么用就怎么用,但一个铜板只能用一次。 Life is like copper money. Everyone can use it as he likes, but a copper plate can only be used once.

38、生命来来往往,没有那么多来日方长,过的每一天,都是余生最美好的一天。 Life comes and goes, not so many days, every day is the best day for the rest of life.

39、生命里总有那么个人,惊艳了时光,让你念念不忘;哭红了眼眶,却还笑着原谅。 There is always a person in your life who surprises you with time and keeps you thinking about it. You cry and blush, but you smile and forgive.

40、笑得最美的时候,往往是哭的最累的时候。 Laugh the most beautiful time, is often the most tired time to cry.

41、终究会有一天,你的手会挽着另一个人的手。而站在我身边的也不再是你。 Eventually, one day, your hand will hold another person's hand. And standing beside me is no longer you.

42、见或不见,并不重要,重要的是想念有多深。 It's not important to see or not to see, it's important to miss how much.

43、说好的不离不弃,为什么会只剩我一个人在原地。 Say good do not leave, why can only leave me in place.