1、一见误终身。 A sight is a mistake.

2、不愿再徘徊。 I don't want to linger.

3、人比黄花瘦。 People are thinner than yellow flowers.

4、你们不懂我。 You don't understand me.

5、你忘记我吧。 You forget me.

6、再几次晚安。 A few more goodnight.

7、双鱼游天下。 Pisces travel all over the world.

8、听余音未散。 The rest of the sound didn't go away.

9、孤独与烈酒。 Loneliness and liquor.

10、心似双死网。 The heart is like a dead net.

11、悲伤的季节。 Sad season.

12、悲欢独自饮。 Joys and sorrows drink alone.

13、感情路难走。 Love is hard to go.

14、戒不掉的痛。 I can't get rid of the pain.

15、执笔写离殇。 Write about Li Shang.

16、承诺太凄凉。 Promises are too bleak.

17、提笔起往事。 To write about the past.

18、放弃你A爱。 Give up your love.

19、放肆的年华。 Wanton years.

20、散场的拥抱。 A hug at the end.

21、无风难驶船。 It's hard to sail without wind.

22、早就忘了我。 I've long forgotten.

23、昨天已太远。 Yesterday was too far away.

24、最伤心美人。 The saddest beauty.

25、梦醒人已散。 When you wake up, you are gone.

26、死在感情中。 Die in love.

27、浅笑醉红楼。 Smile drunk red chamber.

28、深情迎风散。 The deep feeling spreads in the wind.

29、温酒叙余生。 Warm wine for the rest of your life.

30、痛到不想睡。 It's too painful to sleep.

31、笙歌君独幽。 You are alone in Sheng song.

32、给我,你的手。 Give me your hand.

33、花落亦莫离。 Never leave the flowers.

34、花落满茵席。 Flowers fall all over the mat.

35、落笔映惆怅。 Writing reflects melancholy.

36、输不起两遍。 I can't afford to lose twice.

37、逝去的繁华。 The lost prosperity.

38、醉里几时欢。 When are you drunk.

39、须尽丘壑美。 The beauty of the gully must be exhausted.

40、飞雪落孤城。 Snow falls on the lonely city.