1、一时间难以分清,眼泪是甜亦或是咸。 It is hard to distinguish whether tears are sweet or salty.

2、一点一点的累积,关于你的每个消息。 Little by little, every message about you.

3、不能与你看风雪,日月星辰又有什么意义。 I can't see the wind and snow with you. What's the meaning of the sun, moon and stars.

4、不要相信一x的感觉,要记住一直的感受。 Remember, don't always believe the feeling.

5、不要等你走了很远,才发现已经弄丢了我。 Don't wait for you to go far to find that you have lost me.

6、不贬低别人喜欢的东西是一种基本素质。 It is a basic quality not to belittle what others like.

7、为什么总是这样。连敷衍我一下都不愿意。 Why is it always like this. I don't even want to be perfunctory.

8、为你了,我失去了一切。最后连你也失去了! I lost everything for you. In the end, even you lost it!

9、亲爱的能不能别难过,就这样安静的忘记我。 Dear, can not sad, so quietly forget me.

10、他到底哪里好,值得你红了眼眶还笑着原谅。 Where is he good? It's worth your red eyes and a smile to forgive.

11、任何百毒不侵的人,都曾无药可救过。 Anyone who is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons has never been cured.

12、你从来就不属于我,谈不上什么失去。 You never belong to me, nothing to lose.

13、你的思念被我在蓝天叙述的颠沛流离。 Your missing is displaced by my narration in the blue sky.

14、你离开了,但是我会在原地等你回来。 You left, but I'll wait for you to come back.

15、做个可爱的姑娘,不烦世事,满心欢喜。 To be a lovely girl, not to worry about the world, full of joy.

16、分开前想分的是我,分开后想和的是我。 Before separation, I want to be divided, and after separation, I want to be with you.

17、叶子的离开,是风的追逐,还是叔的不挽留。 Leaves leave, is the pursuit of the wind, or uncle does not retain.

18、后来的后来,你早已消失在我的世界。 Later, later, you have already disappeared in my world.

19、嘴里说着不熬夜,却还是在深夜里流浪。 Say not to stay up late, but still in the night wandering.

20、回不到最初的关爱,忘不掉曾经不舍的爱。 Can not return to the original love, can not forget the love that has never been given up.

21、奢望的幸福,总是简简单单,安安静静的。 Luxury of happiness, always simple, quiet.

22、姐从来不说人话,姐一直说的是神话。 She never talks about people. She always talks about myths.

23、就算没有人向我点头,我也不会放弃飞翔。 Even if no one nods to me, I will not give up flying.

24、忐忑一个很给力的歌曲,听说听了能提神。 An awesome song, I heard that I was refreshing.

25、怎样的文字,都无法承受你带给我的伤痛。 What kind of words can't bear the pain you bring me.

26、总有人想等下去,可惜爱情不能靠毅力。 There are always people who want to wait, but love can't rely on perseverance.

27、总有这么一个人,会让你毫无理由的笑起来。 There is always such a person, will make you laugh for no reason.

28、想哭的时候,脑海里就会出现你温暖的脸。 When you want to cry, your warm face will appear in your mind.

29、我一直都不曾对你说,]有你我会很难过。 I have never said to you that I would be very sad without you.

30、我不断倒退,为的只是寻找你的踪迹。 I keep going backwards just to find you.

31、我不相信天长地久,我随时准备孤独终老。 I don't believe in eternity. I'm always ready to die alone.

32、我不近视眼,但是我终究没有看透你的心。 I'm not myopic, but I haven't seen through your heart.

33、我们同时放弃的是爱情,而不是彼此。 What we give up at the same time is love, not each other.

34、我们结婚吧,这样你就可以天天在我身边了。 Let's get married so that you can be with me every day.

35、我会珍惜那个走路时自觉的拉着我的手的人。 I will cherish the person who takes my hand when I walk.

36、我只不过是想要个拥抱,可你总是在讲道理。 I just want a hug, but you're always reasoning.

37、我只想要一点鼓励就好,一点勇气就好。 I just want a little encouragement, a little courage.

38、我对他不是最好的,但他却是对我最好的。 I'm not the best to him, but he is the best to me.

39、我总说没关系,但你也总以为真的没关系。 I always say it's OK, but you always think it's OK.

40、手拉手,只是一个动作,它不告诉我什么。 Hand in hand, it's just an action. It doesn't tell me anything.

41、暗恋是成功的哑剧,说出来就成了悲剧! Secret love is a successful pantomime. It becomes a tragedy to speak it out!

42、有些事一转身就是一辈子,即便想挽回也晚了。 Some things turn around is a lifetime, even if you want to recover it is too late.

43、有时候单身很好,至少没人能伤害你。 Sometimes it's good to be single, at least no one can hurt you.

44、有生之年能遇见你,竟花光我所有运气。 It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.

45、有缘之人,并肩前行;无缘之人,挥手再见。 Those who are destined to go forward shoulder to shoulder; those who are not, wave goodbye.

46、梦觉中,祷告娱乐那么刻意过好每一天。 In my dream, I pray and enjoy myself so deliberately that I can live every day well.

47、梦里的我们那么幸福,现实的俄们一塌糊涂。 In the dream we are so happy, the reality of Russia is in a mess.

48、没有什么委屈不委屈动情,你就该死。 There's no grievance. If you don't feel wronged, you'll die.

49、爱情就像一首歌,最怕听来感同身受。 Love is like a song, afraid to listen to empathy.

50、爱情是盲目的,难找,难得,亦难忘。 Love is blind, hard to find, rare and unforgettable.

51、真正的爱人,不管是穷是富,都能陪在左右! True love, no matter poor or rich, can accompany around!

52、经不住时间的更改,留不住此间的流年。 Can't stand the change of time, can't keep the fleeting time here.

53、能不动声色饮茶,踏碎这一场,盛世烟花。 Can quietly drink tea, step on this scene, flourishing fireworks.

54、若不是互相喜欢,你的痴情都是别人的负担。 If you don't like each other, your infatuation is the burden of others.

55、认识你,喜欢你,爱上你,感谢你给我这些。 Know you, like you, fall in love with you, thank you for giving me these.

56、谁捧起花的脸庞,让岁月美的黯然神伤。 Who holds the face of flowers, let the years of beauty sad.

57、走过山河,也走过你,余生不敢再落笔。 Through the mountains and rivers, also through you, the rest of my life dare not write.

58、远有多远,高有多高,只有试了才知道。 How far is the distance and how high it is, only after trying can we know.

59、那些人刻骨铭心的过往,需要多久来遗忘? How long does it take for those people to forget their unforgettable past?

60、释怀了孤独的忧伤,却成为永远的旋律。 Release the sadness of loneliness, but become the melody forever.