1、亲爱的宝贝,爱你,到永远。 Dear baby, love you forever.

2、从此以后,离经叛道,只为你。 From then on, deviant, just for you.

3、何以解忧,唯有暴…抱抱你。 How to solve the problem, only violence Hold you.

4、你信命吗?命里有你我就信。 Do you believe in life? I believe you in my life.

5、你嘴再这么甜,小心我强吻你。 If you're so sweet, I'll kiss you.

6、你好,能不能借一辈子说话。 Hello, can you speak for a lifetime.

7、你是一道光,靠近你是我的本能。 You are a light. It's my instinct to be close to you.

8、你是世间独有,可遇不可求。 You are the only one in the world.

9、你的名字,是所有故事的开始。 Your name is the beginning of all stories.

10、你的微笑,是我奋斗的不竭动力。 Your smile is my inexhaustible motive force.

11、你的微笑,是我幸福的笔记。 Your smile is my happy note.

12、你的温度,吻的深度,与你共度。 Your temperature, the depth of your kiss, with you.

13、你真傻,连我不爱你你都信了。 You are so stupid that you believe that I don't love you.

14、全世界都知道,你是我的小仙女。 The world knows that you are my fairy.

15、其实我需要的,就是你需要我。 In fact, what I need is that you need me.

16、再忙日子,聪慧的你帮我安排。 Busy days, smart you help me arrange.

17、即使老去,牵手你直到头昏眼花。 Even if old, holding you until dizzy.

18、原来爱这个字,与我遥不可及。 Originally love this word, and I can not reach.

19、叮咚,你有新的爱意请查收。 Ding Dong, please check if you have new love.

20、喜欢被你抓住手的感觉,好幸福。 Like the feeling of being held by you, good happiness.

21、回眸一笑,只为博取芳心一缕。 Looking back and smiling, just to win a wisp of love.

22、坎坷荆棘,有我和你共同分担。 Rough thorns, I share with you.

23、夜色寂寥,许你一场盛世烟花! Lonely night, you may have a flourishing fireworks!

24、头靠在我胸口,聆听着心动。 Head on my chest, listening to the heart.

25、她是我的女人,男人请走来。 She's my woman, man, please come.

26、对你的情,不管海枯石烂永存在。 Love for you, no matter whether the sea is dry and the stone is rotten, will exist forever.

27、对谁都三分钟热度,唯独你。 For everyone, you are the only one.

28、寻了半生的春天,你一笑便是了。 Looking for half a life of spring, you smile is.

29、就算没有结局,我也会很爱你。 Even if there is no end, I will love you very much.

30、怀念是一张张碎纸拼成的照片。 Miss is a piece of broken paper into photos.

31、惊觉相思不露,原来只因已入骨。 Startled Acacia does not reveal, the original only because it has entered the bone.

32、想养一只小狗,牵一只大手。 Want to raise a dog, holding a big hand.

33、愿许一人之偏爱,尽此生之慷慨。 May one's preference be made, and the generosity of this life be done.

34、懂得了你,便拥抱了甜蜜的时光。 Understand you, then embrace the sweet time.

35、我不能,也永远不会,对你厌倦。 I can't, and never will, be tired of you.

36、我历史不好,但记得你的生日。 I have a bad history, but I remember your birthday.

37、我只愿面朝大海,春暖花开。 I just want to face the sea, spring flowers.

38、我岂能尽如人意,但求无愧于你。 I can't be as good as I want, but I'm worthy of you.

39、我想做个梦,梦里有你,有我。 I want to have a dream with you and me in my dream.

40、我想要和你一起,慢慢变老。 I want to grow old with you.

41、我有一个超能力,超级喜欢你。 I have a superpower. I like you so much.

42、我爱你,就像天上的星星一样多。 I love you as many as the stars in the sky.

43、我的每一支笔,都知道你的名字。 Every pen of mine knows your name.

44、我绕得过*错落,绕不过你。 I can't get around you.

45、我这么萌,要不要来个么么哒。 I'm so cute. Do you want a moo.

46、爱太深,会让人疯狂的勇敢。 Love too deep, will make people crazy brave.

47、爱情与山河同在,与日月共存。 Love is with mountains and rivers, with the sun and the moon.

48、生命中有你,才是最平凡的奇迹。 You are the most ordinary miracle in life.

49、用一辈子来回忆,你给我的拥抱。 With a lifetime to recall, you gave me a hug.

50、相敬如宾真心处,才是满足。 Respect each other as guests, sincerity is satisfaction.

51、看不到你的脸,但能想起你笑容。 I can't see your face, but I can remember your smile.

52、真爱总是值得等待的,不着急。 True love is always worth waiting for.

53、等待,一个永远没有归期的人。 Waiting, a person who will never return.

54、老婆,在我心中你永远是最美的。 Wife, you are always the most beautiful in my heart.

55、蓄谋已久的事,不期而来的你。 What you have planned for a long time, you are not expected to come.

56、许下承诺,让我一生陪你走。 Promise, let me accompany you all my life.

57、贴心,可以让爱情甜甜蜜蜜。 Intimate, can make love sweet.

58、那一季的纠缠、是我们的夙命。 That season's entanglement, is our long cherished destiny.

59、除非黄土白骨,我守你岁月无忧。 Unless the Loess white bone, I keep your years without worry.

60、陪你痴狂千世,陪我万世轮回。 Accompany you crazy thousands of times, accompany me eternal reincarnation.