1、sin2a+cos2a,始终如一。 Sin2a + cos2a, consistent.

2、一个香吻,扣开两个心扉。 One kiss opens two hearts.

3、万条信息,抵不过一次相见。 Ten thousand messages can't be worth a meeting.

4、不思进取,思你。 Do not think enterprising, think of you.

5、为你情愿,不*。 Willing for you, not free.

6、事情总要分先前后,你先,全世界后。 Things have to be divided before and after, you first, the whole world after.

7、亲爱的我在想你,你想我么? Honey, I'm thinking about you. Do you miss me?

8、亲爱的,不管在哪里,你都是我的唯一。 Honey, no matter where you are, you are the only one for me.

9、亲爱的,你的一辈子,我来承担。 Honey, I'll take care of your whole life.

10、何以解忧,唯唯有抱抱你。 How to solve the problem is to hold you.

11、你我相伴一生,幸福快乐。 You and I are together for a lifetime, happy and happy.

12、你是我一辈子的骄傲,幸福永远。 You are the pride of my life, happiness forever.

13、你是我心中,思念的永恒。 You are the eternal missing in my heart.

14、你的总和,一半是可爱,一半是温柔。 Your total, half is lovely, half is gentle.

15、你的痛苦,我独家承受。 Your pain, I bear exclusively.

16、卿卿我我忆甜蜜,耳鬓厮磨度佳期。 I remember the sweetness in my heart, and I spent the good time together.

17、告诉桃花,不必再开了。 Tell the peach blossom that it doesn't need to bloom again.

18、和你在一起,鸡毛蒜皮也成了故事。 With you, a little bit of a story.

19、如果我是上帝,会派天使护着你。 If I were God, I would send angels to protect you.

20、念你如初,思你入目,想你沉沉烬如霜。 Miss you as at the beginning, think you into the eyes, think you sink like frost.

21、想你想的睡不着觉,念你念的心怦怦跳。 Think you want to sleep, read you read heart thumping.

22、想你想的睡不着觉,爱你爱到发高烧。 Think you want to sleep, love you love to have a high fever.

23、想做夏日的啤酒,等你上。 Want to make summer beer, waiting for you.

24、愿你知晓,对你的爱,一生不变! May you know that love for you will never change in your life!

25、愿做秋天的清风,吹散你的忧伤。 Willing to be the autumn breeze, blowing away your sadness.

26、我一点不想你,但一点半想你了。 I don't miss you at all, but I miss you at 1:

27、我不敢说永远,我只能给你最长久的陪伴。 I dare not say forever, I can only give you the longest company.

28、我不要天上的星星,我只要尘世的幸福。 I don't want the stars in the sky, I just want the happiness of the world.

29、我们相爱一生,我们相守一世。 We love each other for a lifetime, we stay together for a lifetime.

30、我会奔向你,当你需要我。 I'll run to you when you need me.

31、我对你名字里的每一个字,都喜欢得要命。 I love every word in your name.

32、我想在秋天储存浪漫,好在冬天馈赠给你。 I want to store romance in autumn and give it to you in winter.

33、我把前半辈子写在纸上,余生请多指教。 I write the first half of my life on paper, please give me more advice for the rest of my life.

34、我是面试的,面试你的男朋友。 I'm interviewing. I'm interviewing your boyfriend.

35、我的三观不正,很歪,全都偏向你。 My three outlooks are not correct, very crooked, all of them are biased towards you.

36、我要视你,如命。 It's up to you.

37、日慌慌,夜怅怅,倚床老想你模样。 Day flustered, night melancholy, leaning on the bed always miss your appearance.

38、最感动的是,你懂我所有的口是心非。 The most moving thing is that you know all my duplicity.

39、朴实的情感,为你狂。 Simple emotion, crazy for you.

40、浮云掠过,片片都是念你的情。 Floating clouds passing by, pieces are reading your love.

41、海中月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon in the sea is the moon in the sky.

42、海洋的深度,比不了你“挚爱”的深沉。 The depth of the ocean is not as deep as your "beloved".

43、爱你不是两三天,是岁岁年年。 I love you not for two or three days, but every year.

44、爱你就像每天睁开眼睛一样、这是必须的! Loving you is like opening your eyes every day!

45、爱你的情感,天天年年。 Love your feelings, every day, every year.

46、爱你,是我一生最幸福的事。 Love you is the happiest thing in my life.

47、爱情的路上,两个人就好,三个人太多。 On the road of love, two people are good, three people are too many.

48、珍惜每一天你会发现,快乐常在服务区。 Cherish every day, you will find that happiness is often in the service area.

49、白头偕老不辜负,才是幸福。 It is happiness to live a long life together and live up to it.

50、相知相守爱你一万年,老婆我爱你永不变! Know each other, love you ten thousand years, wife I love you never change!

51、睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。 Think about me when you can't sleep, don't waste time.

52、祝你爱情美满,家庭和睦,幸福快乐一辈子! I wish you happy love, family harmony, happy life!

53、祝这位小朋友,年年有我。 I wish this child every year.

54、给你一个拥抱,将幸福传递。 Give you a hug, pass on happiness.

55、给我抱抱你的身,相互依靠到长久。 Give me a hug to your body, rely on each other for a long time.

56、至少回忆会永久,像不变星空,陪着我。 At least memories will be permanent, like the unchanging starry sky, with me.

57、花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。 Flowers can be folded straight to fold, do not wait for no flowers empty broken branches.

58、虽然不能天天见,分分秒秒把你念。 Although I can't see you every day, I read you every minute.

59、许你一世倾城。 I wish you a lifetime.

60、鲜衣怒马少年时,一日看尽长安花。 When I was young, I saw all the flowers in Chang'an.