1、一生,有你,太短,一世,没你,太长。 Life, with you, too short, a lifetime, without you, too long.

2、一辈子很长,要和有趣的人在一起才快乐。 It's a long life. You have to be happy with interesting people.

3、不小心栽进喜欢你的坎里,一蹶不振。 Accidentally fell into the love of your ridge, never recovered.

4、不敢想你,我怕输了一生! I don't dare to miss you. I'm afraid I'll lose all my life!

5、世上万千变化,在我心里,你是没变的。 Thousands of changes in the world, in my heart, you are the same.

6、两个人在一起就已经很幸福了,别强求太多。 Two people together already very happy, don't force too much.

7、从此山水不相逢,不问旧人长与短。 Since then, mountains and rivers do not meet, and old people are not asked about long and short.

8、你们都会有一个幸福的结局。 You will all have a happy ending.

9、你好滑啊,你是不是德芙本人。 You're slippery. Are you dove herself.

10、你如花般的笑靥,注定了我一生不悔的爱恋。 You such as the flower dimple, doomed my life does not regret the love.

11、你是我都舍不得欺负的人,哪能让别人欺负? You are the one I can't bear to bully. How can I let others bully you?

12、全世界都分手了,我也要和你永远一起。 The whole world has broken up, and I want to be with you forever.

13、原想收获一缕春风,你却给了我整个春天。 Originally wanted to harvest a wisp of spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring.

14、只要你一直在我身边,其他东西不再重要。 As long as you are by my side, other things are no longer important.

15、吃到一颗很好吃的糖,想跟你的嘴巴分享。 Eat a very delicious sugar, want to share with your mouth.

16、夜是灯火不休,你是我的爱至江愁。 Night is endless lights, you are my love to river sorrow.

17、安得与君相诀绝,免教生死作相思。 An de and Jun Jue Jue, avoid teaching life and death for Acacia.

18、对你的情,记在心底,不止一辈子。 My love for you is recorded in my heart for more than a lifetime.

19、就是很喜欢你啊,一眼心动,两眼沦陷。 Just like you very much, one eye heart, two eyes fall.

20、希望我的野蛮和细枝末节,都被你喜欢。 I hope you like my savagery and details.

21、开学后还有你的陪伴,我会很幸福。 I will be very happy with your company after school.

22、忘了给你说,遇见你是一种幸运。 Forget to tell you, meet you is a kind of luck.

23、怎么会爱上了你,并决定带你回家。 How can I fall in love with you and decide to take you home.

24、您好!您有新的恋爱订单,请及时收取我。 Hello! You have a new love order, please collect me in time.

25、惟愿,长长的路,我们慢慢走。 Wish, long road, we walk slowly.

26、惟独你双手握得碎我,但我享受这折磨。 Only your hands break me, but I enjoy the torture.

27、想不起爱你的情话,只能把你压在身下。 Can not think of love words, can only pressure you under the body.

28、愿一梦,只与你同,我我卿卿,风雪与共。 May a dream, only with you, I I Qing Qing, the wind and snow together.

29、愿我为星君似月,夜夜流光相皎洁。 May I be the star king like the moon, the night streamer phase bright.

30、我们的爱像唱一半的歌、断断续续。 Our love is like singing half a song, intermittently.

31、我会喜欢你一天,每一天。 I'll love you every day, every day.

32、我喜欢你,认真且怂从一而终。 I like you, serious and consistent.

33、我好喜欢你,从天南到地北,从地老到天荒。 I like you so much, from the south to the north, from the old to the end of the earth.

34、我已经喜欢你超过两分钟了,不能撤回了。 I've loved you for more than two minutes and can't withdraw.

35、我想了又想,还是舍不得你! I think again and again, or reluctant to give up you!

36、我望着你的眼里,开着倾世桃花。 I look at your eyes, the peach blossom.

37、我用思念的痴狂,问你走过的地方。 I use the madness of missing to ask where you have gone.

38、我的人生只有一件事与你相关,爱护你。 There is only one thing in my life related to you. Love you.

39、我的心早已随你而去,直到生命的尽头。 My heart has gone with you, until the end of life.

40、所有的离开,都是蓄谋已久。 All the departures are premeditated for a long time.

41、捧你在我手心,细心呵护一生! Hold you in my hand, take care of your life!

42、放肆的为了我们骄傲,浪漫的固执的依靠。 Wanton for our pride, romantic stubborn rely on.

43、是因为喜欢你,顺带喜欢了整个夏天。 Because I like you, by the way, I like the whole summer.

44、最暖心的晚安,来自最爱的人。 The warmest good night comes from the one you love most.

45、有你在身边,连空气都是甜的! With you around, even the air is sweet!

46、歪,牵好我的手,不要松开,不要走丢。 Crooked, take my hand, don't let go, don't lose it.

47、满脑子都是你,这真是件很色情的事。 It's really pornographic to be full of you.

48、等雨来,等你的胳膊往我这边拐。 Wait for the rain, wait for your arm to turn to me.

49、终日两相思,为君憔悴尽,百花时。 All day two Acacia, for the king haggard, hundred flowers.

50、给爱一个誓言,让相爱过的彼此思念。 Give love an oath, let the love of each other miss.

51、耀眼的人很多,但闪到我的只有你一个。 There are many dazzling people, but you are the only one who flashes to me.

52、能叫我一声老公吗,哪怕不是真心的。 Can you call me husband, even if it's not true.

53、若教眼底无离恨,不信人间有白头。 If you teach your eyes to hate, do not believe that there is white head in the world.

54、跟你在一起之后,我连腮红都不用了呢。 After I was with you, I didn't even have blush.

55、路边的广告牌,有一个字是你的名字。 The billboard on the roadside has a word for your name.

56、这一生那么长,如果没有你我该如何度过。 This life is so long, how should I spend it without you.

57、这世界欠你的温柔,我给。 The world owes you tenderness, I give it.

58、遇到你之前,世界是一片荒原。 Before I met you, the world was a wasteland.

59、遇见你之后,灵魂不再孤独。 After meeting you, the soul is no longer lonely.

60、驾照你不用去考了,我想做你一辈子的司机。 You don't have to take the driver's license test. I want to be your driver for life.