1、一并历经的风雨,懂得珍惜。 Together through the wind and rain, know how to cherish.

2、不知不觉喜欢你,不是我故意的。 I like you unconsciously, not on purpose.

3、久久的我,爱你! Long time, my love!

4、你太重了,可我却不能从心上移开一点点。 You're too heavy, but I can't take a little from my heart.

5、你是我千种诗意,万种想象。 You are my thousand kinds of poetry and imagination.

6、你是我的心头一热,也是我的不动声色。 You are my heart a hot, but also my silence.

7、你的一生,我独家陪伴。 Your exclusive company in my life.

8、你的决定,我一致顺从。 I'm all for your decision.

9、你的好,是打扰。 Your good thing is to disturb.

10、即使老去,牵手你直到头昏眼花。 Even if old, holding you until dizzy.

11、因为有你,生活有了意义。 Because of you, life has meaning.

12、在我无限的梦中,有无限的你。 In my infinite dream, there is infinite you.

13、坠入爱情的那一秒,既是瞬间,又是永远。 The second of falling in love is both instant and forever.

14、大不了弃了这天下,陪你看这一场浮华。 The big deal abandoned this world, accompany you to see this flashy.

15、大家好,今天脱单,明天开始穿两件。 Hello, everyone. Take off the bill today and wear two pieces tomorrow.

16、好想有你最深情的拥抱,感觉你对我的爱! I really want to have your most affectionate embrace and feel your love for me!

17、对自己好点,受委屈了就来我怀里给你抱抱。 Be nice to yourself. If you are wronged, you will be hugged in my arms.

18、屎都有人拉,我的手怎么没人拉。 There are people pulling excrement, how come no one is pulling my hands.

19、岁月无情人有情,对你思念没有停。 Years without love, miss you never stop.

20、平凡的日子,有你相伴,我才更加幸福。 Ordinary days, with you, I am more happy.

21、平平淡淡,一起牵着手变老。 Ordinary light, holding hands together to grow old.

22、心里有了你,再好的我都不想要。 With you in my heart, no matter how good I don't want.

23、恋人的相逢,是命中注定的缘。 Lovers meet, is predestined fate.

24、情愿为你画地为牢,我在牢里慢慢变老。 I'd rather paint a * for you, I'll grow old in *.

25、想你,爱你,只想亲亲你。 Miss you, love you, just want to kiss you.

26、想打你一顿,也想抱抱你。 I want to beat you and hug you.

27、我可能是盐吃多了,闲得总是想你。 I may be eating too much salt, idle always miss you.

28、我心里已经有了你,再好的我都不想要。 I already have you in my heart, no matter how good I don't want.

29、我想穿过对话框,去抱抱你! I want to go through the dialog box and hug you!

30、我愿看你,一辈子。 I'd like to see you all my life.

31、我承诺的,是无悔无怨的。 What I promise is no regrets.

32、我最近去了一个岛,叫不爱我就拉岛。 I went to an Island recently. If you don't love me, I'll pull the island.

33、我的爱,是美酒,天长地久愈醇厚。 My love is wine, mellow and mellow forever.

34、我的眼中只有你,你是我生命中的奇迹。 I only have you in my eyes. You are a miracle in my life.

35、我非常爱你,也许比任何人的爱情都要强烈。 I love you very much, perhaps more than anyone's love.

36、最幸福的事,是永远爱着你。 The happiest thing is to love you forever.

37、有一种爱,叫好久不见。 There is a kind of love called long time no see.

38、有一首岁月的诗,想慢慢读给你听。 There is a poem of years, I want to read it to you slowly.

39、有你在身边,就是最好的心愿。 With you around, is the best wish.

40、有你,我便尝到了生活的美好。 With you, I can taste the beauty of life.

41、永远屈服于温柔,而你是温柔本身。 And you always yield to gentleness.

42、没有在你最美丽的年华遇到你,是我的错。 It's my fault that I didn't meet you in your most beautiful years.

43、流星滑落,让爱你的美梦成真。 Falling meteor, let love your dream come true.

44、爱你到永久,永远不分离! Love you forever, never separate!

45、爱你,就时刻牵挂你,无论白天还是梦里。 Love you, always care about you, whether in the day or in the dream.

46、用温柔,为你织一件爱的贴心小棉袄。 With tenderness, I weave a little cotton padded jacket for you.

47、直道相思了无益,未妨惆怅是清狂。 Straight way acacia is useless, but melancholy is pure madness.

48、真好,喜欢的人和你的头像一模一样。 Love it. As like as two peas.

49、等你,一生一世。 Waiting for you, all my life.

50、绕过山河错落,才发现你是人间烟火。 Around the mountains and rivers scattered, only to find that you are human fireworks.

51、花儿俏,鸟儿叫,爱你的感觉很奇妙。 The flowers are beautiful and the birds are singing. It's wonderful to love you.

52、衣带宽,不留恋,只为你如花美眷。 Clothing bandwidth, not nostalgia, only for your beautiful flowers.

53、见面少没关系,你别喜欢别人就好。 It doesn't matter if you don't like others.

54、谈恋爱挺麻烦的,以后就麻烦你了。 It's very troublesome to fall in love. I'll trouble you later.

55、贪恋,你的霸道。 Greed, your tyranny.

56、车马很慢,阳光很暖,你很好看。 The cars and horses are very slow, the sun is very warm, you are very good-looking.

57、送你一只天堂鸟,开心常在每一秒。 Send you a bird of paradise, happy often in every second.

58、那一刻,不是你吻我,而是我吻你很幸福。 That moment, not you kiss me, but I kiss you very happy.

59、雕刻你,在心不忘。 Carve you, never forget in the heart.

60、风含情,水含笑,爱你的滋味很美妙。 The wind is sentimental, the water is smiling, the taste of loving you is very wonderful.