1、不要忧心他现在是不是真心爱你,你要自问,现在努力的你,变得更好后,还会不会去爱他。 Don't worry about whether he really loves you now. You have to ask yourself whether you will love him after you become better.

2、不要问我爱你有多深,我真的说不出来,反正你已经在我脑海中、在我心田间不停的奔跑了。 Don't ask me how deep I love you, I really can't say, anyway, you have been running in my mind, in my heart field.

3、与你相遇是此生最美的风景,我的一生借你一程,这一程便是余生。你我之间无人背叛,朝夕相安。 Meeting you is the most beautiful scenery in this life. I'll lend you a journey in my life, which is the rest of my life. There is no betrayal between you and me.

4、世上最美的情感,不是感觉你有多好,而是感念于你对我有多好。彼此依赖,才是最深的相爱。 The most beautiful emotion in the world is not how good you are, but how good you are to me. Mutual dependence is the deepest love.

5、为什么暗恋那么好?因为暗恋从来不会失恋,你一笑我高兴很多天,你一句话我记得好多年。 Why is secret love so good? Because secret love is never lovelorn. I'm happy when you smile. I remember your words for many years.

6、人生不只是安逸。男人挣钱是责任,女人挣钱是价值,长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮才是本事! Life is more than ease. Men earn money is the responsibility, women earn money is the value, beautiful is the advantage, live beautiful is the ability!

7、人生至福,就是确信有人爱你,有人为你的现状而爱你。说得更准确些,有人不问你如何就爱你。 The bliss of life is to be sure that someone loves you and that someone loves you for your status quo. To be more precise, someone loves you without asking you how.

8、你在我身边也好,在天边也罢,想到世界的角落有一个你,觉得整个世界也变得温柔安定了。 Whether you are by my side or in the horizon, thinking of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world has become gentle and stable.

9、你是塔里木盆地,我是太平洋水汽,我长途跋涉竭尽全力去靠近你,却永远无法达到你的心里。 You are the Tarim Basin, I am the Pacific water vapor. I have traveled all the way to get close to you, but I can never reach your heart.

10、你是我今生遇见的最对的巧合,你是我生平一览无遗的全世界,你是我见过笑容最美好的骄阳。 You are the most right coincidence that I met in my life. You are the whole world that I have seen all my life. You are the most beautiful sunshine I have ever seen with a smile.

11、你是我最爱的天气,不用预报也会放晴,偶尔的俏皮的下场雨,也是为了再一次的风和日丽。 You are my favorite weather, no need to forecast will also clear up, occasionally playful next rain, but also for once again the wind and sunshine.

12、你的眼睛真好看,里面有日月,冬夏,晴雨,山川,花草,但我的眼睛更好看,因为里面有你。 Your eyes are really good-looking, there are sun and moon, winter and summer, sunny and rainy, mountains and rivers, flowers and plants, but my eyes are more beautiful, because there are you inside.

13、再等等,等我们走过这匆匆岁月,熬过这人生疾苦。黄昏下我醉在你的怀里,做你可爱的小老太太。 And so on, waiting for us to go through the Rush years, to survive the hardships of life. I am drunk in your arms at dusk, and be your lovely little old lady.

14、喜欢上你!并不是你长的好不好看的原因,而是你在特殊的时间里,给了我别人给不了的感觉。 Like you! It's not because you look good, but because you give me a feeling that others can't give me at a special time.

15、喜欢你,就想把柚子最甜的部分给你,蛋糕上的小樱桃给你,只要是美妙的东西,我都想给你。 Like you, I want to give you the sweetest part of grapefruit, the cherry on the cake, as long as it is a wonderful thing, I want to give you.

16、喜欢记忆中,你拥抱我的温度。喜欢记忆中,你体贴的话语。喜欢记忆中,你给我依靠的肩膀。 Like the memory, you embrace my temperature. I like your thoughtful words in my memory. Like in memory, you give me the shoulder to rely on.

17、喜欢这种东西,捂住嘴巴,也会从眼睛里跑出来。人生最大的幸福就是,你爱的人,恰好爱着你。 Like this kind of thing, covers the mouth, also can run out from the eye. The greatest happiness in life is that the person you love happens to love you.

18、夕阳西下,是我最想念的时候,对着你在的那个城市,说了一声:我想你,不知道,你是否听得到。 Sunset, is the time I miss the most, to the city you are in, said: I miss you, do not know, whether you can hear.

19、如何让你遇见我,在我很美丽的时刻为这,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他让我们结一段尘缘。 How to let you meet me, in my beautiful moment, for this, I have been in front of the Buddha for 500 years, ask him to let us get a piece of dust.

20、如果你要过一个孤独的情人节,不要难过!那个能给你带来快乐的人很快会出现在你身边,相信我! If you want to have a lonely Valentine's day, don't be sad! The one who can bring you happiness will soon appear around you, believe me!

21、对的那个人有一天一定会出现,他会握紧你的手,带你穿过汹涌人潮,在你耳边轻声说着我爱你。 The right person will show up one day, he will hold your hand, take you through the turbulent crowd, whisper I love you in your ear.

22、幸福这种东西,是可以给予的,是可以追求的,是可以放弃的,是可以等待的。看你怎么看。 Happiness is something that can be given, pursued, abandoned, and waited for. It's up to you.

23、当你仍然向继续时就永远不好说再见,此刻所有的痛苦我都能忍受,就是为了能跟你幸福的在一齐。 It's never easy to say goodbye when you are still going on. I can bear all the pain at the moment, just to be happy with you.

24、当我步履蹒跚的时候,还能牵着你的手,真好!当我白发苍苍的时候,还能守护我身边,真好! It's nice to hold your hand when I'm staggering! When I'm white haired, it's good to be able to guard my side!

25、想找个保鲜盒,把你给我的那些感动都装起来,当我不那么喜欢你的时候,就拿出来回味一下。 I want to find a fresh-keeping box to put all the feelings you gave me. When I don't like you so much, I'll take it out and have a aftertaste.

26、想牵着你的手,给你个大大的拥抱,走在大街小巷不着急回家,慢慢悠悠地溜达,一起看夕阳西下。 Want to hold your hand, give you a big hug, walk in the streets, do not worry to go home, walk slowly and leisurely, watch the sunset together.

27、我一生渴望被人收藏好,妥善安放,细心保存,免我惊免我苦,免我四下流离,免我无枝可依。 All my life, I long to be collected, properly placed and carefully preserved, so as to avoid my shock, pain, exile and no branches to rely on.

28、我不是那种甜甜的女孩子,但是我的眼睛里有爱意,我看你的时候,我觉得眼睛里好像有神明。 I'm not that sweet girl, but I have love in my eyes. When I look at you, I feel as if there are gods in my eyes.

29、我喜欢温暖而柔软的东西,像晨曦间柔顺的风,像夜晚等待归人的路灯,还有笑起来格外美好的你。 I like warm and soft things, like the gentle wind in the morning, like the streetlights waiting for someone to return home at night, and you who are especially beautiful when you smile.

30、我想念每一个清晨的吻,晚安的吻,就像是说我在所有老去的时光里,热爱天真又温柔的你。 I miss every morning kiss, good night kiss, just like saying that I love the innocent and gentle you in all my old days.

31、我爱的不是你色盛山河之秋,睫如蝶翅惊展,敛则灭了一众摇曳星子的眸,我爱的是你眼中有我。 What I love is not the autumn when you are full of color and rivers. My eyelashes are like butterflies and wings. If I gather, I will extinguish the eyes of all the swaying stars. What I love is that you have me in your eyes.

32、我看不见风,就像我看不到爱。但是风无时无刻不在吹拂着我,就好像你的爱无时无刻包围着我。 I can't see the wind, just as I can't see love. But the wind is blowing me all the time, just like your love is all around me.

33、我睁开眼,清风明月是你,花草树木是你,瀚海山河是你。于是,我闭上眼,梦里星辰皆化作了你。 I open my eyes, clear breeze and bright moon are you, flowers and trees are you, and the vast sea, mountains and rivers are you. So I close my eyes and the stars in my dream have become you.

34、我行过许多地方的桥,看过许多次数的云,喝过许多种类的酒,却只爱过一个正当最好年纪的人。 I have traveled many bridges in many places, seen clouds many times, drunk many kinds of wine, but only loved a man of the right age.

35、所谓完美,就是耳机音量刚好盖过外界噪音,闹钟响起时你刚好自然醒,你爱的人刚好也爱你。 The so-called perfection is that the volume of the earphone just exceeds the external noise, you wake up naturally when the alarm clock rings, and the person you love just happens to love you.

36、整片天空都是沉沉的雾霭,你一笑一说话时,阳光来了,落在我身边,星就掉了,附在我耳畔。 The whole sky is heavy mist, when you smile and speak, the sun comes, falls on my side, and the stars fall, attached to my ears.

37、没有你的时侯,色彩是单一的,没有你的时侯,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时侯,我是空心的! Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!

38、没有你的时候,色彩是单一的,没有你的时候,饭菜是无味的,没有你的时候,我是空心的。 Without you, the color is single. Without you, the food is tasteless. Without you, I am hollow.

39、没有特别喜欢吃的零食,没有特别喜欢听的歌曲,没有特别喜欢去的地方,却有个特别喜欢的你。 There is no favorite snack, no favorite song, no favorite place to go, but you like it very much.

40、生活中不缺少美,缺的是发现美的眼睛,比如我,见过你之后就感觉这世间所有的风景都黯然失色。 There is no lack of beauty in life. What is lacking is the eyes for finding beauty. For example, I feel that all the scenery in this world is eclipsed after I have met you.

41、男女之间本来就没有平等的爱,总是一个人爱,一个人被爱。爱就是忍受痛苦,被爱就是引发痛苦。 There is no equal love between men and women, always a person to love, a person to be loved. To love is to endure pain, to be loved is to cause pain.

42、直到今天,你依然是我拒绝别人的原因,其实我也没有在等你,我就是没法喜欢上别人而已。 Until today, you are still the reason why I refuse others. In fact, I am not waiting for you. I just can't like others.

43、眼睛只能看到你的身影,耳朵只能听得你的声音,记忆的是有关你的事,心中塞满了你的名字。 Eyes can only see your figure, ears can only hear your voice, memory is about you, heart is full of your name.

44、能够在一起愉快玩耍的基础,是双方都有掀桌子的能力和不掀桌子的修养。生意如此,婚姻亦如此。 The foundation of being able to play happily together is that both sides have the ability to lift the table and the cultivation of not lifting the table. Business is like this, so is marriage.

45、这个世界上有三个重要的日子,有你的那天,有我的那天,“我”和“你”成为“我们”的那一天。 There are three important days in the world, the day when you have me, the day when "I" and "you" become "we".

46、遇见你的那个夜晚,天上的星星仿佛霎时都黯淡下来,因为那一刻起,你是我心中那颗最亮的星。 The night when I met you, the stars in the sky seemed to be dim for a moment, because from that moment on, you are the brightest star in my heart.