1、人的一生,童年有游戏,中年有经历,晚年有回忆。 In one's life, there are games in childhood, experiences in middle age and memories in old age.

2、如果可以回到童年,我会认真走好每一步。 If I could go back to my childhood, I would take every step seriously.

3、学校旁边的小商店,承载着我们童年的全部梦。 The small shop next to the school carries all our childhood dreams.

4、希望宝贝能热爱每一天,好好享受现在快乐的童年时光。 I hope baby can love every day and enjoy the happy childhood now.

5、希望未来的日子,你都能快乐的成长,有个快乐美好的童年! I hope in the future, you can grow up happily and have a happy and beautiful childhood!

6、想回到童年那单纯肆无忌惮的时代,至少没人让我伤心。 If I want to go back to the simple and unscrupulous era of my childhood, at least no one makes me sad.

7、想念我的童年时光。无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有疼痛。 Miss my childhood. Carefree, no responsibility, no heartbreak, no pain.

8、我与时光旅游,它在前,我在后我与时光重游,它向左,我往右。 I travel with time, it's in front, I'm in the back, I revisit with time, it's left, I'm right.

9、我们可以失去童年,但是千万不可以失去童心。 We can lose our childhood, but we must not lose our childlike innocence.

10、我想念我的童年时光,在回忆中,童年的光影,在眼前一一再现。 I miss my childhood. In my memory, the light and shadow of childhood reappear one by one in front of my eyes.

11、我的童年是金色的,它曾让我插上理想的翅膀展翅飞翔。 My childhood is golden. It once let me insert ideal wings and fly.

12、时光流逝,回忆着那些单纯的时光,童年中我们的快乐。 Time goes by, recalling those simple times, our happiness in childhood.

13、时间能不能倒退,回到童年时代,无忧无虑,想想真好。 It's good to think about whether time can go back, go back to childhood and be carefree.

14、梧桐花开的很香,飘满了我的童年。 Wutong flowers are very fragrant and float my childhood.

15、每天想着快点长大,长大后才明白。还是幼稚的童年好啊! I want to grow up quickly every day. I don't understand until I grow up. It's still a childish childhood!

16、现在慢慢回想,童年是一个美好的回忆。 Now look back slowly. Childhood is a beautiful memory.

17、真不想这么快长大,真好想重游一次童年那种无忧无虑的时光。 I really don't want to grow up so fast. I really want to revisit the carefree time of childhood.

18、童年像一个万花筒,五彩缤纷。 Childhood is like a kaleidoscope, colorful.

19、童年像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往。 Childhood is like a colorful dream, which makes people nostalgic and yearn.

20、童年像一只小蜜蜂,虽然忙碌,却很开心。 Childhood is like a little bee, although busy, but very happy.

21、童年像一块魔方,轻轻地转呀转,转出我的喜怒哀乐。 Childhood is like a magic cube, turning gently, turning out my joys and sorrows.

22、童年像一本厚厚的相册,记录着你每天变化的心情。 Childhood is like a thick photo album, recording your changing mood every day.

23、童年像一朵小花,虽然孤单,但很快乐,因为有大树在呵护。 Childhood is like a small flower, although lonely, but very happy, because there is a big tree taking care of it.

24、童年像一艘帆船,载着点点滴滴在水中荡漾。 Childhood is like a sailboat, carrying bits and pieces in the water.

25、童年像一轮初升的太阳,充满朝气。 Childhood is like a rising sun, full of vitality.

26、童年像一阵清风,把不愉快的事吹向远方。 Childhood is like a breeze, blowing unpleasant things far away.

27、童年像冬天的雪,洁白无瑕,一望无际。 Childhood is like winter snow, white and flawless.

28、童年像天上的星星,每当回忆的时候总感觉温馨。 Childhood is like the stars in the sky. Whenever I recall, I always feel warm.

29、童年像春天的花,含苞欲放,生命无穷。 Childhood is like a spring flower, budding and infinite life.

30、童年像清澈的湖水,是纯洁。 Childhood is like a clear lake, pure.

31、童年像美丽的七色彩虹,魅力无穷,让人神往。 Childhood is like a beautiful seven color rainbow with infinite charm and fascination.

32、童年如个调色盘,五彩缤纷。 Childhood is like a palette of colors.

33、童年如同一场梦,梦如此美丽,如此惊奇。 Childhood is like a dream. The dream is so beautiful and amazing.

34、童年时候飞走的你折的纸飞机,什么时候再飞回我手里。 The paper plane you folded when you flew away in your childhood, when will it fly back to me.

35、童年时我们画在手上的表,它没动过,却带走了我们许多时光! The watch we drew on our hands in childhood, it didn't move, but it took us a lot of time!

36、童年是一个书柜,是知识。 Childhood is a bookcase and knowledge.

37、童年是一个冰淇淋,让小朋友在甜蜜的世界里,健康成长! Childhood is an ice cream, let children grow up healthily in a sweet world!

38、童年是一个踩着云彩飘啊飘的梦。 Childhood is a dream floating on clouds.

39、童年是一朵朵白云,承载着希望与欢乐。 Childhood is a white cloud, carrying hope and joy.

40、童年是一束花,散发着沁人的芳香。 Childhood is a bunch of flowers, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

41、童年是一滴水,纯洁透彻,轻盈无虑。 Childhood is a drop of water, pure and thorough, light and carefree.

42、童年是一阵风,来也匆匆,去也无痕。 Childhood is a gust of wind. It comes in a hurry and goes without trace.

43、童年是一首悠远绵长的歌,是回忆的储存卡。 Childhood is a long song and a memory card.

44、童年是云,化作新春的雨。 Childhood is a cloud that turns into spring rain.

45、童年是坐标,记录着人生的起点。 Childhood is the coordinate, recording the starting point of life.

46、童年是基石,奠定了人生的未来。 Childhood is the cornerstone and lays the future of life.

47、童年是快乐,唱响了人生的乐章。 Childhood is happiness, singing the music of life.

48、童年是无畏的,无忌的,以及无知的。 Childhood is fearless, taboo, and ignorant.

49、童年是最令人回忆和神往的,尤其是家乡的夏天。 Childhood is the most memorable and fascinating, especially the summer in my hometown.

50、童年是梦中的真,是真中的梦,是回忆时含泪的微笑。 Childhood is the truth in the dream, the dream in the truth, and the tearful smile when recalling.

51、童年是纯真甜美的,就像山溪中清亮的泉水。 Childhood is pure and sweet, like a clear spring in a mountain stream.

52、童年是雨,滋润初生的花。 Childhood is rain, moistening the newborn flowers.

53、童年是风,吹来朵朵天云。 Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds.

54、童年的天特别蓝,水特别清,花特别香,月也特别圆。 Childhood days are particularly blue, water is particularly clear, flowers are particularly fragrant, and the moon is also particularly round.

55、童年的梦总是那样的甜蜜,让人有着阳光般的心灵和五彩的梦想。 Childhood dreams are always so sweet that people have a sunny heart and colorful dreams.

56、童年,像一个盒子,装着许多快乐的盒子。 Childhood, like a box, contains many happy boxes.

57、童年,像一个葡萄,又大又甜。 Childhood, like a grape, is big and sweet.

58、童年,像一杯温馨的奶茶,隐隐约约的解渴我们。 Childhood, like a cup of warm milk tea, vaguely quenched our thirst.

59、童年,像一架风筝,带着我们飞翔。 Childhood, like a kite, takes us flying.

60、童年,总是最美好的。童年,总是难忘的。 Childhood is always the best. Childhood is always unforgettable.

61、长大了,再也不能拥有童年的欢乐了。 When you grow up, you can no longer have the joy of childhood.

62、长大了,遗失了童年,丢失了快乐,越长大,越孤单。 When you grow up, you lose your childhood and happiness. The more you grow up, the more lonely you are.