1、不能在一起,就不要给对方任何暗示。 If you can't be together, don't give any hint.

2、不需要你理解,闭嘴是你应该做的。 You don't need to understand. Shut up is what you should do.

3、人生不能重来,青春怎敢留白。 Life can not be repeated, how dare youth leave blank.

4、今生若是缘未尽,宁负天下不负卿。 If the fate of this life is not done, rather negative world Qing.

5、从前不会回头,往后不会将就。 In the past, I will not look back, and I will not make up for it in the future.

6、从此寻花问柳,不谈一生厮守。 From then on, he looked for flowers and willows, not to talk about life together.

7、你不需要太耀眼,只要能照亮我就好。 You don't need to be too dazzling, as long as you can light me up.

8、你其实没那么重要,只是偶尔被需要。 You're not that important. You're just needed occasionally.

9、你可以不可爱,但是要酷一点。 You can't be cute, but be cool.

10、你这么穷,可是你胖呢,你还有肉呢! You are so poor, but you are fat, and you have meat!

11、做个狂放不羁,又不失大雅的女人。 Be a wild and unruly woman without losing elegance.

12、别对我用美人计,否则我将计就计。 Don't try to trick me, or I will.

13、只有自己足够强大,才不会被别人践踏。 Only if you are strong enough, you won't be trampled on by others.

14、唯有孤独伴我醉,只有寂寞陪我睡。 Only lonely accompany me drunk, only lonely accompany me to sleep.

15、喜欢放狠话,心软到不堪一击。 Like to speak hard, soft to vulnerable.

16、喝最烈的酒,进最好的医院抢救。 Drink the strongest wine and go to the best hospital.

17、多想看轻自己,可我的体重不允许。 I want to look down on myself, but my weight doesn't allow it.

18、太在意的东西,别人碰一下都觉得是抢。 If you care too much about something, others will feel that it's robbery.

19、好像很久没见面,但看不出你有多想念。 It seems that I haven't seen each other for a long time, but I can't see how much you miss it.

20、如果你来了还会走,那就干脆都别来。 If you come and go, don't come at all.

21、如果有眼睛,就别从别人的嘴里认识我。 If you have eyes, don't know me from other people's mouths.

22、对你而言,我的喜欢就这么可笑吗。 To you, my love is so ridiculous.

23、就算孤独,我也喜欢一个人待着。 Even lonely, I like to be alone.

24、往事不记后事不提,做个干净洒脱之人。 Don't remember the past, don't mention the future, be a clean and free person.

25、心慈手软,只能让自己死的比谁都惨。 Soft hearted, can only let their own death worse than anyone else.

26、情话说了千万遍,不及一句我想你。 Love words said thousands of times, less than a word I miss you.

27、我不是草船,你的贱别往我这发。 I'm not a straw boat. Don't send me your cheap.

28、我不需要别人来爱我,我比谁都爱自己。 I don't need others to love me. I love myself more than anyone else.

29、我们不要和好了,坏了就是坏了。 Let's not make up, bad is bad.

30、我可以好脾气,但我凭什么要惯着你。 I can have a good temper, but why should I get used to you.

31、我可以装瞎,但你别以为我真傻。 I can pretend to be blind, but don't think I'm stupid.

32、我对你仍有爱意,对自己无能为力。 I still love you. I can't help myself.

33、我对你仍有爱意,我对自己无能为力。 I still love you. I can't help myself.

34、我有足够的野心,来迎接任何人的张狂。 I have enough ambition to meet anyone's madness.

35、我活着也不容易,别总让我迁就你。 It's not easy for me to live. Don't let me indulge you.

36、我的善心从来不惯着,不识好歹的人。 My kindness has never been used to people who don't know good or bad.

37、我要赚很多的钱,去买我的快乐。 I want to make a lot of money to buy my happiness.

38、扶起我的人,我让他永远不会摔倒。 The person who helped me up, I made him never fall.

39、把我想得太复杂,说明你也不简单。 I think too complex, you are not simple.

40、日久不一定生情,但一定见人心。 Time does not necessarily give birth to feelings, but must see the hearts of the people.

41、是人是狗,是敌是友,时间长了自己瞅。 It's a man, a dog, an enemy and a friend. I've seen it for a long time.

42、有什么好难过的,失去的都是垃圾。 What's so sad, all you lose is rubbish.

43、有时候我可以装瞎,但你别以为我真傻。 Sometimes I can pretend to be blind, but don't think I'm stupid.

44、欲望是无限的,现实是残酷的。 Desire is infinite, reality is cruel.

45、每个人都不可替代,特别是我。 No one can replace me, especially me.

46、没事就得瑟得瑟,反正闲着也是闲着。 If you have nothing to do, you have to be idle anyway.

47、活着已经够累了,不想再假惺惺的交心。 I'm tired enough to live. I don't want to have a heart to heart relationship.

48、滚了就不要回来,老娘不是收破烂的。 Don't come back when you're gone. I'm not a rag collector.

49、爱情这种东西,不是你我能左右的。 Love is not something you and I can control.

50、爱的人不把你当回事,才叫自降身价。 Love people don't take you seriously, it's self degradation.

51、狼若回头,不是报恩就是报仇。 If the wolf turns back, it is either revenge or revenge.

52、现在的我,除了快递,谁也不等。 Now I, in addition to express, no one else.

53、祝你从此万事皆顺,不在爱里委曲求全。 I wish you all the best from now on.

54、自从得了神经病,整个人都精神多了。 Ever since I got neuropathy, the whole person has been more energetic.

55、逢人只说三分话,不可全抛一片心。 When you talk to people only, you can't throw all your heart away.

56、遇见,是一个开始;守望,能相伴一生。 Meet, is a start; watch, can accompany life.

57、那种人很可怜的,而我不做可怜的人。 That kind of person is very pitiful, and I am not a poor person.

58、隔着屏幕的感情,来的快去的也快。 Across the screen of feelings, come fast, go fast.

59、音乐,开心时入耳,伤心时入心。 Music, happy when ear, sad when into the heart.

60、鲜花往往不属于赏花的人,而属于牛粪。 Flowers often do not belong to people who enjoy flowers, but belong to cow dung.