1、上帝为你关上一扇门,还会为你放出一条狗。 God will close a door for you and release a dog for you.

2、与你缠绵的每一秒,都是我生命里的永远。 Every second of lingering with you is forever in my life.

3、世人笑我太疯癫,我笑世人看不穿。 The world laughs that I am too crazy, I laugh that the world can't see through.

4、世间万物皆是苦,唯有你是甜。 Everything in the world is bitter, only you are sweet.

5、令人不能自拔的,除了牙齿,还有爱情。 People can not extricate themselves, in addition to teeth, there is love.

6、伤感的人爱喝小酒,寂寞的人爱唱老歌。 Sad people like to drink wine, lonely people love to sing old songs.

7、你努力做到最好,还不如别人随便搞搞。 If you try to be the best you can, you're not as good as others.

8、你是我纯白时光里最单纯的想念。 You are my pure white time in the most simple miss.

9、你有你骄傲的资本,我有我无视的权利。 You have your proud capital, I have the right to ignore.

10、公子以身相许于我,倒也不算委屈。 It's not a grievance for you to agree with me.

11、凡事看得开点、这样才能狠下心来去报复。 Everything should be open-minded, so that we can get revenge.

12、分开就分开,没有你也许我会变得更好。 I can be better without you.

13、别放弃太早,咬牙撑过,才有回忆的价值。 Don't give up too early, gritting teeth to support, only have the value of memory.

14、原来躲起来的星星也在努力发光。 The original hidden stars are also trying to shine.

15、原来,他的故事,从来都与我无关。 It turns out that his story has nothing to do with me.

16、又是一个失眠的夜晚,你却抱着她安心入睡。 It's another night of insomnia, but you hold her to sleep peacefully.

17、可是人生短暂,不要犹豫也不要舍不得。 But life is short. Don't hesitate or give up.

18、同样都是小宝贝,凭什么我要让着你啊。 They are all little babies. Why should I let you.

19、困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。 Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they will be weak; if you are weak, they will be strong.

20、在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想。 Care will be confused, do not care even think.

21、头这么痛,肯定是有人在榨取我的智慧。 It must be someone who is squeezing my wisdom.

22、安静的遥望着远方,只为寻找那遗失的微笑。 Quietly looking at the distance, just to find the lost smile.

23、尊重现在,善待自己,往事不记,后事不提。 Respect the present, treat yourself well, forget about the past, and don't mention the future.

24、并不是我想流泪,而是眼泪自己跑出来的。 It's not that I want to shed tears, but tears come out of them.

25、很高兴梦里全是你,很难过你只在梦里。 I'm glad it's all about you. I'm sorry you're only in the dream.

26、得不到安全感,所以我把*还给你。 No sense of security, so I give you my freedom.

27、总有起风的清晨,总有暖和的午后。 There are always windy mornings and warm afternoons.

28、情到深处腿自开,啪到腻时说拜拜。 Love to the deep leg from open, PA to tired when said goodbye.

29、想要忘记你的最好方式,就是想念你。 The best way to forget you is to miss you.

30、成熟的人懂得选择,更深谙拒绝。 Mature people know how to choose and refuse.

31、成熟,不是看破,而是看淡。 Mature, not see through, but look weak.

32、我也曾走路带风,可后来学会了恋爱。 I used to walk with wind, but later I learned to love.

33、我很清醒,一直很清醒的看着自己沉沦。 I am very sober, has been very sober to watch their own sink.

34、我想遇见你,然后经历所有浪漫。 I want to meet you and experience all the romance.

35、我的另一半是个路痴,到现在还没有找到我。 My other half is a road maniac, so far has not found me.

36、我耗尽力气和真心最后也只感动了我自己。 I exhausted my energy and sincerity, and finally only moved myself.

37、找不到适合的伞,我宁愿淋雨。 If I can't find the right umbrella, I'd rather be in the rain.

38、掉头一去是风吹黑发,回首再来已雪满白头。 Turn around is the wind blowing black hair, looking back to have snow white head.

39、撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。 The retention of heart and lung is nothing but the expression of reluctance of the heart.

40、整颗心被你洞穿的,毫无保留懦弱狼狈。 The whole heart is pierced by you, without reservation, cowardly and embarrassed.

41、既然没有了以后,何必再记住曾经。 Since there is no need to remember the past.

42、时间过得越久,人心的距离就越远。 The longer time goes by, the farther the heart will be.

43、明知结果,怀揣希望,无望而终,自撞风雨。 Knowing the results, with hope, and hopeless end, from the wind and rain.

44、昨晚多几分钟的准备,今天少几小时的麻烦。 Last night more minutes of preparation, less trouble today.

45、最完美的时光,也就是回不去的时光。 The most perfect time is the time when you can't go back.

46、有没有你都可以,但还是要全力以赴。 You can do it with or without, but do your best.

47、梦已逝,心已碎,留下只是在为离开做准备。 The dream is gone, the heart is broken, leaving just to prepare for leaving.

48、每天都在强颜欢笑,你说我快不快乐。 Every day is forced to smile, you say I am happy.

49、比失去更痛的事:你都没有和我一起努力过。 More painful than losing: you haven't worked hard with me.

50、生活一定要五颜六色,但绝不能乱七八糟。 Life must be colorful, but it must not be messy.

51、疲惫之事不可声张,有人偷笑你哭的模样。 Tired things should not be made public, someone snickered at your crying appearance.

52、离开你的那一天开始,左心房渐渐停止跳动。 From the day you leave, the left atrium gradually stops beating.

53、笑给别人看,哭给自己听。 Laugh to others and cry to yourself.

54、经历了各种各样的失望,发现一个人真好。 After all kinds of disappointments, it's nice to find someone.

55、缘起缘灭,多少爱恨情仇都已忘却。 Origin and fate, how much love and hatred have been forgotten.

56、退出这场爱情,因为你不是对的人。 Quit this love because you're not the right person.

57、都什么年代了,一点流氓意识都没有。 What age, no sense of hooliganism.

58、除非相互喜欢,否则所有的喜欢都只是心酸。 Unless you like each other, all like is just sad.

59、非常容易饿,请用你的温柔喂饱我。 It's very easy to be hungry. Please feed me with your tenderness.

60、黑与白都一样好,没有谁绝对重要。 Black is as good as white. No one is absolutely important.