1、一个人的悲伤,一个人是失望。 One is sad, one is disappointed.

2、不是因为我执着,而且因为你值得。 Not because I am persistent, but because you are worth it.

3、不爱就不爱,难捱就不捱。 If you don't love, you don't love. If you are in trouble, you don't.

4、不管最后我成了什么样,反正不会是当初爱你那样。 No matter what I've become in the end, I won't love you that much.

5、不要活在别人的观念里,勇敢追随自己的内心和直觉。 Don't live in other people's ideas, follow your heart and intuition bravely.

6、与你,饮一杯清酒,度一场清秋,爱一生之久。 With you, drink a cup of sake, spend a clear autumn, love for a lifetime.

7、人生没有完美,容得下才能活得潇洒。 There is no perfection in life, only if we can live comfortably.

8、仰不愧天,俯不愧地,内不愧心。 Look up to the sky, look down to the ground, and look down to the heart.

9、会沉迷用怀念美好的往事,是因为美好永远不能再来第二次。 Will indulge in the memory of the beautiful past, because the good can never come again.

10、你不必对我疏远,我从未想过纠缠。 You don't have to alienate me, I never thought about entanglement.

11、你做我的盖世英雄,那我就做给你盖被子的小盆友吧。 If you are my hero, I'll be your friend.

12、你摇摇头,我摆摆手,余生我们分开走。 You shake your head, I wave my hand, and we walk apart for the rest of our lives.

13、你说我听不懂人话,但我想说要看对方是不是人。 You say I can't understand people, but I want to say it depends on whether they are human or not.

14、其实你可以不用那么冷淡我也没想过纠缠。 In fact, you don't have to be so cold, I didn't think about entanglement.

15、其实爱美的人,只是与自己谈恋爱罢了。 In fact, people who love beauty just fall in love with themselves.

16、可怜你前路迷茫身后荆棘,怎么转身都是空无一人。 Pitifully, you are confused on the road ahead and thorns behind you. How can you turn around, you are empty.

17、后来想想当初那份深情,倒像是胡闹。 Later, when I think about the original deep feeling, it seems to be a farce.

18、在内心找到一个快乐的地方,这种快乐能摧毁痛苦。 Find a happy place in your heart, which can destroy pain.

19、失望到了尽头,然后心如死灰。 The disappointment came to an end, and then the heart died.

20、如果我爱一个人,我可以为他舍弃一切,包括我的生命。 If I love someone, I can give up everything for him, including my life.

21、实,很多事我很介意,只是笑着说没关系。 Actually, I mind a lot of things, just smile and say it doesn't matter.

22、就怕会更难过,只好装作我比你冷漠。 I'm afraid it will be more sad, so I have to pretend that I'm colder than you.

23、就算我的爱廉价,对你也不会打折。 Even if my love is cheap, it will not discount you.

24、岁岁年年,深情未减。以梦为马,期待人间。 Year by year, the deep feeling has not decreased. To dream for the horse, looking forward to the world.

25、幸福是个比较级,得有东西垫底才容易感觉到。 Happiness is a comparative level. You have to have something at the bottom to feel it easily.

26、心里装满了水不敢动怕荡出一地的缮恕 My heart is full of water, and I dare not move, for fear that I will be hurt.

27、怕我本命年倒霉希望小可爱的转运珠能带来好运。 I'm afraid I'm going to have bad luck this year. I hope the little lovely transit bead can bring good luck.

28、想哭就哭吧,你根本就不酷。 Cry if you want. You're not cool at all.

29、感情的世界缤纷多彩,你怎么能活的一清二白。 The world of emotion is colorful. How can you live a clean life.

30、成功只有一个理由,失败却有一千种理由。 There is only one reason for success, but there are a thousand reasons for failure.

31、我不爱生气,不代表我没有脾气。 Just because I don't like to be angry doesn't mean I have no temper.

32、我为了你众叛亲离,而你却为亲人叛离了我! I betrayed my relatives for you, but you betrayed me for your relatives!

33、我们的生命是天赋的,我们惟有献出生命,才能得到生命。 Our life is gifted. We can get life only by giving it.

34、我喜欢你,就像下雨,你没看我,我没看雨。 I like you, like rain, you didn't look at me, I didn't look at the rain.

35、我把你当作唯一,你却把我当作其中之一。 I regard you as the only one, but you regard me as one of them.

36、我的心是假的,都是因为你的无情改变了它。 My heart is false, because your ruthlessness has changed it.

37、我说了所有的谎,你全都相信,只一句我爱你,你却不相信。 I told all the lies, you all believe, only one I love you, you do not believe.

38、我走了一百步,你却退后一步,于是我前功尽弃。 I took a hundred steps, but you took a step back, so all my previous achievements were wasted.

39、放在心上的男孩,以后也要放在床上。 The boy in my heart will be on the bed in the future.

40、有些事情我不看透,不是我太笨,只是我太善良。 Some things I do not see through, not that I am too stupid, but that I am too kind.

41、有些人不会忘,因为不舍得,有些人必须忘,因为不值得。 Some people will not forget, because they are not willing to, some people must forget, because it is not worth it.

42、梦想是自己盼望的远方,谁也不能代替你抵达。 Dream is the distant place that I hope, no one can reach for you.

43、每失望一次,我就少做一件爱你的事,直到最后不主动找你。 Every time I am disappointed, I will do less to love you, until I don't take the initiative to find you.

44、比你优秀的人在努力,所以你努力有什么用? People who are better than you are working hard, so what's the use of your efforts?

45、毕竟你是我的全世界,我怎么舍得放弃。 After all, you are my world, how can I give up.

46、没人催我睡觉,没人和我说晚安,还真是睡不着。 No one urged me to sleep, no one said good night to me, I really can't sleep.

47、浪漫是一袭美丽的晚礼服,但你不能一天到晚都穿着它。 Romance is a beautiful evening dress, but you can't wear it all day long.

48、爱就像一阵风,虽然看不到,但却能感觉得到。 Love is like a gust of wind, although you can't see it, you can feel it.

49、生活中的不期而遇,都是你努力后的惊喜。 Unexpected encounters in life are all surprises after your efforts.

50、生活很累,别让心灵再累;生命不长,别让自己硬扛。 Life is very tired, don't let the heart tired; life is not long, don't let yourself hard shoulder.

51、生活的主题就是,面对复杂,保持欢喜。 The theme of life is to be happy in the face of complexity.

52、突然觉得自己像一个华丽的小丑,演尽了所有的悲欢离合。 Suddenly feel like a gorgeous clown, played all the joys and sorrows.

53、能否把你的耳朵借给我,听我说尽岁月的情话。 Can you lend me your ears and listen to my love words of years.

54、若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。 If it is beautiful, it is called wonderful. If it's bad, it's called experience.

55、被自己信任的人误会那种感觉是怎样的,是心碎的感觉。 It's heartbreaking to be misunderstood by someone you trust.

56、装睡的人你叫不醒,不爱你的人你感动不了。 You can't wake up the person who pretends to sleep, and you can't be moved by the person who doesn't love you.

57、让结局不留遗憾,让过程更加完美。 Let the ending leave no regret, let the process more perfect.

58、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。 Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.

59、青年最要紧的精神,是要与命运奋斗。 The most important spirit of youth is to struggle with fate.

60、黄昏晓,无心弹奏一曲叹离别,惊了枝头成双雁。 Dusk dawn, inadvertently playing a sigh of parting, surprised the branches into a pair of geese.