1、一人一心,白首不离。 One man, one heart, one head.
2、一见钟情,再见倾心。 Love at first sight, goodbye to heart.
3、一辈子承诺:我爱你! A lifetime commitment: I love you!
4、不怕天黑,只怕心碎。 Not afraid of darkness, but afraid of heartbreak.
5、不离不弃,生死相依。 Never leave, life and death depend on each other.
6、世间种种,无非是你。 All kinds of things in the world are just you.
7、人潮拥挤我陪你。 I'll accompany you in a crowded crowd.
8、今生今世,永远爱你。 Love you forever in this life.上一页12下一页
9、你若不离,我亦不弃。 If you don't leave, I won't give up.
10、你,是我今生的新娘。 You are the bride of my life.
11、半夏彼岸,似水流年。 The other side of Pinellia is like a flowing year.
12、受情于此,困之于你。 Affected by this, trapped in you.
13、向来缘浅,奈何情深。 Always shallow, but deep feelings.
14、喜怒哀乐,告知与我。 Let me know your joys and sorrows.
15、天南地北,随遇而安。 Every day, every day, every day.
16、如人饮水,冷暖自知。 If a man drinks water, he knows how cold and warm he is.
17、山河拱手,为君一笑。 The mountains and rivers arched their hands and smiled for the gentleman.
18、心有灵犀,一点就通。 Heart has its own rhythm, one point will get through.
19、思念,成为每天的必修课。 Missing becomes a compulsory course every day.
20、我中有你,你中有我。 I have you, you have me.
21、我爱你,到天荒地老。 I love you till the end of time.
22、我爱你,就会爱你的一切。 If I love you, I will love everything about you.
23、我的快乐,望你常在。 My happiness, I hope you are always there.
24、我这一生,只为吻你。 I've been kissing you all my life.
25、执子的手,漫漫的走。 Holder's hand, long walk.
26、既不回头,何必不忘。 Neither look back nor forget.
27、有你相伴,平凡浪漫。 With you, ordinary and romantic.
28、有你相伴,遗世无憾。 There is no regret for your company.
29、有生之年,相伴有你。 In life, accompanied by you.
30、有生之年,相识与你。 Acquaintance with you in your lifetime.
31、每时每刻在想你。 I miss you all the time.
32、灯笼易灭,恩宠难寻。 *s are easy to extinguish, but grace is hard to find.
33、爱你的感觉,最美好。 The feeling of loving you is the best.
34、爱情无价,千情刻真。 Love is priceless and sincere.
35、繁华已尽,空散云烟。 The prosperity is over and the clouds are scattered.
36、让我爱你,一生一世。 Let me love you all my life.
37、面朝大海,春暖花开。 Facing the sea, spring blossoms.