1、一个人的生活也不错,但是你在我身边的生活更美好。 A person's life is also good, but your life around me is better.

2、一个老烦你的人一定很爱你,你一定要珍惜。 A person who always bothers you must love you very much and you must cherish it.

3、世界上有三种女生最可爱,早上的你,中午的你,晚上的你。 There are three kinds of girls in the world who are the most lovely: you in the morning, you at noon and you at night.

4、两个人在一起,不是一阵子,而是一辈子。 Two people together, not for a while, but for a lifetime.

5、亲爱的,我喜欢你,就像喜欢你没有道理,久久甜蜜在心海。 Dear, I like you, just like I like you. It's unreasonable and sweet in my heart for a long time.

6、你在,我在,就是海枯石烂。 You are here, I am here, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten.

7、你是我内心里最美好的、纯粹的、没有一丝杂质的。 You are the most beautiful, pure and pure in my heart.

8、你此一生若只一瞬,纵然今世相守一瞬亦是一生。 If you only live for a moment, even if you live for a moment, you will live for a lifetime.

9、你的过去,不需要给我交代;你的未来,我给你交代。 You don't need to account for your past; I need to account for your future.

10、你知道吗?我在你身上看到了我的一生。 You know what? I see my life in you.

11、你陪着我的时候,我没羡慕过任何人。 I didn't envy anyone when you were with me.

12、其实我有很多碎碎念想跟你说,想告诉你我喜欢你。 In fact, I want to tell you that I like you.

13、前世的尘,今世的风。所以才牵手。 The dust of the past, the wind of the present. That's why we hold hands.

14、即使我们不是关系,我也害怕你爱上别人。 Even if we are not in a relationship, I am afraid that you will fall in love with others.

15、即使我忘记你的名字,但我不会忘记我爱你。 Even if I forget your name, I will never forget that I love you.

16、只是简单的,简单的想和你在一起。 Just simple, simple want to be with you.

17、哪怕千秋万载世人笑我痴心不改,年复一年我看遍沧海仍候君归来。 Even if the world laughs at my infatuation for thousands of years, I will still wait for you to return year after year.

18、在所有人声鼎沸的欢喜里,我独独望向你。 I look at you alone in the joy of all voices.

19、女生是水做的,你是糖做的,要不然为什么你那么甜,牢牢黏住我。 Girls are made of water, you are made of sugar, otherwise why are you so sweet, firmly stick to me.

20、对你说的晚安,都是梦里相见的暗号。 Good night to you, is the secret of meeting in a dream.

21、山有峰顶,海有彼岸,漫漫长途,终有回转,余味苦涩,终有回甘。 The mountain has a peak, the sea has the other side, long distance, there will be turning, the aftertaste bitter, there will be back to sweet.

22、山有木兮卿有意,昨夜星辰恰似你。 There are trees in the mountain. The stars last night are just like you.

23、山水风月皆下等,唯有眼前意中人。 The landscape, the wind and the moon are inferior, only the person in front of you.

24、幸福!只存在你我相聚时刻。 Happiness! There are only moments when you and I get together.

25、心之所向是你,口之所念也是你,心心念念都是你。 The direction of the heart is you, the thought of the mouth is you, the mind is you.

26、快停止发散魅力吧,你这个浑身充满魅力的家伙。 Stop spreading your charm, you charming guy.

27、愿浮华轻和唤你,有时候真的很想念你。 May the flashy light call you, sometimes I really miss you.

28、我以为日久生情,是最美好的爱情,可却抵不过你的,那句一见钟情。 I think love with time is the best love, but it is not equal to your love at first sight.

29、我会把时间,调转到你喜欢的那天。 I will turn the time to the day you like.

30、我会爱你很久很久,和你度过每个情人节。 I will love you for a long time and spend every Valentine's day with you.

31、我想去个地方,什么地方?去你心里! I want to go somewhere. Where? Go to your heart!

32、我想得到一个人的心,到我满头白发都不离开。 I want to get a person's heart, to my gray hair do not leave.

33、我想有个人能牵着我的手,平平淡淡也好,轰轰烈烈也好,我们一起走。 I want someone who can hold my hand. It's just plain and vigorous. Let's go together.

34、我站在属于我的那个角落、回头看见了普罗旺斯的那一片花海。 I stood in my corner and looked back to see the sea of flowers in Provence.

35、无论发生了什么事,我知道,你一直都在。 No matter what happens, I know that you are always there.

36、时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 Time is like a net, where you scatter, where you harvest.

37、没什么大理想,就是想和你一直一直在一起。 No big ideal, just want to be with you all the time.

38、深情的话浅浅的说,长长的路我们慢慢的走。 Affectionate words shallow said, the long road we slowly walk.

39、若为*故,一切皆可抛,若是因为你,*也可抛。 If it's freedom, everything can be thrown away. If it's because of you, freedom can also be thrown away.

40、要是有人追你,我就把她绊倒。 If someone comes after you, I'll trip her.

41、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 There are no colorful Phoenix wings in the body, but there is something in the heart.

42、那种撕心裂肺的痛与歇斯底里的哭喊,只有感受过的人懂究竟有多痛。 That kind of heartbreaking pain and hysterical crying, only those who have felt it know how painful it is.

43、键盘上第二排字母意思是:爱上对方过后就哭了。 The second row of letters on the keyboard means to cry after falling in love with each other.

44、除了和你在一起的时光,其他都是虚度。 Except for the time with you, everything else is wasted.

45、靠近我之前你要想清楚,除了美我一无所有。 Before you get close to me, think clearly that I have nothing but beauty.