1、一个人久了,面对任何事情,清醒且识趣。 A person for a long time, in the face of anything, sober and sensible.
2、一个人其实也很好;不过是寂寞时没人拥抱;不过是孤单时没人依靠。 In fact, a person is also very good; but there is no one to embrace when lonely; but no one to rely on when alone.
3、不要因为孤独而选择爱情,其实你一个人也能拥有很多美好。 Don't choose love because of loneliness. In fact, you can have a lot of good things by yourself.
4、与其让时间倒流回到最初的地方重新开始,不如正视和珍惜现在。 It is better to face up to and cherish the present than to return to the original place and start again.
5、人最大的痛苦就是心灵没有归属,不管你知不知觉,承不承认。 The biggest pain is that the soul does not belong, whether you know it or not, accept it or not.
6、人生的旅途中,总有那么一段时间,需要你自己走,自己扛。 In the journey of life, there is always a period of time, you need to walk and carry.
7、什么都别说坐着陪我吹吹风,我没有烟没有酒,听我说说孤独。 Don't say anything, sit with me blowing wind, I have no smoke, no wine, listen to me talk about loneliness.
8、你的身边好拥挤,我没法靠近你。 It's so crowded around you that I can't get close to you.
9、你说你要离开,因为我给不了你想要的爱! You say you want to leave, because I can't give you the love you want!
10、再也没有那么好的相遇,连别离都那么美丽。 There is no such good encounter, even parting is so beautiful.
11、后来再也不把满腔热情随便给人,也把开朗的笑容收在心底。 Later, he did not give his full of enthusiasm to others, but also kept his cheerful smile at the bottom of his heart.
12、因为成长,所以分离;因为缘尽,所以人散。 Because of growth, so separation; because of fate, so scattered.
13、在这世界上,谁不是孤独的生,谁不是孤独的死。 In this world, who is not a lonely life, who is not a lonely death.
14、在那个寂寞黑暗的夜晚,我独自思念着一个人,不知不觉中流下眼泪。 In that lonely dark night, I miss a person alone, unconsciously shed tears.
15、如果寂寞了,千万不要跟人诉说,那只会显得你更加寂寞难耐。 If lonely, do not tell people, it will only appear you more lonely unbearable.
16、孤单不是因为没有朋友,而是没有人住在你心里。 Loneliness is not because there are no friends, but because no one lives in your heart.
17、孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,*。 Lonely you, lonely me, lonely soul, displaced.
18、孤独的人,最喜欢假装忙碌。 Lonely people like to pretend to be busy.
19、孤独,不是做一些事没有人陪伴,而是做一些事没有人理解。 Loneliness is not doing something without company, but doing something without understanding.
20、对面不言情脉脉,烟水隔,无人说似长相忆。 There is no emotion on the opposite side, and there is no one to say that looks like a long face.
21、我也曾经憧憬过,后来没结果。我也曾经做梦过,后来更寂寞。 I had a dream, but it didn't work out. I once had a dream, and later more lonely.
22、我也有心酸和委屈,我说给谁听,谁又听我说。 I also have heartache and grievance, I say to who listen, who listen to me.
23、我从来不知道什么叫淑女,更不装,我活的随意。 I never know what a lady is, let alone pretend that I live at will.
24、我只有笑的很欢,忧伤才不会被看穿。 I only laugh very happy, sadness will not be seen through.
25、我没有想象的坚强,但却找不到让懦弱休息的地方。 I did not imagine the strong, but can not find a place to rest the cowardly.
26、最深的孤独是,你明知道自己的渴望,却得对它装聋作哑。 The deepest loneliness is that you know what you want, but you have to pretend to be deaf to it.
27、有的人,没有知己,同样也没感觉到寂寞,而且生活还挺美。 Some people, no confidant, also did not feel lonely, and life is very beautiful.
28、梦里有个人爱我如命,醒来才发现原来是我视你如命。 In the dream, there is a person who loves me like life. When I wake up, I find that I regard you as my life.
29、每一个孤独的灵魂,何尝不是他不要我的未亡人? Every lonely soul does not want my undead?
30、每一个深夜不关机的人,都有一份不敢严明,也不敢错过的期待。 Everyone who doesn't turn off the phone late at night has an expectation that they dare not be strict or miss.
31、比失去你更令我伤心的是,你都没有为了能跟我在一起而努力过。 What makes me sad more than losing you is that you have never worked hard to be with me.
32、沉浸在孤独的世界里,一发不可收拾,即便在人群里也是孤单相随。 Immersed in a lonely world, a hair out of control, even in the crowd is also alone.
33、没有经历过孤独的人,不会有超人的成就。 People who have not experienced solitude will not have superhuman achievements.
34、环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。 Yan Ru is also a man of short brown and knotty appearance.
35、现在的我能明白,只要有想见的人,就不再是孤单一人。 Now I can understand that as long as there are people who want to see, they are no longer alone.
36、花无人戴,酒无人劝,连喝醉也无人问暖。 No one to wear flowers, no one to persuade wine, no one even drunk asked warm.
37、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而更难过的是你还要装作你不在乎。 It's very sad to be ignored by someone who cares about you. What's more, you have to pretend that you don't care.
38、说好的一起看日出,最后却是一个人孤独的看日落。 It's good to watch the sunrise together, but it's a lonely sunset at last.
39、这大概就是人生幸福和快乐的样子,当你老了,陪伴你直到生命的尽头。 This is probably how happy and happy life looks, when you are old, accompany you until the end of life.
40、那首关于我们的歌,你把结局唱给了谁听。 Who did you sing the ending of that song about us.