1、一生很短,别去等永远。 Life is short, don't wait forever.

2、万物皆有时,时来不可失。 All things come from time to time.

3、三年羁旅客,今日又南冠。 Three years of passenger detention, and today South crown.

4、不知何岁月,得与尔同归? I don't know what time I have to go back with you?

5、世事漫随流水,算来一梦浮生。 With the flow of water, the world is a dream.

6、世人皆被明日累,明日无穷老将至。 The world is tired of tomorrow, tomorrow will be endless.

7、人生不向花前醉,花笑人生也是呆。 Life is not drunk before flowers, but life is a fool when flowers laugh.

8、人间梦隔西风,算天上、年华一瞬。 The dream of the world is separated by the west wind. It's a moment of time in the sky.

9、伤心阔别三千里,屈指思量四五年。 Sad away three thousand miles, bending to think about four or five years.

10、光景不待人,须叟发成丝。 The old man's hair becomes silk.

11、光阴一去难再见,水流东海不回头。 It's hard to see each other when time is gone. The current doesn't turn back in the East China Sea.

12、光阴似箭,日月如梭。 Time flies like an arrow.

13、光阴有脚当珍惜,书田无税应勤耕。 Time should be treasured, and the book field should be cultivated frequently without tax.

14、冉冉年时暮,迢迢天路征。 In the late years of Ran Ran Ran's life, he traveled all the way.

15、利用时间是一个极其高级的规律。 Using time is an extremely advanced rule.

16、半生谁俯仰,一死共沉浮。 Half of the life who look up, a total of ups and downs.

17、可惜流年,忧愁风雨,树犹如此! Unfortunately, fleeting years, sad wind and rain, trees are still like this!

18、天涯海角悲凉地,记得当年全盛时。 Sadly, I remember the heyday of that year.

19、少年易学老难成,一寸光阴不可轻。 Young people are easy to learn, but old people are hard to achieve.

20、岁月不饶人,我亦未曾饶过岁月。 Time does not spare, nor have I.

21、得时无怠,时不再来。 There is no time to be lazy.

22、愿君及时行乐,莫负好时光。 May you have fun in time, and have no bad time.

23、我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。 Tomorrow never comes.

24、我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。 I have wasted time, and time has wasted me.

25、日复一日,往而复返。 Day after day, back and forth.

26、时间仍在,是我们飞逝。 Time is still here, we are flying.

27、时间匆匆流去,但回忆,永远存在。 Time flows away in a hurry, but memories always exist.

28、时间好似河流水,只能流去不能回。 Time is like a river. It can only flow away but not back.

29、时间就像创伤药,淡化了疤痕。 Time is like a wound medicine, which reduces scars.

30、时间就是能力等等发展的地盘。 Time is the place where ability and so on develop.

31、时间就是金钱,我的朋友! Time is money, my friend!

32、时间无和私,历史无情。 Time has no privacy, history has no mercy.

33、时间是一味能治百病的良药。 Time is a good medicine for all diseases.

34、时间是一条河,通向那未知的沧海! Time is a river, leading to the unknown sea!

35、时间是金钱也买不回来的。 Time can't be bought back by money.

36、时间最是公正,让你看透人心! Time is the most fair, let you see through people!

37、时间识人,落难知心。 Time knows man, but adversity knows heart.

38、时间,让你感悟人间的冷暖。 Time, let you feel the warmth of the world.

39、时间,转眼之间,却又是一年。 Time, in a blink of an eye, is another year.

40、晨昏滚滚水东流,今古悠悠日西坠。 In the morning and dusk, the water flows eastward, and in the ancient times, the sun falls to the West.

41、最严重的浪费就是时间的浪费。 The most serious waste is the waste of time.

42、来是春初,去是春将老。 Come at the beginning of spring, go at the end of spring.

43、梦断香消四十年,沈园柳老不吹绵。 After forty years of dream breaking and fragrance fading, the willows in Shenyuan never blow cotton.

44、欲寄书如天远,难销夜似年长。 If you want to send a book, it's as long as the sky, and if you can't sell it, it's as old as the night.

45、汨余若将不及兮,恐年岁之不吾与。 If Milu Yu can't come, I'm afraid that I won't be with you when I'm old.

46、烟明花似绣,且醉旗亭酒。 The smoke is bright and the flowers are embroidered, and the wine is drunk in the flag Pavilion.

47、琴月相亲夜,更深恋不眠。 Qin Yue's night of blind date is deeper than ever.

48、留连光景惜朱颜,黄昏独倚阑。 We cherish the beauty of the red, and lean on the edge at dusk.

49、相去万余里,各在天一涯。 More than ten thousand miles away, each in the end of the day.

50、红颜与壮志,叹息此流年。 Red face and ambition, sigh this fleeting year.

51、给时光以生命,给岁月以文明。 Give time life, give time civilization.

52、给自己时间,最后给的是终身遗憾。 Give yourself time, and at last, regret for life.

53、老来情味减,对别酒、怯流年。 The old man's taste is reduced, and he is afraid of other wine and fleeting years.

54、花开花谢年年有,人老何曾再少年。 Flowers bloom and fade year after year. People are never young again.

55、行人莫听宫前水,流尽年光是此声。 Don't listen to the water in front of the palace. It's the sound of running out of time.

56、逝去的美好,只能留给回忆。 The lost beauty can only be left for memory.

57、遍身罗绮者,不是养蚕人。 He is not a silkworm breeder who is full of silkworms.

58、陌上深深,依旧年时辙。 Deep on the road, still in the old rut.

59、青春须早为,岂能长少年! Youth must be early, how can we grow young!

60、鬓丝日日添白头,榴锦年年照眼明。 The hair on the temples is white day by day, and the durian brocade shines every year.