1、—如今失眠成仓海,漫漫长夜难度过。 Now insomnia has become a Canghai, and it is difficult to pass a long night.
2、一个人,时间久了,就懒得去两个人了。 One person, for a long time, is too lazy to go to two people.
3、不会说多醉人的情话,我只想带你回家。 I don't want to talk too much. I just want to take you home.
4、不想入睡,是害怕你会出现在梦里。 Do not want to sleep, is afraid that you will appear in the dream.
5、也许你走出了我的视线,却没走出我的思念。 Maybe you are out of my sight, but not out of my missing.
6、争吵隔膜冷漠固执,城市热闹得丧失了失眠。 The quarrel is separated, the indifference is obstinate, and the city is so busy that it loses insomnia.
7、你厌烦了期待,我埋葬了等待。 You are tired of looking forward, I buried waiting.
8、你失眠了,但对不起,该哄你睡觉的不再是我。 You have insomnia, but I'm sorry, it's no longer me who should coax you to sleep.
9、你我皆有苦衷,你又何必诉说身不由己呢? You and I all have difficulties. Why do you tell me that you can't help yourself?
10、你是让我失眠的最佳理由。 You're the best reason for my insomnia.
11、你爱我是一时的口误,我信你是一时的失误。 You love me is a slip of the tongue, I believe you are a slip of the tongue.
12、你的一句晚安,成全我的失眠。 A good night from you helped me to sleep.
13、你睡不着的时候就多想想我,不要浪费时间。 Think about me when you can't sleep. Don't waste your time.
14、你走的一瞬间,失眠了我整整一个曾经。 You walk a moment, insomnia, I once a whole.
15、分不清东西南北,只知道你在远方。 I can't tell the East, the west, the north and the south. I only know you are far away.
16、半夜睡不着觉起来看老电影,别有一番风味。 I can't sleep in the middle of the night. I can't get up to see an old movie. It's very special.
17、和尚们都很潮,由于他们都穿哈伦裤。 The monks are very fashionable, because they all wear harem trousers.
18、因为太想志祥欧巴,所以失眠了! Because I miss Zhixiang Europa so much, I have insomnia!
19、失眠的人,只要不是个笨蛋,肯定是个天才。 Insomniacs, as long as they are not stupid, must be a genius.
20、失眠真是一个痛苦的过程! Insomnia is a painful process!
21、失眠遗失了一句永远,地球转速没增减。 Insomnia lost a word forever, the earth's speed did not increase or decrease.
22、失眠,是因为你正在别人的梦里辛苦地忙碌着。 Insomnia is because you are busy in other people's dreams.
23、如果可以让我见你一面,我会看着你失眠。 If I could meet you, I would watch you lose sleep.
24、如果可以,让我见你一面,我会看着你失眠。 If you can, let me see you, I will watch you insomnia.
25、怕永不相见,我也怕再次重逢。 I'm afraid I'll never meet again.
26、懂的人,不用多说,不懂的人,说再多也没用。 Understand people, do not need to say, do not understand people, said no matter how much.
27、我又再次的失眠了。 I lost sleep again.
28、我又神奇的失眠了,日子过得蛮快的哎。 I've lost sleep again. I've been living fast.
29、我失眠的时候也想听,你的月亮我的心。 I also want to hear when I am insomnia, your moon, my heart.
30、我累了,却依旧睡不着。 I'm tired, but still can't sleep.
31、我自横刀向天笑,笑完之后去睡觉。 I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife. After that, I go to bed.
32、找到一个傻瓜陪你失眠,这何尝不是种幸福。 Find a fool to accompany you insomnia, this is not a kind of happiness.
33、找到一个笨蛋陪你失眠,这何尝不是种幸福。 Find a fool to accompany you insomnia, this is not a kind of happiness.
34、最怕此生已决定没有你,却又听到你的消息。 I'm afraid I have decided not to have you in this life, but to hear your news.
35、最悲催的三角恋,我爱熬夜,黑眼圈爱我。 The most sad triangle love, I love to stay up late, dark circles love me.
36、最痛的距离是你不在我身边,却在我心里。 The most painful distance is that you are not by my side, but in my heart.
37、月亮是失眠的灯,凭窗眺望那段寂寞的往事。 The moon is the lamp of insomnia, looking at the lonely past by the window.
38、每一个睡不着的夜晚,似乎都与某个人有关。 Every sleepless night seems to be related to someone.
39、每到晚上睡不着,爬起来想你就像是安眠药。 Every night I can't sleep, I get up and think of you like sleeping pills.
40、每晚失眠只为想一人的北鼻在哪里。 Insomnia every night just to think about where a person's North nose is.
41、爱不爱都可以,怎样我都随你。 Love or not, I'll do whatever you like.
42、用有限的时间,睡无限的觉。 Use limited time, sleep unlimited sleep.
43、白天我要休息好,因为我晚上要睡觉。 I want to rest well during the day, because I have to sleep at night.
44、空虚的夜晚,迷茫的明天,我如何能安然入眠。 Empty night, confused tomorrow, how can I sleep safely.
45、等待就象失眠的黑夜,无助而漫长。 Waiting is like a sleepless night, helpless and long.
46、维持关系很难,我有点烦。 It's hard to maintain a relationship. I'm a little annoyed.
47、舍不得放手,却又不想别人拥有。 Reluctant to let go, but do not want others to have.
48、要么喜欢我,要么离开我,千万别烦我。 Either like me or leave me. Don't bother me.
49、黑夜勾引着失眠犯罪,清醒的人抓不到安睡。 The night lures the insomnia crime, the sober person cannot catch the sleep.