1、一个知道了前面有太多危险的人,反而丧失了前进的勇气。 A person who knows that there are too many dangers ahead loses the courage to move forward.

2、不是我小气,而是现在用的都是爸妈的血汗钱,我有什么资格大方。 It's not that I'm stingy, but now I'm using my parents' hard-earned money. What qualifications do I have to be generous.

3、不要抱怨生活欠了你什么,实际上生活不知道你是谁。 Don't complain about what life owes you. In fact, life doesn't know who you are.

4、世界上最棒的事,就是每天醒来都有崭新的一天,完全免费,永不断货。 The best thing in the world is to wake up every day with a brand new day, totally free and never out of stock.

5、人不要太任性,因为你是活给未来的你。不要让未来的你讨厌现在的你。 People should not be too willful, because you are living for the future of you. Don't let the future you hate the present.

6、你一定很爱她,你一定很懂她,你一定很深情,可我不是她,也没有这份福气。 You must love her very much, you must know her very well, you must be very affectionate, but I am not her, also do not have this blessing.

7、你有你的风格,我有我的原则,别用你的风格打破我的原则。 You have your style, I have my principles, don't break my principles with your style.

8、你说宁愿风把你的世界吹的尘土飞扬,也不要它扬乱了我的头发。 You said that I would rather the wind blow the dust of your world, rather than it disordered my hair.

9、你身上的温暖蛊惑了我,让我误以为那就是爱情。 The warmth on you bewitched me and made me think it was love.

10、信仰像阳光,摸不着,却必不可缺。 The sunshine, however, cannot be touched.

11、别特么再等那些不会改的垃圾了,你值得更好的。 Don't wait for the garbage that won't change. You deserve better.

12、努力的最大意义,是让自己随时有能力跳出自己厌恶的圈子。 The greatest significance of hard work is to let oneself have the ability to jump out of the circle that he dislikes at any time.

13、只要自觉心安,东西南北都好。如有一人未度,切莫自己逃了。 As long as you are conscious of peace of mind, everything will be fine in the East, the west, the north and the south. Don't run away if you don't have one.

14、同意你一天一包烟,也同意你身边的姑娘日日新鲜。 Agree with you a pack of cigarettes a day, also agree with the girl around you every day fresh.

15、在时间的河流里,有多少人刻舟求剑。 In the river of time, how many people seek the sword.

16、天真的人,不代表没有见过世界的黑暗,恰恰因为见到过,才知道天真的好。 Naive people, does not mean that they have not seen the darkness of the world, just because they have, they know the goodness of innocence.

17、失恋平常心,你要是还大哭大闹,酗酒闹事,那真得很可悲。 If you still cry, drink and make trouble, it's really sad.

18、如果理智的分析都无法支持自己做决定的时候,就交给心去作主吧! If the rational analysis can not support their own decision-making, it is up to the heart to decide!

19、如果说重逢是为了另一场忘记,我宁愿从未和你相聚。 If the reunion is for another forget, I would rather never get together with you.

20、学习的美好之处,是没有人可以把它从你身上拿走。 The beauty of learning is that no one can take it away from you.

21、宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次,也不愿规规矩矩走一辈子。就算跌倒也要豪迈的笑。 I'd rather run and be knocked down countless times than walk a lifetime. Even if you fall down, you should smile bravely.

22、小的时候我那玩具当朋友,长大后朋友拿我当玩具。 When I was a child, my toy was my friend. When I grew up, my friend used me as a toy.

23、岁月可以让陌路的两个人,重新相逢相约和相爱。 Years can let two strangers, meet again, meet and love.

24、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱;有事做;有所期待。 Happiness is really very simple: someone to love; something to do; something to look forward to.

25、当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 When you feel sad and painful, it's better to learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

26、我不想和任何人共享你,要么你是我的只爱我一个人,要么我宁愿不要。 I don't want to share you with anyone, either you're mine and love me alone, or I'd rather not.

27、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。 I don't know young frivolous, I only know that the winner is king.

28、我从没想过做到让全世界都认可我,我所做的一切都是为了让我自己喜欢我。 I never wanted to be recognized by the whole world. All I did was to make myself like me.

29、我们以为爱得很深、很深,来日岁月,会让你知道,它不过很浅、很浅。 We think that love is very deep, very deep, in the years to come, will let you know, it is only very shallow, very shallow.

30、我们在变化中成长。如果你拒绝了变化,你就拒绝了新的美丽和新的机遇。 We grow in change. If you reject change, you reject new beauty and new opportunities.

31、我们总是在注意错过太多,却不注意自己拥有多少。 We always pay attention to miss too much, but do not pay attention to how much we have.

32、我们永远无法预计未来,年轻的时候我们太坦诚,而长大之后我们又太不坦诚。 We can never predict the future. When we are young, we are too frank, and when we grow up, we are not.

33、我其实很开心的,对啊,因为我的心上开了一个小洞,所有的事情都会不见了。 I'm actually very happy, yes, because my heart opened a small hole, all things will disappear.

34、我没有一难过就让你心疼的命,却得了你一难过就心疼你的病。 I don't have a sad to let you love the life, but got you a sad heart ache your disease.

35、我现在不想要幸福,因为现在的幸福会有终点。 I don't want happiness now, because happiness will have an end now.

36、最残忍的不是一下子就成了陌生人,而是渐渐走向陌生的那种感觉。 The most cruel is not suddenly become a stranger, but gradually toward the strange feeling.

37、有些人,在不经意间,就忘了;有些人,你想方设法,都忘不了。 Some people, inadvertently, forget; some people, you try to forget.

38、有些歌不是因为有多好听所以才单曲循环,只是因为它符合现在的心情。 Some songs don't cycle because of how good they are, just because they fit in with the mood of the moment.

39、有些秘密,还是不知道的好,有一些不属于自己的人生,还是不参与的好。 Some secrets, or do not know the good, some do not belong to their own life, or do not participate in the good.

40、未来,你只需要比一个人更好,那个人就是现在的自己。 In the future, you just need to be better than one person. That person is who you are now.

41、毁灭人只要一句话,培植一个人却要千句话,请你多口下留情。 Only one word is needed to destroy a man, but a thousand words to cultivate one. Please be merciful.

42、每天给自己一个希望,不为明天而烦恼,不为昨天而叹息,只为今天更美好。 Give yourself a hope every day, don't worry about tomorrow, don't sigh for yesterday, just for today's better.

43、爱一个人不一定要拥有,但拥有一个人就一定要好好的去爱他。 Love a person does not have to have, but have a person must be good to love him.

44、爱一个人并不是一定要得到她,而是要让她幸福,这就是你对她最好的爱。 Love a person is not necessarily to get her, but to make her happy, this is your best love for her.

45、爱人至少要在心灵方面没有欠缺,如果只是身体的欠缺,那还不失其可爱。 Love at least in the heart is not deficient, if only the lack of the body, it is also lovely.

46、爱并不是谁为谁牺牲,谁为谁做什么,一旦爱变成这样,这就不是爱。 Love is not who sacrifices for whom and who does what for whom. Once love becomes like this, it is not love.

47、真实的*恋爱,并非享乐的恋爱,而是人格的恋爱。爱情是两颗灵魂的结合。 The real free love is not the love of pleasure, but the love of personality. Love is the union of two souls.

48、红尘波转,时光难留,遥寄一份祝福,只要心中有爱,时光就不会老去。 Time is hard to stay. Send a blessing from afar. As long as you have love in your heart, time will not be old.

49、过了某一个时间段,你就会发现,再想遇到一个喜欢得不行了的人实在很难了。 After a certain period of time, you will find that it is very difficult to meet a person you like so much.

50、近视的唯一不好,就是连你的笑容也模糊了。 The only bad thing about myopia is that your smile is blurred.