1、不思烦恼,莫念忧愁,心无挂碍,入睡安然。 Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry, sleep peacefully.

2、不要再玩手机了,明天我可要检查眼睛的。 Don't play with mobile phones any more. I'll have my eyes checked tomorrow.

3、亲爱的晚安,盖紧被子,做梦我娶你,么么! Dear good night, cover tightly quilt, dream I marry you, ace!

4、亲爱的,夜深了,早点睡吧,晚安! Dear, late at night, go to bed early, good night!

5、亲爱的,晚安!今晚做个好梦! Dear, good night! Have a good dream tonight!

6、亲爱的,梦里要有我,无论是好或是坏,晚安。 Dear, dream of me, good or bad, good night.

7、今夜我心头的月亮,又被你打翻了。 Tonight, the moon in my heart is knocked over by you.

8、今天的可爱贩卖店打烊了哦,明天见。 The cute store is closed today. See you tomorrow.

9、今晚别关窗,我想偷偷进你梦里。 Don't close the window tonight. I want to sneak into your dream.

10、你去看看,梦里的周公是不是像我一样帅。 Go and see if the Duke of Zhou in my dream is as handsome as me.

11、只愿我所有的梦,都有你在其中。 Only wish all my dreams have you in them.

12、在吗?出来看看天空,今晚月很圆,星很亮。 are you there? Come out and look at the sky. The moon is round and the stars are bright tonight.

13、夜己深沉,好梦降临,亲!晚安! Night has been deep, good dream come, pro! good night!

14、天不早了,注意身体,别再熬夜了,晚安! It's getting late. Pay attention to your health. Don't stay up late any more. Good night!

15、好梦陪,甜梦随,嘴角一弯心还美。 Sweet mouth, with a dream.

16、宝贝,别想那些不开心的事了,早点睡,晚安。 Baby, don't think about those unhappy things, go to bed early, good night.

17、希望你睡的安然,像一只无忧的小猪。晚安! I hope you sleep well, like a carefree pig. good night!

18、帮我关一下月光,我要梦你。 Help me close the moonlight, I want to dream of you.

19、忙碌的一天过去了,亲爱的,祝你做个好梦! A busy day has passed, dear, I wish you a good dream!

20、快睡吧,我坐末班的高铁赶到你梦里来。 Go to sleep. I'll take the last high-speed train to your dream.

21、念你的声音梦知道,梦里藏相思。 Read your voice, dream know, dream hidden Acacia.

22、思念熬不到天明,所以我选择睡去。 Missing can't endure till dawn, so I choose to go to sleep.

23、想与你做个美梦,让往后余生都醉在你梦里。 Want to have a dream with you, let the rest of your life drunk in your dream.

24、愿一梦,只与你同,我我卿卿,风雪与共。 Wish a dream, only with you, my love, wind and snow together.

25、愿你今夜有一个甜蜜的梦境,晚安! May you have a sweet dream tonight. Good night!

26、愿我祝福永伴你,道声晚安祝吉利。 May I wish you good night and good luck.

27、愿生活不太拥挤,愿笑容不必刻意,晚安好梦。 Wish life is not too crowded, wish smile don't need to deliberate, good night dream.

28、我对全世界说晚安,独独对你说喜欢。 I say good night to the whole world and I like you alone.

29、我每想你一次,天上的星星就眨一次眼睛。 Every time I miss you, the stars in the sky blink.

30、我每想你一次,星星就多了一颗的样子。 Every time I miss you, there's one more star.

31、所有的美丽都源于真挚与坦诚,亲爱的,晚安! All the beauty comes from sincerity and frankness, dear, good night!

32、手机嘀嘀在枕边,盼君入梦做好梦。 My mobile phone is beside my pillow. I hope you can have a good dream.

33、最后还是忍不住找你,用晚安代替我真的想你。 Finally, I can't help looking for you. I really miss you with goodnight instead.

34、有没有兴趣做一对江洋大盗,晚上一起去抢被子。 Are you interested in being a pair of bandits and robbing quilts at night.

35、期待,我要睡了,你要给我说晚安。 Look forward, I'm going to sleep, you have to say good night to me.

36、洗个热水澡,做个蜂蜜味的美梦。 Take a hot bath and have a honey dream.

37、甜心,不早了,尽早休息吧,熬夜对身体可不好哦! Honey, it's late. Take a rest as soon as possible. Staying up late is not good for your health!

38、生活细碎万物成诗,今晚的月亮分你一半。 Life is a poem, the moon is half of you tonight.

39、看不见你的笑我怎么睡得着,晚安。 I can't sleep without your smile. Good night.

40、睡觉吧,你的头发不允许你瞎想。 Go to sleep. Your hair doesn't allow you to think.

41、祝你晚安,轻松入眠,祝你开心每一天! Good night, easy sleep, happy every day!

42、转眼又是一个冬,亲爱的晚安。 It's another winter in the twinkling of an eye. Good night, dear.

43、轻轻闭上你的双眼,去前往那美丽的梦境。 Close your eyes and go to the beautiful dream.

44、送上祝愿,问候片片,愿好运与你手相牵。 Send wishes, greetings, wish you good luck hand in hand.