1、五彩缤纷的生活,需要用感恩来装点。 Colorful life needs to be decorated with gratitude.

2、命运使我和你相遇,命运使我和你分离,到底该感谢命运让我遇见你,还是要厌恶命运让你我分离。 Fate makes me meet you, fate makes me separate from you. Should I thank fate for meeting you or hate fate for separating you and me.

3、感恩的心,感谢遇见你,如果可以,如果你还愿意,请继续留在我的世界里。 If you meet me, please stay in the world if you want.

4、感谢上天让我们相识,相知,相爱,相思;遇见你,是我这辈子最美丽的错误,奈何,情深缘浅。 Thank God let us know, know, love, love; meet you, is the most beautiful mistake in my life, how, deep love shallow.

5、感谢上天让我在最美好的年华中遇见你,青春幻化成蝶,在往昔无数蹉跎岁月中翩翩起舞,至死方休。 Thank God for letting me meet you in the most beautiful years. My youth turns into a butterfly. I dance in the past countless wasted years until I die.

6、感谢上天让我遇见你,感谢那些伤害过我的人,如果不是他们的离开,我也不会遇到那么好的你。 Thank God let me meet you, thank those who hurt me, if not for their leave, I would not meet so good you.

7、感谢上帝恩赐,让我遇见你,和你说话是一件不可思议的事,感觉是无法想象的。 Thank God, let me meet you, talk to you is an incredible thing, feel unimaginable.

8、感谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。 Thank God for what I have, thank God for what I don't have.

9、感谢上苍,在我最美好的年华里,曾经遇见你,在认识你的岁月里,都是我的美好年华。 Thank God, in my most beautiful years, once met you, in the years of knowing you, are my good years.

10、感谢你,眷顾于我最爱的时光,遇见你时,仿佛所有星星都落到我头上,熠熠生辉,万丈光芒。 Thank you for my favorite time. When I meet you, it seems that all the stars fall on my head, shining and shining.

11、感谢命运的眷顾,让你我相遇。晨曦中,你窗前的花香是我无尽的祝福,黄昏里,你归家路上的清风是我温柔的陪伴。 Thank you for the blessing of fate, let you and I meet. In the morning, the fragrance of flowers in front of your window is my endless blessing. In the evening, the breeze on your way home is my gentle companion.

12、感谢在最美时光里曾有人伴随我成长,陪我走过躁动的青春和慌乱的岁月,遇见你是我人生中一道最美的风景。 Thank you for being accompanied by me in the most beautiful time, accompany me through the restless youth and panic years, meeting you is the most beautiful scenery in my life.

13、感谢在那个美好的时光里遇见你,也感谢你的离开,你的狠心,让我有了一次完美的蜕变。 Thank you for meeting you in that wonderful time, also thank you for leaving, your ruthlessness, let me have a perfect transformation.

14、感谢天地,上苍,万物,让我遇见你,即使没有在一起,至少彼此相识。 Thank heaven and earth, God, all things, let me meet you, even if not together, at least know each other.

15、感谢我不早不晚能遇见你,与你相遇是我最大的幸运。谢谢你出现在我的生命中,让我的生活充满阳光温暖。 Thank you for meeting you sooner or later. Meeting you is my greatest luck. Thank you for appearing in my life, let my life full of sunshine and warmth.

16、感谢机缘让我遇见你,感谢上帝让我爱上你。还有,感谢你,让我从未后悔。 Thank you for the chance to fall in love with me. And thank you for never regretting.

17、感谢这世界的命运,让我得以遇见你,既然可以有你,那我便不会放手。 Thank the fate of the world, let me meet you, since you can, then I will not let go.

18、我感谢命运,感谢命运让我遇见你,我憎恨命运,憎恨命运让我离开你。 I thank fate, thank fate for letting me meet you, I hate fate, hate fate, let me leave you.

19、星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我;感恩他人,就是善待自己;怀有感恩之心才能包容全世界。 Stars can light up the night sky, gratitude can weigh the self; Thanksgiving to others is to treat yourself well; to have a grateful heart can contain the whole world.

20、过去那些年,感谢遇上你,世界那么大,还好我有你,人群这么挤,只为遇见你。 In the past few years, thank you for meeting you, the world is so big, fortunately I have you, the crowd is so crowded, just to meet you.