1、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。 It is not because of loneliness that I miss you, but because I miss you that I am lonely.

2、世界上唯一不变的,就是一切都在变。 The only constant in the world is that everything is changing.

3、亲爱的,因你而生的一切苦果我都愿亲尝。 Dear, I would like to taste all the bitter fruits of you.

4、人生若只如初见,初见惊艳,再见依然。 If life is just like the first sight, the first sight is amazing, goodbye is still.

5、从那时到相信不相信,你杀了我的信任。 From then on to believe or not, you killed my trust.

6、付出和收获不成正比,这就是爱的代价。 Pay and gain are not directly proportional, this is the price of love.

7、你对我好,我自然也会对你好。就是这么简单。 You are good to me, and I will be good to you. It's that simple.

8、你对象这个位置,我想牢牢坐一辈子。 You object this position, I want to sit firmly for a lifetime.

9、你是我期待又矛盾的梦,是我抓住却拥抱不了的风。 You are my expectant and contradictory dream, the wind that I hold but can't embrace.

10、你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。 You have not been loved, you will cherish the future that love you.

11、其实每次见你我也着迷,无奈各有角色范围。 In fact, every time I see you, I am also fascinated, but each role has its own scope.

12、只有在爱情里面,女人才活得真正像个女人。 Only in love can a woman live like a woman.

13、听说喜欢是会传染的,你快离我近一点。 It's said that liking is contagious. Get closer to me.

14、喜欢就是一棵树,张开了手,去捕一阵风。 Like is a tree, open hand, to catch a gust of wind.

15、因为真的很在乎,所以我一直都在装作不在乎。 Because I really care, so I always pretend I don't care.

16、如果你的爱情很累,那就证明你爱错了人。 If your love is very tired, it proves that you love the wrong person.

17、如果友谊一旦破坏了,连爱情也不能够再使它恢复。 If friendship is broken, even love can't restore it.

18、孤单是听见某个熟悉名字,不小心想起某些故事。 Loneliness is to hear a familiar name and think of some stories carelessly.

19、孤独,是你没有找到一条通往别人心里的路。 Loneliness is that you don't find a way to other people's heart.

20、宁可自己去原谅别人,莫让别人来原谅你。 I'd rather forgive myself than let others forgive you.

21、当赤道留住雪花,眼泪融掉细沙,你会珍惜我吗? When the equator keeps snow, tears melt sand, will you cherish me?

22、很爱很爱你,只有让你拥有爱情我才安心。 I love you very much. Only when you have love can I feel at ease.

23、忘记世界有个你,因为你在我世界Y已经死去。 Forget that there is a you in the world, because you have died in my world.

24、总有一些事情,让你在不经意中就看清一些人。 There are always some things, let you inadvertently see some people.

25、总要离开才发现,有一个人在习惯和爱中间。 Always have to leave to find that there is a person in the middle of habit and love.

26、情书给你一封,情话给你一句,余生给你一人。 A love letter for you, a love word for you, and a person for the rest of your life.

27、情歌若不能打动你,那我的心可不可以。 If love songs can't move you, can my heart.

28、懂自己的人不需要解释,不懂的人没必要解释。 People who understand themselves don't need to explain, and those who don't need to explain.

29、我不想做你人生的插曲,我想成为你一生的主题曲。 I don't want to be the interlude of your life, I want to be the theme song of your life.

30、我不知道该怎么说,但是我的生活不能没有你。 I don't know what to say, but I can't live without you.

31、我也不过是放下浪荡成性,过了一把痴情的瘾。 I just put down the vagabond into sex, had a infatuated addiction.

32、我们一直忘了搭一座桥,到对方的心底睡一睡。 We have always forgotten to build a bridge to sleep in each other's heart.

33、我做过最多的白日梦就是,如果你还在,该有多好。 The most daydream I've ever had is, how good it would be if you were still there.

34、我是一个*,在等很爱很爱我的疯子。 I am a fool, waiting for a madman who loves me very much.

35、我用一个又一个刹那,堆砌起与你息息相关的年华。 I use one moment after another, pile up the years closely related to you.

36、我的爱情,长了蛀虫,我的爱情,出了毛病。 My love, long moth, my love, something wrong.

37、我知道十字开头的爱情尚早,但我会坚持很久。 I know the beginning of the cross love is still early, but I will persist for a long time.

38、我记得我爱过,哭着,要不回那些快乐! I remember I loved, crying, or those happy!

39、我试着忘了你给的回忆,却越来越清晰。 I tried to forget the memories you gave, but it became clearer and clearer.

40、所有的一切都很清晰明朗,只有爱情下落不明。 Everything is clear and clear, only love is missing.

41、时间不会留住我们,最后我们留住了时间。 Time won't keep us. In the end, we keep time.

42、是谁把未来续写,断断续续的笔勾勒着苍白的明天。 Who will continue to write the future, intermittent pen outlines the pale tomorrow.

43、暖一颗心需要很多年,凉一颗心只要一瞬间。 It takes many years to warm a heart, but only a moment to cool a heart.

44、曾经多情如斯,伤痕累累,才终于学会无情。 Once sentimental, scarred, finally learned to be merciless.

45、曾经就是曾经、在美好也只能是曾经。 Once is once, in the beautiful also can only be once.

46、有一些记忆,始终在脑海最深刻的地方。 There are some memories, always in the deepest place in the mind.

47、有一件疯狂的小事,不值得一提的小事叫做爱情。 There is a crazy little thing, not worth mentioning is called love.

48、有了你,我什么都不缺,心再野,也懂得拒绝。 With you, I want nothing, no matter how wild my heart is, I also know how to refuse.

49、有毒的草开出迷人的花,害你的人说你爱听的话。 Poisonous grass blooms charming flowers, and those who harm you say what you like to hear.

50、有爱慰籍的人,无惧于任何事物,任何人。 Those who love comfort are not afraid of anything or anyone.

51、爱上你不是错,错的是,我没让你爱上我。 It's not wrong to fall in love with you. The wrong thing is, I didn't let you fall in love with me.

52、爱情不只是一种感情,这同样是一种艺术。 Love is not just a feeling, it is also an art.

53、爱情也好,友情也罢,顺其自然,不要强求。 Love or friendship, let it be and don't force it.

54、爱情是美好的,爱情是可以战胜距离的。 Love is beautiful, love can overcome distance.

55、爱的时候,请你记住你的心跳,不爱,请勿打扰! Love, please remember your heartbeat, do not love, do not disturb!

56、爱笑的人哭起来时,比谁都撕心裂肺! When people who love to laugh cry, they are more heartrending than anyone else!

57、知道看人背后的是君子;知道背后看人的是小人。 He who knows how to look at people behind is a gentleman; he who knows how to look at people behind his back is a villain.

58、自己的媳妇,哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。 Their daughter-in-law, coax used to not lose face, this is called love.

59、跟哥玩感情,我会让你哭的很有节奏。 Playing with brother, I will make you cry with rhythm.

60、这种感觉第一次有过,以前都是一笑而过。 It's the first time I've had this feeling. I've always laughed it off before.