1、一个人送走日落,星光会盛你满怀。 A person sends off the sunset, and the stars will fill you.
2、三杯两盏淡酒,怎敌他,晚来风急。 Three cups and two light wines, how can we defeat him? The wind is urgent at night.
3、不主动会失去,太主动他不珍惜,这就是人心。 If he doesn't take the initiative, he will lose. If he takes the initiative, he won't cherish it. This is the heart of the people.
4、不会拒绝的人可真是吃亏。 He who won't refuse is really at a loss.
5、不到可以陪我风雨同舟的人,那我就一个人走。 If there is no one who can accompany me through hardships, I will go alone.
6、不要乐观得像个屁一样,还自以为能惊天动地! Don't be optimistic like a fart and think you can make a world shaking!
7、世间情动,是盛夏白瓷梅子汤,碎冰碰壁当啷响。 The feeling in the world is the white porcelain plum soup in midsummer. The broken ice clatters against the wall.
8、为你明灯三千,为你花开满城。 Three thousand lights for you and flowers for you.
9、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 People may have sorrow or joy, be near or far apart, the moon may be dim or bright, wax or wane, This has been going on since the beginning of time.
10、人生就好像铅笔盒,每天都在不断的装笔。 Life is like a pencil box, constantly loading pens every day.
11、人生犹如一盘棋,绕转千回也猜不到结局。 Life is like a game of chess. You can't guess the end after thousands of turns.
12、人间太吵了,住我心里吧。 The world is too noisy. Live in my heart.
13、今宵剩把银缸照,尤恐相逢似梦中。 There is a silver jar left tonight, especially afraid to meet like a dream.
14、今生若是缘未尽,宁负天下不负卿。 In this life, if the fate is not exhausted, it is better to bear the world than you.
15、低调不代表我没有光芒,善良不代表我懦弱。 Low key does not mean I have no light, kindness does not mean I am cowardly.
16、你是我命中注定的人,愿与你一起经历喜怒哀乐。 You are my destiny. I am willing to experience joys and sorrows with you.
17、你是谁不重要,重要的是你闯进我生活,想干啥。 It doesn't matter who you are. What matters is what you want to do when you break into my life.
18、你的善良,从来不该惯着不知好歹的人。 Your kindness should never be used to people who don't know good or bad.
19、保持热爱,奔赴下一场山海。 Keep loving and go to the next mountain and sea.
20、做真实的自己,潇潇洒洒,*自在的活! Be true to yourself, live freely!
21、努力过后才知道许多事,坚持坚持就过来了。 After working hard, I know a lot of things. I insist and come over.
22、去年燕子天涯,今年燕子谁家? Last year, the swallow was at the end of the world. Who is the swallow this year?
23、向不管有没有方向,先走一步再说。 Whether there is a direction or not, take a step first.
24、吾心吾行澄如明镜,所作所为皆为正义。 My heart and actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is justice.
25、喜欢相濡以沫的爱情,向往迟暮之年的搀扶。 Like the love of helping each other, yearn for the help of old age.
26、在我一无所有的时候,你就是我的所有。 When I have nothing, you are all I have.
27、夜清清,月凄凄,佳人那头惹人惜。 The night is clear, the moon is sad, and the beauty is pitiful.
28、天亮了,照亮了泪光泪干了,枕边地彷徨。 Dawn lit up tears, tears dried up, and I wandered beside my pillow.
29、如果爱走的够远,终究会和幸福遇见。 If love goes far enough, it will eventually meet happiness.
30、学着做自己,并优雅的放手不属于自己的。 Learn to be yourself and gracefully let go of what doesn't belong to you.
31、少女的恋情如诗歌,成年妇女的恋爱是哲学。 The love of young girls is like poetry, and the love of adult women is philosophy.
32、山野皆有雾灯,漂流亦有归舟。 There are fog lights in the mountains and fields, and there are boats for drifting.
33、年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。 Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year.
34、幸福不是什么都有,而是你想要的恰好都在身边。 Happiness is not everything, but what you want happens to be around you.
35、微凉眉间,千番雪钿,相思倦。 Slightly cool eyebrows, thousands of snow tin, Acacia tired.
36、心里有座坟,住着未亡人。 There is a grave in my heart, where the undead live.
37、忆当时年华,谁点相思,谁种桃花。 Recalling the years at that time, who ordered Acacia, who planted peach blossoms.
38、怀念着很多的人,但是放不下的只有你一个人。 Miss a lot of people, but you are the only one who can't let go.
39、总以为岁月漫长,有大把的时间用来挽回和原谅。 I always think that the years are long and there is a lot of time to recover and forgive.
40、总会情不自禁的忧伤,所以学会了掩藏与伪装。 I can't help being sad, so I learned to hide and disguise.
41、总有人想等下去,可惜爱不能靠毅力。 Someone always wants to wait, but love can't rely on perseverance.
42、恶人因为怕而顺从,善人因为爱而服从。 The wicked obey because of fear, and the good obey because of love.
43、感谢你曾经来过,你也曾是对的人。 Thank you for coming and being the right person.
44、愿所有的微风都安定,所有月夜有群星! May all the breezes be calm and all the moonlit nights have stars!
45、慢慢来,谁不是翻山越岭去相爱。 Take your time. Who doesn't love over mountains and mountains.
46、我们应活在当下,珍惜每分每秒,及时行乐! We should live in the present, cherish every minute and have fun in time!
47、我们要一起比肩而立成为更好的大人。 We should stand side by side and become better adults.
48、我心有所爱,在云端,在瀚海,在心口。 I have love in my heart, in the clouds, in the vast sea, in my heart.
49、我愿以命做嫁妆,得你君临天下。 I would like to use my life as a dowry and have you reign in the world.
50、我愿执笔弃花间,从此以后,离经易道,只为你。 I am willing to write and abandon the flower room. From now on, I will leave the Sutra and change the way for you.
51、我拿真心当筹码,赌的是我的眼光。 I use my heart as a chip and bet on my eyes.
52、我是个俗人,见山喜山,见海喜海。 I am a layman. I like mountains and seas when I see them.
53、我爱你,是忠于自己忠于爱情的信仰。 I love you, is loyal to myself, loyal to the faith of love.
54、我用轻松的语气微笑的说,你过的好就行了。 I smiled in a relaxed tone and said, just have a good life.
55、我的心抵触一切除了你之外的事情。 My heart resists everything except you.
56、所有的时间都用来彷徨,只有一瞬间用来成长。 All the time is used for hesitation, and only one moment is used for growth.
57、敛芳瑶琴金光散,泽芜洞箫蓝曦痕。 Lianfang yaoqin golden light scattered, Zewu Dongxiao blue Xi mark.
58、最美的永远是回忆因为失去才懂得珍惜。 The most beautiful thing is always the memory. You know how to cherish it because of loss.
59、有些感情,除了说再见,别无选择。 Some feelings have no choice but to say goodbye.
60、有些路,很黑,风很大,却只能独自一人走过。 Some roads are very dark and windy, but they can only walk alone.
61、有时候一个人的失踪,孤独了一个世界。 Sometimes a person's disappearance makes a world lonely.
62、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。 Life with love is happy, and it is foolish to live for love.
63、梦落尘埃,散尽了繁华,漂泊的心灵,依旧悲情。 Dream dust, scattered the prosperous, wandering heart, still sad.
64、深夜梦醒空如静,卷起睡帘想起你。 Wake up at night, empty as static, roll up the sleeping curtain and think of you.
65、点到为止的艳,不可方物的美。 The beauty of the point is not the beauty of the object.
66、爱你不解释,因为解释就是掩饰。 I love you without explanation, because explanation is a cover up.
67、爱心是扶慰你受伤心灵的微笑。 Love is the smile that soothes your wounded heart.
68、珍惜自己,就是对珍惜你的人的最大的珍惜。 To cherish yourself is to cherish the people who cherish you the most.
69、相思只在,丁香枝上,豆蔻梢头。 Acacia is only on clove branches and cardamom shoots.
70、真诚一些吧,别辜负了相遇。 Be sincere and don't live up to the meeting.
71、碎光,沐年,良人始于天尽崖,木格至致无遥期。 Broken light, bathe in the new year, the lover starts from Tianjin cliff, and the wooden lattice reaches a period of no distance.
72、秦淮八艳,金陵烟雨,六朝旧事如流水。 Qinhuai eight Yan, Jinling misty rain, the past events of the Six Dynasties are like running water.
73、笑一笑有什么大不了,明天会更好。 Smile. What's the big deal? Tomorrow will be better.
74、纵然是齐眉举案,到底意难平。 Even if the case is raised in unison, it is difficult to calm down in the end.
75、给时间一点时间,让开始开始,让结束结束。 Give time a little time, let the beginning begin, let the end end end.
76、绣笔誊写,一段痴情咒,三生三世后。 Embroidered pen transcription, a infatuation spell, after three lives.
77、缕缕清风不解梦,抹抹相思慰前缘。 Wisps of breeze do not interpret dreams, wipe Acacia and comfort the front edge.
78、荷尔蒙只负责一见钟情,而柏拉图负责白头偕老。 Hormones are only responsible for love at first sight, while Plato is responsible for growing old together.
79、要活得强硬一点,软得像烂泥有什么意思。 What's the point of being tough and soft like mud.
80、请记得你不要幸福,才不枉费我狼狈退出。 Please remember that you don't want to be happy, so I won't waste my embarrassment and quit.
81、轻落,一点一点消融。遥望中,一丝一丝心痛。 Light fall, melting bit by bit. In the distance, a trace of heartache.
82、钟爱一个人什么感觉阿?听到他的名字都会笑! How does it feel to love someone? I laugh when I hear his name!
83、雪莲开花,白了头发,枉费少将一程再一程牵挂。 Snow lotus blossoms, white hair, wasted major general's care one way and another.