1、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。 A true friend holds your hand and touches your heart.
2、一头青丝变白,岁月此刻静好,莞尔一笑看世间。 A head of green silk turns white, the years are quiet now, smile at the world.
3、不知道自己走向何方的人,大都是人生的匆匆过客。 People who don't know where they are going are mostly passers-by of life.
4、不要低头,既然有必须做的事,就只看着前方。 Don't look down. Since there is something you have to do, just look ahead.
5、不要把心底的话全掏出来,这些是只属于你的财富。 Don't take out all the words in your heart. These are only your wealth.
6、不要每次伤心难过都在那里哭,哭是解决不了问题的——要去死。 You can't solve the problem by crying. Don't cry every time you die.
7、为了赞美而去修行,有如被践踏的香花美草。 To practice for the sake of praise is like a trampled fragrant flower.
8、人在忙碌中感受生活,人也是在忙碌中体会生活。 People feel life in the busy, people also experience life in the busy.
9、人生不要被金钱所控制,决定你幸福的,是知足。 Life should not be controlled by money. Contentment is what determines your happiness.
10、人生很累,人生很苦!我很累,但我无路可退。 Life is very tired, life is very hard! I'm tired, but I have no way out.
11、人生苦短必须性感,彪悍的人生是不需要解释的。 Life is too short to be sexy. A tough life doesn't need to be explained.
12、会演戏的不一定都是演员,会装的一定就是孙子。 Those who can act are not necessarily actors, but grandsons.
13、你看到的洒脱,都是我心碎之后的无可奈何。 You see free and easy, is my heart broken after helpless.
14、决定成功的因素并不是智力,而是心理因素,或者叫非智力因素。 The factors that determine success are not intelligence, but psychological factors, or non intelligence factors.
15、别人看不起你,很不幸;自己看不起自己,更不幸。 It's unfortunate that others look down on you; it's even more unfortunate that you look down on yourself.
16、别人稍一注意你,你就敞开心扉,你觉得这是坦率,其实这是孤独。 When others pay a little attention to you, you open your heart. You think it's frankness, but in fact, it's loneliness.
17、别总是来日方长,这世上回首之间的都是人走茶凉。 Don't always have a long way to go. Looking back in the world, people are walking tea cool.
18、别等黄昏,等不起,追不到,伤不起,回不来。 Don't wait for dusk, can't wait, can't catch up, can't hurt, can't come back.
19、压力没在谁身上,谁不知道其重;压抑没在谁心上,谁不明白其疼。 The pressure is not on who, who does not know its heavy; depression is not in whose heart, who does not understand its pain.
20、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。 Those who like you want your present; those who love you want your future.
21、困难只能吓倒懦夫懒汉,而胜利永远属于敢于攀登科学高峰的人。 Difficulties can only frighten cowards and lazy men, and victory always belongs to those who dare to climb the heights of science.
22、在我眼里你是我闺蜜,而在你眼里我只是一个让你乱扔的垃圾罢了! In my eyes, you are my best friend, but in your eyes I'm just a piece of rubbish that you throw away!
23、多彩的叶,艳丽的菜花,让人心情愉悦,目不暇接。 Colorful leaves and colorful cauliflower make people feel happy and dazzled.
24、孤独不在山上而在街上,不在房间里而在人群里。 Loneliness is not on the mountain but on the street, not in the room but in the crowd.
25、实干家在沙漠里也能开垦出绿洲,懒惰者在沃野上也不会获得丰收。 The doer can cultivate an oasis in the desert, and the lazy man will not have a good harvest in the fertile fields.
26、实现梦想的方法简单,就是冒着风险直接去干! The way to realize your dream is to take the risk and do it directly!
27、寻求财富的时候总嫌少,但钱多了也会害人的。 It is always too little to seek wealth, but too much money can do harm.
28、将来落下你与孩子矛盾的祸根,再成功的事业也显得没有任何意义。 In the future, the root of the conflict between you and your children will make no sense to succeed in your career.
29、希望大家都不要执着于结果,随心、随性、随喜、随时、随缘就好。 I hope that we do not cling to the results, as you please, as you like, at any time, with the fate.
30、当你的希望一个个落空,你也要坚定,要沉着! When your hopes fail one by one, you should be firm and calm!
31、当有人时,把爱与支持散出去,可能事业就来了。 When there are people, spread out the love and support, maybe the career will come.
32、总有经历过一些失去,才会明白拥有时的珍贵。 Always experienced some loss, will understand when has precious.
33、我不会去哭,我只会把自己放在一个坚强的地方。 I will not cry, I will only put myself in a strong place.
34、我不奢望你会说永远,只希望我们走得远一点罢了。 I don't expect you to say forever, just hope we go a little farther.
35、我只是个戏子,在别人的故事里,流着自己的泪。 I'm just an actor, in other people's stories, flowing my own tears.
36、我要把人生变成科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。 I want to turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality.
37、承诺就像放屁,当时惊天动地,过后苍白无力。 Commitment is like farting. At that time, it was earth shaking, but after that, it was powerless.
38、无痛不快,无苦何甜,活着,本就是一种修行! No pain, no pain, no pain, no sweet. Living is a kind of practice!
39、时间揭晓了彼此的脆弱,你我已失去了从前的坚强。 Time reveals each other's frailty, you and I have lost the former strong.
40、智慧的代价是矛盾。这是人类对人行观开的玩笑。 The price of wisdom is contradiction. This is a joke on human behavior.
41、有一天你将破茧而出,成长得比人们期待的还要美丽。 One day you will come out of the cocoon and grow more beautiful than people expect.
42、有时候挺累的,幻想过千千万万,唯独不敢想你。 Sometimes I'm tired and fantasize about thousands of times, but I don't dare to think of you.
43、有时候,经济不独立,你发的一切飚都是个屁。 Sometimes, the economy is not independent, everything you make is a fart.
44、未来在哪里啊,谁能给我指引方向,一个人太累了。 Where is the future? Who can guide me? I'm too tired.
45、没了健康,什么都不是,往后余生好好爱自己。 For the rest of my life, I don't love myself.
46、没心没肺的人,活着不累,因为他们做人做事,只凭借自己的良心。 Heartless people are not tired to live, because they only rely on their conscience.
47、熟悉的地方没有风景,熟悉的人眼中没有伟人。 Familiar places have no scenery, familiar people have no great man.
48、爱情是人生最美丽的梦,要用理性的刀刃去解。 Love is the most beautiful dream in life, which should be solved with the blade of reason.
49、珍惜缘分世界才更美丽,珍惜拥有人生才更精彩。 Cherish the fate of the world is more beautiful, cherish the possession of life is more wonderful.
50、生命是建筑在痛苦之上的,整个生活贯穿着痛苦。 Life is built on the pain, the whole life runs through the pain.
51、生活好时要多想想生活差的时候,不要把本不好的境况当成好日子。 When life is good, think more about the time when life is bad, and don't take the bad situation as a good day.
52、痛苦留给的一切,请细加回味!苦难一经过去,苦难就变为甘美。 Pain left everything, please add aftertaste! Once suffering has passed, it becomes sweet.
53、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.
54、米可果腹,沙可盖屋,但二者掺到一起,价值全无。 However, the two can be used together to build a sand house.
55、聪明的人,有底线,做人不声张,不说狂话,知道低调,懂得分寸。 Smart people, have a bottom line, do not make a statement, do not say crazy words, know low-key, know how to be measured.
56、茶,是茶友间缘分的见证与开始。一起喝茶,就是最好的一段缘。 Tea is the witness and beginning of fate between tea friends. Tea together is the best part.
57、让我们与所有的记忆握手,然后平静的说再见。 Let's shake hands with all the memories and say goodbye peacefully.
58、距离,产生的不是美,而是诠释了不堪一击的爱情。 Distance produces not beauty, but the interpretation of vulnerable love.
59、这个世界很现实,有依靠,你可以慢慢走,]有依靠,你必须奔跑。 This world is very realistic, there is dependence, you can walk slowly, without dependence, you must run.
60、面对不一定是勇敢,有时候退出也需要很大的勇气。 It's not necessarily brave to face it. Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to quit.