1、不是你错就是他错。 Either you or he is wrong.

2、不是她对就是我对。 Either she or I am right.

3、今天多冷啊! How cold it is today!

4、他不再是个贼。 He is no longer a thief.

5、他们经常向我要钱。 They often ask me for money.

6、他似乎生气了。 He seems to be angry.

7、他完成了这个任务。 He finished the task.

8、他工作多么努力啊! How hard he works!

9、他整天坐在那里。 He sits there all day.

10、他是干什么的? What does he do?

11、他现在不想去游泳。 He doesn't want to go swimming now.

12、他的学校离他家远。 His school is far from his home.

13、他跑得不如汤姆快。 He doesn't run as fast as Tom.

14、他过去不常来。 He didn't come often in the past.

15、他过去总早起。 He used to get up early.

16、你为什么学英语? Why do you study English?

17、你参加比赛了吗? Did you take part in the competition?

18、你叫什么名字? What's your name?

19、你喜欢看电影吗? Do you like going to the movies?

20、你拿了我的铅笔吗? Have you got my pencil?

21、你是做什么的? What do you do?

22、你是谁? who are you?

23、你曾去过夏威夷吗? Have you ever been to Hawaii?

24、你有兄弟或姐妹吗? Do you have any brothers or sisters?

25、你的手表怎么了? What's wrong with your watch?

26、你的表几点了? What time is your watch?

27、你认为北京怎么样? What do you think of Beijing?

28、你需要努力学习。 You need to study hard.

29、别瞒着我事实真相。 Don't keep the truth from me.

30、医院离邮局很近。 The hospital is close to the post office.

31、去钓鱼怎么样? How about going fishing?

32、只剩两分钟了。 There are only two minutes left.

33、吃鱼吧! Eat fish!

34、听起来很不错。 That sounds very good.

35、多美的一幅图画呀! What a beautiful picture!

36、天气多好啊! What a beautiful day!

37、她可能是个司机吗? Could she be a driver?

38、她牙疼了一整夜。 She had a toothache all night.

39、孩子该睡觉了。 It's time for the baby to go to bed.

40、对不起,让你久等。 Sorry to keep you waiting.

41、小孩伤心地抽泣着。 The child sobbed bitterly.

42、就叫我汤姆吧。 Just call me Tom.

43、巧妇难为无米之炊。 one can't make bricks without straw.

44、很高兴与你聊天。 Nice talking to you.

45、恐怕不能。 I'm afraid not.

46、感谢你来看我。 Thank you for coming to see me.

47、感谢你的帮助。 Thank you for your help.

48、我一点都不知道。 I have no idea.

49、我不需要你的钱。 I don't need your money.

50、我们擅长英语。 We are good at English.

51、我们最好现在走吧。 We'd better go now.

52、我们用钢笔写字。 We write with pens.

53、我会帮你打点的。 I'll do it for you.

54、我剩下一些。 I have some left.

55、我和他都不是学生。 Neither he nor I are students.

56、我和你都是学生。 You and I are both students.

57、我喜欢喝啤酒。 I like to drink beer.

58、我在街上遇见了他。 I met him in the street.

59、我希望不久见到你。 I hope to see you soon.

60、我想你常常跳舞吧。 I think you dance a lot.

61、我想去上学。 I want to go to school.

62、我想喝一杯牛奶。 I want a glass of milk.

63、我想喝一杯茶。 I want to have a cup of tea.

64、我想要一杯啤酒。 I'd like a beer.

65、我是个农民。 I'm a farmer.

66、我来是和你告别的。 I came to say goodbye to you.

67、我比她更了解你。 I know you better than she does.

68、我的表是两点钟。 My watch is two o'clock.

69、我的车出了毛病。 There is something wrong with my car.

70、我真不知道。 I don't know.

71、我确信会成功。 I'm sure it will succeed.

72、我认为天不会下雨。 I don't think it will rain.

73、是的,我认为是。 Yes, I think so.

74、景色多么漂亮! What a beautiful view!

75、木材被用来造纸。 Wood is used to make paper.

76、欢迎回到学校! Welcome back to school!

77、没有时间思考。 There is no time to think.

78、没有,我是独生子。 No, I'm an only child.

79、河里有条船。 There is a boat in the river.

80、现在两点。 It's two o'clock.

81、现在几点? What time is it?

82、现在是五点一刻。 It's a quarter past five.

83、盒子里装满了食物。 The box is full of food.

84、船到桥头自然直。 Cross the bridge when you come to it.

85、让他不要站在雨中。 Tell him not to stand in the rain.

86、让他们在这儿呆着。 Let them stay here.

87、让他进入房间。 Let him into the room.

88、让我为你唱支歌吧。 Let me sing a song for you.

89、让我们去钓鱼吧。 Let's go fishing.

90、请给我看看地图。 Please show me the map.

91、谢谢你的帮助。 Thanks for your help.

92、谢谢你给我的礼物。 Thank you for the present.

93、还没到四点呢。 It's not four o'clock yet.

94、这房子似乎太吵了。 The house seems too noisy.

95、这本书值得读。 This book is worth reading.

96、这朵花多么漂亮啊! How beautiful the flower is!

97、那个女孩是学生吗? Is that girl a student?

98、那儿似乎有很多人。 There seem to be a lot of people there.

99、那和我没有关系。 That has nothing to do with me.

100、那边那个人是谁? Who is that man over there?