1、不是我不留意,而是我故意的! It's not that I don't pay attention, but I do it on purpose!

2、不要向任何人解释你自己,爱你的人不介意,恨你的人不会信。 Don't explain yourself to anyone. People who love you don't mind. People who hate you don't believe it.

3、世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。 Poverty is the only thing in the world that can get something for nothing.

4、也不是非你不可,只是对别人再多的好感,也构不成心跳。 It's not that you have to. No matter how much you like others, it doesn't make your heart beat.

5、人生的伟业,都是靠一点一滴的积累,一步一个脚印走出来的。 The great cause of life depends on the accumulation bit by bit, step by step.

6、伤口已愈,初心已失。 The wound has healed, the heart has lost.

7、你是北半球,我是南半球,如果我们在一起,那就是整个地球。 You are the northern hemisphere, I am the southern hemisphere, if we are together, it is the whole earth.

8、你本是彬彬礼貌,却怪我多情叨扰。 You should have been polite, but you blame me for being sentimental.

9、你跑吧,这次我不追了。 You run. I won't chase you this time.

10、你那么爱笑,可还是抵不住内心的四处荒芜。 You love to laugh so much, but you can't resist the desolation in your heart.

11、你骂了我,我没有生气,因为我知道你也很难受。 You scolded me, I am not angry, because I know you are also very uncomfortable.

12、关注我们的未来,因为那里将是我们度过余生的地方。 Focus on our future, because that's where we'll spend the rest of our lives.

13、只想抱着你的背脊不放,最好的幸福,是你给的在乎。 Just want to hold your back, the best happiness is that you care.

14、可不可以牵着我,从老婆到老婆婆。 Can you lead me, from my wife to my mother-in-law.

15、喜欢你,是眼眶红红,是心事重重。 Like you, is red eyes, is full of worries.

16、在你那,我连最后的安慰都得不到,如此卑微。 In you, I can't even get the last comfort, so humble.

17、在我看来,顺其自然,便是束手无策。难听点,则是无能为力。 In my opinion, it is helpless to let nature take its course. If it's ugly, it's powerless.

18、在这个不知所措的年纪,好像做什么都不尽人意。更别提爱情了。 At this age of bewilderment, nothing seems to be satisfactory. Not to mention love.

19、大概遇见你一百次,就会沦陷一百次。 If I meet you a hundred times, I will fall into the enemy a hundred times.

20、女人的一生就是一部爱情的历史。 A woman's life is a history of love.

21、女人,可不可以自重点?我替你的男人感到悲哀。 Can women focus on themselves? I feel sorry for your man.

22、学会一个人生活,不论身边是否有人疼爱,做好自己该做的。 Learn to live by yourself, no matter whether you are loved or not, do what you should do well.

23、带翅膀的也不一定是天使,他可能是鸟人。 The one with wings is not necessarily an angel. He may be a birdman.

24、彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单,如此难。 Love each other is happiness, so simple, so difficult.

25、总有那么一个人,你无数次说着要放弃,但终究还是舍不得。 There is always such a person, you said countless times to give up, but in the end or reluctant.

26、愿你也能遇见一个,能照亮你生活的人。 May you also meet someone who can light up your life.

27、我不相信永远的爱恋,我只知道我对你的爱只能一天胜过一天。 I don't believe in eternal love, I only know that my love for you can only be better than one day.

28、我们的距离越来越远,就只怪我们有缘无份吧。 Our distance is getting farther and farther. It's only because we are predestined.

29、我们都生活在彼此的故事里,不同的是:你是主角,而我是配角。 We all live in each other's stories, the difference is: you are the leading role, and I am the supporting role.

30、我听你的故事失眠整夜。 I listened to your story all night.

31、我喜欢你,是年少的冒险,是一生的真心话。 I like you. It's a young adventure. It's the truth of my life.

32、我用我最差劲的方式爱你,可是我的真心一点不剩都给了你。 I love you in the worst way, but I give you all my heart.

33、我离天空最近的一次,是你高高的把我举过了肩头。 The last time I was away from the sky, you lifted me over your shoulder.

34、手给你牵,东西南北我都甘愿。 Hand to you, East, West, North and South I am willing.

35、时间像海绵里的水,只要你愿意挤,总还是有的。 Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be.

36、最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它小时不停为我们工作。 The most effective capital is our reputation, which works for us all the time.

37、有时候,女人蛮不讲理,都是因为太爱你。 Sometimes, women are unreasonable because they love you too much.

38、有时候,真的想来一个绝症,看看到底有谁真正关心我。 Sometimes, I really want to have a terminal disease to see who really cares about me.

39、有时最难的并非放下过去,而是学会重新开始。 Sometimes the hardest thing is not to let go of the past, but to learn to start over.

40、此生可去一身皮囊,不卸铮铮傲骨。 This life can go to a skin bag, do not unload clank proud.

41、每一件事都要用多方面的角度来看它。 Everything has to be looked at in many ways.

42、没有在一起的人,就是不对的人,对的人,你是不会失去他的。 The person who is not together is the wrong person, the right person, you will not lose him.

43、没走过的是路,走过的才是人生。 What we haven't gone through is the road, what we have gone through is life.

44、爱不会缺席,但会姗姗来迟。晚点遇见你,余生都是你。 Love will not be absent, but it will come late. I'll meet you later. It's you for the rest of my life.

45、疏远的原因大概是,我需要你的时候,而你恰好都不在。 The reason for estrangement is probably that when I need you, you are not here.

46、能和你结婚的人一定很幸福。 The person who can marry you must be very happy.

47、至于未来会怎么样,反正路还长,天总会亮。 As for what will happen in the future, anyway, the road is still long, and the day will always be bright.

48、说有上辈子的人是在骗自我;说有下辈子的人是在骗别人。 People who say they have a previous life are deceiving themselves; people who say they have a next life are deceiving others.

49、读书是学习,阅读自然,了解社会是更重要的学习。 Reading is learning, reading nature, understanding society is more important learning.

50、趁早滚,别伤了身体。 Get out of here, don't hurt yourself.