1、In the evening, greetings, may you throw away your troubles and enjoy yourself, the breeze and the stars, and wish you to sleep well tonight; wish you a sweet dream tonight.

2、一丝心的悸动,一缕情的关怀,在这寂寂的清晨,送去我点点的问候。愿你烦恼莫沾,幸福无边,亲爱的朋友,早安! A touch of heart, a touch of love, in this quiet morning, send me a little greeting. May you be troubled, never be happy, dear friend, good morning!

3、下午好,送你清爽的问候,温馨的祝愿,祝你今日精力棒棒,生机多多,心境好好,开心快乐! Good afternoon, send you a refreshing greeting, warm wishes, I wish you a lot of energy today, a lot of vitality, a good state of mind, happy!

4、不要害怕做错什么,即使错了,也不必懊恼,人生就是对对错错,何况有许多事,回头看来,对错已经无所谓了。早安。 Don't be afraid to do something wrong, even if it's wrong, you don't have to be upset. Life is right or wrong, besides, there are many things. Looking back, right or wrong is indifferent. Good morning.

5、为了让你睡得香,我找了一群朋友把忙帮:快乐给你捶背,舒服帮你揉腿,开心替你暖被,轻松陪你为睡!祝你快乐入梦! In order to let you sleep, I find a group of friends to help: happy to beat you back, comfortable to help you knead your legs, happy for you warm, easy to accompany you to sleep! I wish you a happy dream!

6、人生像是一道算术题,加了几个对的人,减了几个错过的人,最后等到的是一辈子珍惜的人,朋友,周末快乐! Life is like an arithmetic problem, adding a few pairs of people, reducing a few missing people, and finally waiting for a lifetime of cherished people, friends, happy weekend!

7、人生路,有点苦,走过风,走过雨,路过欢笑,经过痛苦,有些感情,停留心中,有些朋友,时常挂念,朋友,一路保重! The road of life, a bit bitter, through the wind, through the rain, passing through the laughter, through the pain, some feelings, stay in the heart, some friends, often miss, friends, all the way to save!

8、传递的是快乐,传送的是祝福,串起来的是友情,凝结的是友谊,愿你快乐幸福,万事如意,愿你身体健康,顺心顺气。 The transmission is happiness, the transmission is the blessing, the string is friendship, the condensation is friendship, wish you happiness, all the best, and wish you health and happiness.

9、你用优美的年轮编成一册散发油墨清香的日历,年年我都会在日历的这一页上用深情的想念祝福你的生日! You use a beautiful annual wheel to make a copy of the calendar of ink and fragrance, and I will bless your birthday with deep love on this page of the calendar year.

10、你的微笑,已深深感染了在场所有的叔叔阿姨!希望以后成长后的你,有更多的事情让我们感动! Your smile is deeply infected with all the uncles and aunts present! Hope that after the growth of you, there are more things to let us move!

11、你能找到理由难过,也一定能找到理由快乐,懂得放心的人找到轻松,懂得遗忘的人找到*,懂得关怀的人找到朋友。 You can find reasons to be sad, you can also find reasons to be happy, the people who know the rest are relaxed, the forgotten people find the freedom, and the caring people find their friends.

12、别因太多忙碌而冷淡温柔,莫因无奈的追求而湮没享受,挣钱不是人生的全部,停停你匆匆的脚步,尽情享受生活的赐福! Don't be too busy and cold and gentle. Don't let your pursuit obliterate your enjoyment. Earning money is not the whole life. Stop your hasty steps and enjoy the blessings of life!

13、别因忙碌忘记了追求,别因劳累放弃了梦想,别因我久未和你联系就忘掉了是我们是真心的朋友。朋友,周末愉快! 不要忘记追求忙碌,不要因为疲倦而放弃梦想,不要忘记我们是真正的朋友,因为我没有接触过你好久了。周末快乐,朋友!

14、劳心劳力苦,家人疏复疏;为名为利忙,身体伤复伤;周末歇一歇,天伦叙复叙;朋友多联系,情谊深复深。周末愉快! Hard work, hard work, family sparse and sparse; for the name of the busy, the body injury complex injury; weekend rest, the nature of the Syrian Syrian narration; friends more contact, friendship deep deep. Have a great weekend!

15、只希望每一个脚印旁都有你的脚印陪伴,只希望每一个眼神都能得到你的回应,只希望夕阳下你我相拥的身影! Only hope that every footprints have your footprints accompanied, only hope that every eye can get your response, just hope that the setting sun you I have a shadow!

16、周三到,忙碌的节奏围你绕,调整呼吸冲把澡,喝喝绿茶跳跳操,缓解压力有门道,鼓足干劲往前跑,胜利终会把你抱! Wednesday, the busy rhythm around you, adjust the breath to take a bath, drink green tea jump exercises, relieve pressure has a doorway, push the drive forward, the victory will hold you!

17、好花要懂得珍惜,不要误了花期。好酒亦懂得珍惜,不要误了保质期。好人更要懂得珍惜,不要误了一生情意! Good flowers should know how to cherish, do not miss the flower period. Good wine also knows how to cherish, do not miss the shelf life. Good people should know how to cherish, not to miss the love of life!

18、寿星送寿桃到你家,祝你健康长寿身体佳,儿孙满堂很顾家,为人豁达个个夸,心里时时乐开花,好运连连把财发! The life star sends the life peach to your home, wishes you the health long life good health, the son and grandson full hall is very family, for the human open-minded every one boasts, the heart is happy every time, good luck continuously makes the money!

19、平淡的日子有幸福的味道,平凡的生活有闪光的瞬间,平静的人生有精彩的时刻,平常的问候有真诚的祝福,愿一切安好。 The dull day has the taste of happiness, the ordinary life has the flash of flash, the quiet life has the wonderful moment, the ordinary greeting has the sincere blessing, wish everything is good.

20、平淡的生活,会带给你最简单的幸福;忙碌的脚步,会带给你最美丽的风景;真诚的祝福,会带给你最由衷的快乐! The simple life will bring you the most simple happiness; busy footsteps will bring you the most beautiful scenery; sincere blessing will bring you the most sincere happiness!

21、心是用来相拥的,情是用来相惜的,快乐是用来自我讨好的,希望你的心情总是被快乐环绕的。朋友,祝你周末好心情。 Heart is used to embrace, love is used to cherish, happiness is used to please self, and I hope that your mood is always surrounded by happiness. Friends, I wish you a good weekend.

22、我已把玫瑰插上花篮,我已用甘露斟满酒盅,我衷心地祈祷:归来吧,我的朋友,让我们共同为故土的宏伟大厦添砖加瓦! I have put roses in baskets, I have filled wine cups with manna, and I sincerely pray: Come back, my friend, let's add bricks and tiles to the grand building of our homeland together! uuuuuuuuuuuu

23、拥有一份美好的心情,如拥有一份诚挚的祝福。愿您健康,愿您快乐,但愿我千万个祝福永远陪伴您左右。周末愉快! Have a good mood, such as a sincere blessing. May you be healthy and happy, and may my wishes always be with you. Have a great weekend!

24、捧一册书卷看一段波澜,迎一股花香得一刻清闲,泡一杯清茶洗一时尘缘,送一句问候愿一世平安。祝你周末愉快! Holding a volume of books to see a wave of waves, greet a moment of leisure, a cup of tea to wash a moment, send a greeting to the peace of the first world. Have a nice weekend!

25、早上的阳光为你照耀,早上的鸟儿为你欢笑,早上的花儿为你绽放,早上的我为你送来一天最美好的祝福:早安! The morning sun shines for you, the bird in the morning laughs for you, the flowers bloom for you in the morning, and I send you the best wishes of the day in the morning: Good morning!

26、早上空气清新,叫你事事顺心;上午阳光明媚,祝你薪水翻倍;下午小风娇好,愿你青春不老。 The morning air is refreshing, it calls you everything in the morning; the morning sun is shining, I wish you a double salary, the afternoon breezeis fine, and you may be young.

27、早晨收到祝福会快乐一天,夏天收到祝福会快乐一年,现在又是早上又是夏天,我把祝福送给你,愿你秒秒都快乐! In the morning, the blessing will be happy one day, the summer receives the blessing will be happy one year, now is also the morning and summer, I give you the blessing, wish you second and second happiness!

28、早起要做到,对着镜子笑,折射出美好,烦恼全部消,晨光来拥抱,好运不会少,祝福来报到,向你道声早,祝你心情妙。 Early to do to do, smile in the mirror, the refraction of the beautiful, all the trouble, the morning to embrace, good luck will not be less, blessing to report, early to you, I wish you a good mood.

29、春回大地百鸟齐鸣,春暖花开万物复苏,春意浓浓开启美好,春雨如油滴滴珍贵,放飞希望放飞梦想,春天好运定能如愿! Spring back to the earth a hundred birds singing, spring all things resuscitation, spring is strong to open the beautiful, spring rain as oil drops precious, let fly hope to fly dreams, good luck in spring can be a wish!

30、春天倚着你幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着你成熟,冬天倚着你思考。生命的每一个感动因你而开始,早上好! Spring depends on your fantasy, summer depends on you, autumn depends on you mature, winter depends on you to think. Every move of life begins with you, good morning.

31、春,是绿草的舞台;夏,是烈阳的舞台;秋,是金穗的舞台;冬,是白雪的舞台;而奥运就是我们发光发热的舞台! Spring is the stage of green grass; summer is the stage of strong sun; autumn is the stage of gold ear;winter is the stage of snow; and the Olympics are the stage for our luminescence and fever.

32、最动听的,是亲人的呼唤;最难舍的,是朋友的惦念。任他风吹雨晒,朋友时刻给你关怀。愿君生活安康,心情舒畅! The most touching is the callof a loved one; the most difficult one is the thinking of a friend. His friends always give you care. May you live in peace and comfort!

33、有个人一生为你守卫,它叫健康;有个人一生为你服务,它叫快乐;有个人一生为你祝福,它叫好运。愿你开心每一天! There is a person who guards you all his life, it is called health; there is a person who serves you all his life, it is called happiness; there is a person who blesses you all his life, it is called good luck. Wish you happy every day!

34、朋友是快乐时忘掉的人,苦时去找的人,是你败走麦城不对你另眼看的人,是你高升对你称呼仍不变的人! Friends are those who forget when they are happy, those who seek when they are bitter, those who fail to see you differently from Maicheng, and those who are still the same as you when you are promoted.

35、朋友的情谊离不开彼此的真诚;空间的美丽离不开朋友的支持,感谢你在我的小屋的每一次足迹,祝朋友开心快乐! The friendship of friends can not be separated from the sincerity of each other; the beauty of space can not be separated from the support of friends, thank you for every footstep in my cottage, and wish a friend to be happy and happy!

36、洗个澡,洗掉一天的烦与恼;深呼吸,甩掉一天的劳与累;睡一觉,所有忧愁全跑掉;美梦做,隔天醒来精神爽。晚安。 Take a bath, wash away the trouble and annoy of a day; take a deep breath, throw away the day's work and tired; sleep, all the worries run away; dream, wake up the next day. Good night.

37、浓浓的祝福是火,真诚的问候是锅,装载甜甜的微笑真心的快乐,做一道幸福的佳肴,让暖暖的热气带给你温馨甜蜜! The strong blessings are the fire, the sincere greetings are the pot, the sweet smile and the sincere happiness, make a happy meal, let the warm heat bring you sweet sweet!

38、清新的早晨,太阳透过空气照射到树叶上,到处都散发着阳光的气息。请泡杯咖啡走到阳台来接收我的气息:朋友早安! A fresh morning, the sun shines on the leaves through the air, and there is a breath of sunshine everywhere. Please go to the balcony with a cup of coffee to receive my breath: Good morning, friend!

39、清晨推开你的窗,让风吹来健康;晚上打开你的灯,让光照亮希望;愿我的祝福给你前进的力量,愿你的前途大放光芒! Open your window in the morning, let the wind come to health; open your light at night, let light light up hope; may my blessing give you the strength to advance, and hope your future will shine.

40、漫天的雪花是飞舞的音符,以思念谱成乐章,用祝福奏出期盼,带给你欢乐,祝冬至团圆,温暖溢满整个冬天! The snowflakes of the sky are the notes of the flying dance, the music of the yearning, the hope, the joy, the reunion of the winter solstice, the warmth of the whole winter!

41、灿烂春光,情涌大江;龙飞凤翔,祝福绵长。愿你薪水涨,体安康,美满生活蜜如糖,合家欢乐福满堂。周末愉快! Bright spring, love pouring River; dragon flying in Fengxiang, blessing long. I wish you a rise in salary, a healthy body, a good life like sugar, a happy family. Have a great weekend!

42、炎炎夏天,奉上真诚的问候,愿它化做晨溪与朝露,清凉惬意滋润心头!吹响祝福的风笛,为您把锦瑟弹奏。祝周末愉快。 In the summer, a sincere greeting is given, and it is willing to make morning Creek and dew, cool and comfortable and moisten your heart! Blows the blessings of the whistle for you to play. Have a nice weekend.

43、炎炎夏日,奉上真诚的问候,愿它化做晨溪与朝露,清凉惬意滋润心头!吹响祝福的风笛,为您把锦瑟弹奏。祝周末愉快。 Honest greetings on a hot summer day. May it turn into a morning stream and a morning dew, which will be cool and comfortable to moisten your heart! Sound the bagpipes of blessings and play the brocade for you. Have a nice weekend.

44、生活就像烈酒,不经过三番五次的提炼,就不会这样可口。会有喜,会有愁,会有顺利,会有波折,真心祝愿你生活愉快! Life is like a strong wine, without more than three years of refining, it will not be so delicious. Will be happy, there will be sorrow, there will be a smooth, there will be a wave of twists and turns, sincerely wish you a happy life!

45、生活要精彩,努力才痛快,生命要多彩,一路才畅快,生日要喝彩,寿星才愉快。亲爱的朋友,生日快乐。 Life needs to be wonderful, hard work to be happy, life needs to be colorful, all the way to be happy, birthday to cheer, longevity to be happy. Happy birthday, dear friend.

46、白头的所见所闻,晚上的日又所思,白头的不开心,晚上的好心情,带着好心情,晚安,朋友。 What I see and hear about the white head, the day in the evening, the unhappiness of the white head, the good mood at night, the good mood, the good night, the friend.

47、相识满天下,知心有几人,知心何其少,分离何其多,天涯分两方,遥远心相牵,愿远方的朋友:幸福平安,万事如意! Acquaintances with the world, there are a few people, know how few, how many, the separation of how many, the end of the two sides, far away heart, wish the distant friends: happiness, peace, everything as well!

48、看不到未来的人总是喜欢回忆,活在回忆里面的人精彩只会越来越少。我们应该要创造新的记忆,精彩的记忆! The people who can't see the future always like to remember, and the people who live in the memory are only getting less and less. We should create new memories, wonderful memories!

49、秋天到,气爽高,金风吹,红果闹,菜花香,梅雨耗,九万里,登七巧。欲赏景,莫感冒,携兄弟,齐登高。祝身体健康! Autumn, high air, gold wind, red fruit, cauliflower fragrance, plum rain consumption, ninety thousand li, the seven Qiao. If you want to enjoy the scenery, do not catch a cold. Wish you good health!

50、秋天来了,秋分把秋天分散,让夏天的酷暑消去,让冬天的寒意袭来,冷热相撞撞出个秋天凉爽。祝你秋分快乐超爽。 Autumn came, the autumnal equinox scattered the autumn, let the summer heat disappear, let the winter cold hit, cold and hot collision and cool in the autumn. I wish you a happy autumnal equinox.

51、秋来秋去又一秋,热去寒来到寒露,寒露节气预示天要冷,恭祝保好身体首当冲。注意天气别大意,保护自己莫小气。 Autumn and autumn go to another autumn, hot cold come to cold dew, cold weather forecast that the day is cold, congratulates good body first when the rush. Pay attention to the weather and protect yourself.

52、秋风秋雨送来朋友的祝福:祝你秋高气爽心情好,祝你金秋丰收事业成,祝你好友多多福气多,祝你桂菊飘香美名杨。 Autumn wind, autumn and rain send a friend's blessing: wish you a good autumn and good mood, wish you the golden autumn harvest career, wish your friends more luck, I wish you the fragrance of cinnamon.

53、船儿累了,就会找到港湾,靠岸休息;鸟儿累了,就会找到大叔,养精蓄锐;你若累了,朋友就是你的港湾,你的大树。 When the boat is tired, it will find the harbour and rest on the shore. When the birds are tired, they will find the uncle and keep the elite. If you are tired, your friend is your bay, your big tree.

54、茫茫人海,你是我惟一不能放弃的牵挂,也是我最无法释怀的无奈,无论你走到天涯海角,我都会祝福你! The vast sea of people, you are the only thing I can not give up, but also I can not give up the most helpless, no matter you go to the ends of the earth, I will bless you!

55、轻轻的周一来了,带来了繁琐的工作,带来了充实的一天,请用崭新的心情来迎接这个周一,好好工作,为人生目标前进。 The light Monday came, brought the tedious work, brought a full day, please use a new mood to meet this Monday, work well, for the goal of life.

56、轻轻的,一缕春风拂过面颊,激起一丝涟漪。悠悠的,带来了你的气息,在回忆里,甜甜的。 Gently, a wisp of spring breeze brushed the cheeks, sparking a ripple. Leisurely, bring your breath, in the memory, sweet.

57、送一份真情让你欢笑,送一份快乐让你逍遥,送一份问候让你心跳,送你一份祝福不要回报,愿你幸福安康,一切美好! Send you a true feeling to make you laugh, a happiness to make you feel at ease, a greeting to make your heart beat, send you a blessing not to return, wish you happiness and well-being, all good!

58、闭目倾听流水的声音,叮咚;闭目静听清风的声音,丝丝;闭目倾听鸟儿的乐声,唧唧。夏季闭目静听,心静清净更清凉。 Close eyes and listen to the sound of the water, Ding Dong, closing the eyes and listening to the sound of the wind, silk, listening to the bird's music, chirp. Summertime closed and quiet, quiet and refreshing.

59、露珠小草,饱饮酣畅,暂别忙碌,休闲乐暑,如雨抒诗,享受盛夏,为你加油,幸福多彩,放松压力,享受生活。 Dewdrop grass, full of drink and drink, not busy, leisure and summer, such as rain lyric, enjoy the summer, to cheer for you, happiness and colourful, relax pressure, enjoy life.

60、风是透明的,雨是滴答的,云是流动的,歌是*的,爱是用心的,恋是疯狂的,天是永恒的,你是难忘的。 The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, the love is the heart, the love is crazy, the sky is eternal, you are unforgettable.
