1、一分钟想你想了一秒,剩下的五十九秒都在回味。 One minute I miss you for a second, and the remaining 59 seconds are in aftertaste.

2、一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。 It's not easy to get this person all my life. I love each other until I'm old.

3、一笔一划写你的名字,一生一世刻我的思念。 Write your name one stroke at a time. I miss you all my life.

4、不必有太多理由,我只要你知道我爱你就够。 Don't have to have too many reasons, I just want you to know I love you enough.

5、世界上有那么多*,你偏偏走进我的心里。 There are so many *s in the world, you just walk into my heart.

6、世界太复杂了,只有在你的怀里才安全。 The world is too complex, only in your arms is safe.

7、今天风很大,站在风口,我的世界满是你的味道。 Today the wind is very strong, standing in the wind, my world is full of your taste.

8、你呀,甜美柔软,像西瓜最中间那一勺的口感。 You, sweet and soft, like the taste of the middle spoon of watermelon.

9、你在的时候,你是一切,你不在的时候,一切是你。 When you are in, you are everything. When you are not, everything is you.

10、你头发上淡淡青草香气,变成了风才能和我相遇。 You hair on the light grass aroma, into the wind to meet me.

11、你摸摸我衣服的料子,是不是做你女朋友的料。 Feel the material of my dress. Is it for your girlfriend.

12、你知道你是什么花吗?是米花啦,我想爆米花。 Do you know what kind of flower you are? It's rice. I want popcorn.

13、做你怀中猫,在你的怀里蹭你,又不让你亲。 Be a cat in your arms, rub you in your arms, and don't let you kiss.

14、冰淇淋的第一口给你,盘子里最后一块肉给你。 The first bite of ice cream and the last piece of meat on the plate.

15、只有等到物是人非之后,人才会懂得怀念。 Only when things change from person to person, will they know how to miss.

16、只要你还记得我,整个世界都把我遗忘了都没关系。 As long as you remember me, it doesn't matter that the whole world has forgotten me.

17、只要喊了她媳妇,就要拿了命去珍惜。 As long as she calls her daughter-in-law, she will take her life to cherish it.

18、只要心情好,心态好,明天会是晴天。 As long as the mood is good, the mood is good, tomorrow will be sunny.

19、命运是很有趣的,它让我们在一起,又让我们分开。 Destiny is very interesting. It keeps us together, and it makes us separate.

20、和喜欢的人发消息,脸上总有种无法掩饰的喜悦。 And like the person to send news, there is always a kind of joy on the face that can not be concealed.

21、嘿,我想知道你是怎么住进我心房的。 Hey, I want to know how you got into my heart.

22、坐待夏日晚风吹起,又见夕阳浪漫无尽。 Sit and wait for the summer evening wind blowing, and see the sunset romantic endless.

23、如果可以重新排列英文字母,我会把u跟i放在一起。 If I could rearrange the letters, I would put U and I together.

24、如果有一天我做梦都笑醒了,那八成是梦见了你。 If one day I woke up laughing in my dream, I would have dreamt of you.

25、幸福就是,牵着一双想牵的手,一起走过繁华。 Happiness is, holding a pair of want to lead the hand, walk through the prosperity together.

26、幸而有你相伴,才不至于徒手人间。 Thanks to your company, you will not be able to live with your hands.

27、快乐的方式有很多,最直接的,就是见到你。 There are many ways to be happy. The most direct way is to see you.

28、想你虽然是件麻烦的事情,但是我偏偏不怕麻烦啦。 Although it is troublesome to miss you, I am not afraid of trouble.

29、想和你喝酒是假的,想醉你怀里是真的。我爱你! Want to drink with you is false, want to drunk your arms is true. I love you!

30、想念的频率少了,感觉却依然执着。 The frequency of missing is less, but the feeling is still persistent.

31、想邂逅在每个冬天,钻进你的怀抱说好喜欢你。 Want to meet in every winter, into your arms, said like you.

32、愿你余生安好,嘴角带笑,与她缘分也正好。 I wish you well for the rest of your life, with a smile, and her fate is just right.

33、愿吹过我的风能再环绕着你,算是借风与你相拥。 Willing to blow my wind around you again, is to embrace you by the wind.

34、懒懒的呼吸着空气里的所有你的味道。 Lazily Breathing all your flavor in the air.

35、我不开心,因为我一开心你就从我心里飞出去了。 I'm not happy, because as soon as I'm happy, you fly out of my heart.

36、我会一直陪着你,把你交给别人,我不放心。 I will always accompany you, give you to others, I don't trust.

37、我刚刚亲了风一口,待会它会吹在你脸上。 I just gave the wind a kiss, it will blow in your face later.

38、我只在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。 I only miss you when I do one thing, that is breathing.

39、我喜欢你的名字,和你爱笑的样子。 I like your name and the way you smile.

40、我是个怀旧的人,无法把从前的所有全部都忘掉。 I am a nostalgic person, can't forget all of the past.

41、我是困不住的野马,却只想做你怀里的猫。 I'm a wild horse that can't sleep, but I just want to be a cat in your arms.

42、我爱你,用我旧愁里的热情和孩童时代的忠诚。 I love you with the passion of my old sorrow and the loyalty of my childhood.

43、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。 My temper drove away a lot of people, but left the most real people.

44、我还是很喜欢你,像咿呀学语的孩童,词不达意。 I still like you, like babbling children, words do not express the meaning.

45、月光如水,我是鱼,岁月是垂钓的老人,你是诱饵。 Moonlight like water, I am a fish, years are fishing old people, you are bait.

46、煎雨落雪,心上是你,喜欢躲在眉目里。 Fried rain falling snow, the heart is you, like hiding in the eyebrows.

47、爱上你是一种感觉;吻着你是一种幸福。我爱你! Kissing you is a feeling of being in love with you. I love you!

48、爱你很好,连风都知道,第一次心甘情愿不想逃。 Love you very well, even the wind all know, the first time willingly do not want to escape.

49、爱你是这辈子不变了,疼你是这辈子不换了! Love you is the same in this life, pain you are not changed in this life!

50、爱你的时候你就是王,我要把你爱成这一辈子的王。 When I love you, you are the king. I will love you as the king of my life.

51、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。 Love has always had two endings, either in different ways or in the same way.

52、爱情里合不合适只是假象,最终还要看谁更能忍让。 It is only an illusion whether the love is suitable or not. It depends on who is more tolerant.

53、爱是甜蜜,爱是希望,爱赐予我们前进的力量。 Love is sweet, love is hope, love gives us the strength to move forward.

54、生命若没有情,就像天上没有太阳。 Life without love is like the sun in the sky.

55、耳朵好饿想听你说话,眼睛好渴想见你颜容。 The ears are so hungry that they want to hear you, and the eyes are thirsty to see your face.

56、能喜欢你,我也倾慕自己,真是人生有幸了。 To like you, I also adore myself, is really lucky in life.

57、花落一地,散落成歌,心碎千片,飘落成雨。 Flowers fall to the ground, scattered into songs, broken hearts, falling into rain.

58、认识你之后,我做的每一件蠢事都是因为你。 After knowing you, every stupid thing I do is because of you.

59、距离,从不会分开两颗真正在乎彼此的心。 Distance, never separate two hearts that really care about each other.

60、难得我生命中能遇见你,我怎么舍得放手。 It's rare that I can meet you in my life. How can I let go.