1、一寸寸一寸寸那是我孤独的年华,来匆匆去匆匆那时你年少又轻狂。 One inch inch that is my lonely time, quickly when you are young and frivolous.   

2、上辈子我欠你的,这辈子我来还,这辈子你欠我的,下辈子来还我。 Last life I owe you, this life I also, this life you owe me, the next life to me.

3、不是因为你,我也不会变成这样一个患得患失的神经病。 Not because of you, I will not be such a worry about personal gains and losses.

4、世界太大还是遇见你,世界太小还是丢了你。 The world is too big or met you, the world is too small or lost you.

5、他就像我的一个梦,闭眼,睁开,都是空。 He is like a dream, my eyes closed, open, are empty.

6、任何事到最后都是好事,如果还不是好事,就是没有到最后。 Anything to the end is a good thing, if it is not a good thing, that is, there is no final.

7、会有许多许多的画面在自己的脑海里,曾经的你,曾经的我,曾经的我们。 There will be a lot of pictures in their minds, once you, once I, once we.

8、何必赠我一朵枯萎的花,如果爱我不是你心里的话。 Why give me a withered flower, if you love me is not your heart.

9、你不会为同一个笑话笑了一遍又一遍,但你为什么能为同一个人哭了一次又一次。 You don't laugh at the same joke again and again, but why do you cry over and over again for the same person.

10、你不会明白,我是用多大的勇气,去看完她在你空间的留言。 You will not understand, I was with much courage, to read her message in your space.

11、你不再温暖如初,我也变得不像我。 You no longer warm, I have become like me.

12、你好像真的过的很好,完全不需要我的打扰。 You seem to really have been very good, do not need my bother.

13、你总是肆无忌惮地伤害着我,然后又总是不厌其烦地对我说着对不起。 You always hurt me with impunity, and then they always said tome sorry not to mind taking the trouble.

14、你明知道世界上没有鬼为什么要怕,你明知道他不会回头为什么要等。 You know why there is no ghost in the world, you know that he won't come back, why do you want to wait.

15、你是不是曾经有过故意赌气关掉手机,忍不住打开后,发现什么也没有。 Did you ever deliberately pique off mobile phone, could not help but open, what is not found.

16、你爱半壁*半壁锦色,我爱半醉浮生半醉白头。 You love half half of the country I love bright colors, a half drunk half bald.

17、你的忽冷忽热,最终怂恿我放了抓你抓到快断得手。 You urged me to put sometimes hot and sometimes cold, finally caught you caught breaking.

18、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看见了你心中全部的海洋。 You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans.

19、列车一去不复返,犹如你一走没再回来。 The train never came back, as if you had never come back.

20、努力变成自己喜欢的那个自己,一切就都还来得及。 Trying to be the one you love, everything is in time.

21、只怕我这一路以来的牺牲,换得被时光淹没的代价,没能被你记得。 I'm afraid this way since the sacrifice, for by the time the price was not drowned, you remember.

22、后来听到很多人提到你的消息,我的手指却再也没有悄悄攥紧,再也没有皱眉。 Later, I heard a lot of people refer to your message, my fingers are no longer quietly clenched, never frown.

23、后来,听到很多人提起你的消息,我的手指再没有抓紧,也再没有皱眉。 Later, I heard a lot of people bring you the news, my fingers do not have to pay close attention to, there is no frown.

24、在我需要的时候,能不能,给我点看得见的在乎。 When I need it, I can not, give me a point of view of care.

25、在艰苦的日子更要坚强,在幸福的日子更要谨慎。 In the tough days to be strong, in the days of happiness more cautious.

26、好奇心不要太重,别去翻你在乎的人的说说和空间留言,你会觉得自己什么也不是。 Curiosity is not too heavy, do not turn the people you care about and the space message, you will feel that nothing is.

27、好朋友的新朋友,麻烦你照顾好我的好朋友。 Good friend's new friend, trouble you to take good care of my good friend.

28、如果不爱我,伤我的时候别太轻、要狠、要绝。我怕忘不了你,更怕自己死不了心! If you don't love me, hurt me not to be too light, to be ruthless, to the great. I am afraid to forget you, more afraid of their own death!上一页12下一页

29、如果幸福有方向,向左?还是向右? If happiness has the direction, to the left? Or to the right?

30、如果想哭我自己会找地方,你不必担心我会弄湿你肩膀。 If you want to cry I will find a place, you don't have to worry about me will wet your shoulders.

31、如果我的未来有你在,那其他的什么我都不怕了。 If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.

32、如果貌辉诤踺、莪也会用同样方式对谩 If you don't care about me, I will be on you in the same way.

33、就像仙人掌,明明活的很好,却没办法再接受谁的拥抱。 Just like a cactus, when it's all right, it's no way to accept anyone's hug.

34、就算你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。 Even if you were a cactus, I'd endure all the pain just to hug you.

35、已经失去的东西,再缅怀也没有用。 Things have been lost, and no use to remember.

36、当我对你说:你玩吧。其实我多么希望你回我一句:你重要,我陪你。 When I say to you: you play. In fact, how I wish you to return to me: you are important, I accompany you.

37、心痛。是我不说。想得太完美终是错。 Heartache. I don't say. It is wrong to think too perfect.

38、总有那么一个人,你说不爱了,却在听到关于他的消息时,心狠狠的抽痛。 There is always such a person, you said you do not love, but in the news about him, the heart of the pain.

39、总有那么一个人,你说不爱了,却在听到关于他的消息的时候,心狠狠的抽了疼。 There is always such a person, you said you do not love, but heard about him on the news, the heart of the pain of the pain.

40、想你,却不能打扰你,我能做的就是静静的想你! Miss you, but not to bother you, I can do is to think of you!

41、感谢我不可以住进你的眼晴,所以才能拥抱你的背影。 Thank you I can not live in your eyes, so I can hug your back.

42、我一定要幸福,哪怕幸福是场表演,我也会尽力演好每一场戏。 I must be happy, even if happiness is a show, I will try my best to play every game.

43、我不会怪你也不会恨你,尽管我的世界只剩回忆。 I will not blame you nor hate you, even if my world only memories.

44、我不知道你是从世界的哪里而来,但是现在你就是我的世界。 I don't know where you are from the world, but now you are my world.

45、我以为我能逗你笑你就会喜欢上我,但是我居然输给了让你哭的人。 I thought I could make you laugh, you would love me, but I lost the one who made you cry.

46、我们的爱情,我知道已经到了尽头,可是我还是舍不得,舍不得,好舍不得。 Our love, I know has come to an end, but I still do not want to, do not give up.

47、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have one, we want to go back but can not return to the past.

48、我再也不会向任何人委曲求全,哪怕是我深深爱上的人。 I will not compromise to anyone, even if I was deeply in love with the people.

49、我放任了自己一次又一次,结局我一个人孤苦伶仃。 I indulge myself again and again, I am a person lonely and helpless.

50、我淋过最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。 I have been the biggest rain, you are in the hot sun does not look back.

51、我的演技一定很好,好到难过都没人知道。 My acting skill must be very good, goodto sad nobody know.

52、我看不清世界对我的心疼,我一直沉浸在你的难过里。 I can not see the world for my love, I have been immersed in your sad.

53、我能有多坚强,我又没比别人多一颗心脏。 How strong I can be, I don't have a heart.

54、我觉得最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。 I think the most romantic thing is to grow old with you together.

55、所谓孤独,就是你面对的那个人,他的情绪和你自己的情绪,不在同一个频率。 The so-called lonely, is that you face the person, his emotions and your own emotions, not in the same frequency.

56、摆渡红尘你牵了谁的手,而我却用岁月望瘦了春秋。 The ferry you pull someone's hand, and I was looking for the years lost in the spring and autumn.

57、旧爱的誓言,像极了一个巴掌。每当你记起一句,就挨一个耳光。 Love oath, was like a slap in the face. Whenever you remember a word, it's a slap in the face.

58、时间是最好的良药,希望在很久很久以后,那颗心想你的时候再也不会疼。 Time is the best medicine, hope that after a long time, the heart will not hurt you.

59、最痛的不是哭出来,而是牙齿咬着嘴唇浑身颤抖却哭不出来的时候。 The most painful is not to cry out, but the teeth to bite the lip trembling but can not cry out.

60、有些主动,别人不理就算了;有些在乎,他人不觉就罢了。 Some of the initiative, others ignored; some care, others do not feel it.

61、有些话,说与不说,都是伤害。有些人,留与不留,都会离开。 Some words, say and don't say, are all hurt. Some people, stay with don't stay, will leave.

62、每个人心里,都住着一个永远不会提,也永远不会忘的人。 Everyone in his heart, there is always a person who will never mention it, and will never forget it.

63、沉默是一个女孩子最大的哭声,当她不理人的时候,其实是受伤最深的人。 Silence is a girl's biggest cry, when she did not, in fact, is the most injured people.

64、没有人值得你流泪 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry

65、没有哪件事,能够一直捆住你的手脚;没有哪个人,能够成为你的永远。 No matter, can have tied your hands and feet; no one, can become you forever.

66、生活本是一场漂泊的旅行,遇见了谁都是一个美丽的意外。 Life is a wandering journey, met who is a beautiful accident.

67、百变世界,唯一不变的是记忆中的曾经,那么记忆是否可以再次刷新。 Variety in the world, the only constant is used in memory, so the memory can refresh again.

68、相遇太早,我能做到的最好,却不是你要的刚好。 Meet too early, I can do the best, but not you want just.

69、眼泪是没有颜色的血,孤独是没有醉意的酒。 The tears is not the color of blood, loneliness is not drunk wine.

70、离开后,请不要安慰我,因为每一次缝补都会遭遇穿刺的痛。 After leaving, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.

71、突然很想跟自己说声对不起,对不起,再也找不回原来的自己。 Suddenly want to tell myself that sorry, sorry, can not find the original.

72、老师唯一没骗我们的就是,三年真的很短! The only teacher didn't deceive us is that three years is really short!

73、被在乎的人忽略,会难过。而更难过的是还要装作根本不在乎。 People who are cared about are ignored, will be sad. And the more sad is to pretend that do not care.

74、请告诉她,我在等她,请告诉她,我还爱她。 Please tell her that I'm waiting for her, please tell her, I love her.

75、谢谢你让我把自作多情演得淋淋尽致。 Thank you for allowing me to be dripping every unrequited love.

76、那些说好的不分离最后都被时间打磨成了不联系。 Those who say good is not separated from the last time was polished into a do not contact.

77、那种患得患失的感觉,还不如失去踏实。 That kind of feeling is not worry about personal gains and losses, but also practical.

78、醒醒吧,他只是一时冲动想要和你在一起,而不是冲动的想要和你在一起一生。 Wake up, he just impulse to want to be with you, but not impulse to want with you life.

79、除了她,我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了。 In addition to her, I never regardless of personal danger to love a person.

80、面具戴太久,就会长到脸上,再想揭下来,除非伤筋动骨扒皮。 The mask will be too long, long to face it off, unless the injured in the sinews or bones peeling.
