1、一份缘,相遇在人海,一颗心,旖旎在岁月。 A fate, meet in the sea of people, a heart, charming in the years.

2、不管世界变得怎么样,只要有你就会是天堂。 No matter what the world becomes, as long as you are there will be paradise.

3、与其撕心裂肺的痛哭,不如肆无忌惮的疯笑。 It's better to laugh than to cry.

4、也许我不是你的最爱,但我比任何人都爱你。 Maybe I'm not your favorite, but I love you more than anyone else.

5、也许等到天放晴了,我会好好的再爱你一遍。 Maybe when it clears up, I will love you again.

6、付出真心,才会得到真心,却可能伤的彻底。 Pay sincerity, can get sincerity, but may hurt thoroughly.

7、任何不以分手为目的的吵架,都是在秀恩爱! Any quarrel not for the purpose of breaking up is to show love!

8、任何为人称道的美丽,都不及第一次遇见你。 No beauty that can be praised is better than meeting you for the first time.

9、你不爱我,我不爱你,如你所愿,皆大欢喜。 You do not love me, I do not love you, as you wish, everyone is happy.

10、你如果认识从前的我,也许会原谅现在的我。 If you know me before, you may forgive me now.

11、你总会输给一个人,即使你有多不愿意承认。 You always lose to one person, even if you are reluctant to admit it.

12、你是我的专属天使,没有人能取代你的位置。 You are my exclusive angel, no one can take your place.

13、你的在乎,甜蜜曙光即刻照耀在了我的心里。 Your care, the sweet dawn immediately shines in my heart.

14、其实每次见你我也着迷,无奈各有角色范围。 In fact, every time I see you, I am also fascinated, but each role has its own scope.

15、到最后,心这样空了,美好的都叫做了曾经。 In the end, the heart is so empty, beautiful are called once.

16、千年的等待,换来我千年对你无止境的思念。 Thousands of years of waiting, in exchange for my endless missing for you.

17、即便我们再恩爱,也抵不住现实的挑拨离间。 No matter how much we love each other, we can't resist the reality of sow discord.

18、口口声声说忘记,可谁又明白心中那份痛楚。 Every word said forget, but who can understand the pain in the heart.

19、只有在梦里,你才会在我需要你的时候出现。 Only in the dream, you will appear when I need you.

20、只要你要、只要我有。倾我所能、尽我所有。 As long as you want, as long as I have. Do what I can and do what I have.

21、唯有最漫长的坚持,能带给我们最永久的幸福。 Only the longest persistence can bring us the most permanent happiness.

22、在平淡中也会有幸福德存在,它更让人羡慕。 There will also be happiness in the plain, it is more enviable.

23、复制签名不一定就是抄袭,而是找到了共鸣。 Copying a signature is not necessarily plagiarism, but finding resonance.

24、如你所愿,你的冷漠终于换来我对你的释怀。 As you wish, your indifference finally brings me the release of you.

25、婚姻的持久靠的是两颗心,而不是双方的肉体。 The lasting marriage depends on two hearts, not the bodies of both sides.

26、已经习惯了听到你的名字,就反射性的抬头。 I'm used to hearing your name, and I look up in reflection.

27、常常在想、爱情的最唯美是不是我与你相拥。 Often think, the most beautiful love is not I and you embrace.

28、当真正被爱的时候,其实你也不用那么漂亮。 When you are really loved, you don't have to be so beautiful.

29、心情不好的时候,连周围的笑声都觉得讨厌。 When I'm in a bad mood, I even hate the laughter around me.

30、思念已经化成了眼泪,一滴一滴刺痛我的心。 Miss has turned into tears, a drop of pain in my heart.

31、我习惯了无所谓,却不是真的什么都不在乎。 I'm used to nothing, but I don't really care about anything.

32、我会一直把对你的爱埋在心里,一直对你好! I will always keep my love for you in my heart and always treat you well!

33、我保护你好吗,你所有尖锐武器都放心卸下。 I'll protect you. All your sharp weapons will be unloaded.

34、我只想过平平淡淡的生活,有个平平凡凡的你。 I just want to live an ordinary life and have an ordinary and ordinary you.

35、我明知道挽留不是办法,却忍不住向你低头。 I know it's not a way to stay, but I can't help but bow to you.

36、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。 I am your past, but you are my last dependence.

37、旁观者,看戏入三分。旁听者,花言信七分。 Onlookers get three points in the play. For those who listen, they believe seven points.

38、时光将岁月阻隔,能留下的都是最爱的角色。 Time will block the years, can leave is the favorite role.

39、昨天是历史,今天是开始,明天谁也不好使。 Yesterday is history, today is the beginning, and tomorrow is hard for anyone.

40、最好不过余生皆有你,最坏不过余生皆回忆。 The best is to have you for the rest of your life, and the worst is to remember for the rest of your life.

41、有一天世界只有一份爱,那一定是我对你的。 One day, there is only one love in the world, which must be mine for you.

42、有一种感觉比失恋还要痛苦,叫做自作多情。 There is a feeling more painful than lovelorn, called narcissism.

43、有了你我什么都不缺,心再野也懂得该拒绝。 With you, I want nothing, no matter how wild the heart knows to refuse.

44、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves.

45、有没有那么一首歌,能让你再也想不起来我。 Is there such a song that you can't remember me again.

46、有生之年,誓死娇宠,只要你要,只要我有。 As long as you want, as long as I have.

47、有的人是不打不相识,有的人是不打不识相。 Some people don't know each other, others don't know each other.

48、泪一遍遍的流,很爱你,可是我看不到未来。 Tears flow over and over, I love you very much, but I can't see the future.

49、点开你的聊天窗口,却不知道应该说些什么。 Open your chat window and don't know what to say.

50、爱你一生伴你一世,你的心跳只有我听得到。 I love you and accompany you all my life. Only I can hear your heartbeat.

51、爱情永远比婚姻圣洁,婚姻永远比爱情实惠。 Love is always more holy than marriage, and marriage is always more affordable than love.

52、爱情,不能勉强,我不难过,只是有点遗憾。 Love, can not force, I am not sad, just a little regret.

53、爱情,其实很简单,没有开始,就没有结束。 Love, in fact, is very simple, no beginning, no end.

54、爱情,并不是婚姻的唯但是,你却是我的唯。 Love, is not the only marriage, but you are my only.

55、等待,不是因为那个人会回来,是因为还有爱。 Waiting, not because that person will come back, but because there is still love.

56、谁我都不想等了,以后就等红灯等雨停等死。 I don't want to wait any more. I'll wait for the red light to stop raining and die.

57、谁都不想辜负的人,最后很可能会辜负自己。 People who don't want to fail are likely to fail themselves in the end.

58、长大了才知道,原来爱而不得,是世间常态。 Grow up to know, the original love but not, is the world's normal.

59、陌上浅笔,静悟流年,惬意岁月,一如初见。 Shallow pen on the street, quiet understanding of fleeting years, pleasant years, as the first time.

60、除去一开始的新鲜感,陪伴与懂得更加重要。 Apart from the freshness at the beginning, company and understanding are more important.