1、一个骗子对一个*说“我爱你”骗子说完离开了*相信了。 A liar said "I love you" to a fool, and the liar left the fool to believe.

2、不会说什么浪漫的情话,只想和你有以后。 Will not say what romantic love words, just want to have with you later.

3、不好好走路非得跌进我心里,太重了,撵不出去了。 If you don't walk well, you have to fall into my heart. It's too heavy to drive out.

4、世界上最温暖的两个字是从你口中说出的晚安。 The two warmest words in the world are goodnight from your mouth.

5、你就想我心里的一株藤蔓,依附在我的心上生长。 You just want a vine in my heart, growing on my heart.

6、你看过的所有风景都与我无关,我看过的所有风景都与你相关。 All the scenery you have seen has nothing to do with me. All the scenery I have seen is related to you.

7、你眼里有春和秋,胜过我见过的一切山川河流。 You have spring and autumn in your eyes, more than all the mountains and rivers I have ever seen.

8、你要知道这个世界上总有一个人会等你,只要你回头就可以看得见。 You have to know that there will always be a person waiting for you in this world, as long as you look back, you can see.

9、你还想要一个妈妈嘛,我把我妈妈分给你。 You want another mother. I'll give you my mother.

10、假如你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。 If you are a cactus, I would like to bear all the pain to hold you.

11、即使生活再难再苦,到最后,你一定会找到那个与你傻傻相伴终生的人。 Even if life is hard and hard, in the end, you will surely find the one who will accompany you all your life.

12、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。 Where can someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment.

13、喜欢你大概就是把生活中没一丝巧合,都活成我们可能在一起的证据。 To like you is to live without any coincidence in life as evidence that we may be together.

14、在互相喜欢的路上,谁先放弃谁就是小王八蛋。 On the way to like each other, who gives up first is the little bastard.

15、多希望梦醒时,是一米阳光和你熟睡的样子。 I hope that when I wake up from my dream, it will be a meter of sunshine and your sleeping appearance.

16、天寒地冻日短夜长,长路远马亡,书信几行唯你难忘。 Cold weather, short day and long night, long road, horse died, a few lines of the letter only you unforgettable.

17、天理伦常在上,没有什么是你想要而我不能为你做的。 There is nothing you want and I can't do for you.

18、对你的喜欢早已浮出水面,如今漫山遍野,日后连绵不绝。 The love for you has already surfaced, now all over the mountains and fields, and will continue in the future.

19、就算我不相信爱情了,没关系、我爱你与爱情无关。 Even if I don't believe in love, it doesn't matter. I love you and love has nothing to do with it.

20、心灵深处,是默默的支撑;灵魂之间,是静静的聆听。 Deep in the heart is the silent support; between the souls, there is quiet listening.

21、总有那么一座城,让你流连忘返。总有那么一个人,让你怦然心动。 There is always such a city, let you linger. There is always someone who makes your heart beat.

22、想你是甜甜的,念你是长长的,爱你是久久的。 Miss you are sweet, read you are long, love you is long.

23、想和你一起驾着小船,在爱情海里兴风作浪。 I want to drive a boat with you and make waves in the sea of love.

24、想要你满脑子是我,更想我往后余生都是你。 I want you to be full of me, but also want me to be you for the rest of my life.

25、我不敢说我会永远爱你,但我敢肯定,只要我还爱,那便是真的爱。 I dare not say that I will love you forever, but I am sure that as long as I still love, it is true love.

26、我也许不是最好的那个人,但我会给你最好的那个我。 I may not be the best person, but I will give you the best of me.

27、我希望你会心肺复苏术,因为你美得让我停止呼吸。 I hope you'll have CPR because you're beautiful enough to stop breathing.

28、我愿意做你的一颗牙,至少,没有了我,你会疼。 I would like to be one of your teeth, at least, without me, you will ache.

29、我愿意做你的小尾巴,你走到哪我就跟到哪。 I'm willing to be your little tail. I'll follow you wherever you go.

30、我见过的最美的春天,是我穿过人群找到你的那个四月。 The most beautiful spring I have ever seen is the April when I found you through the crowd.

31、我还是个孩子,给我个拥抱好不好,不要嘲笑我的偶尔发脾气和撒娇。 It's better to be a coquettish child and not to laugh at me occasionally.

32、我还是喜欢你,像小时候吃辣条,从不看日期。 I still like you, like when I was a child, I never looked at the date.

33、我还是很喜欢你,像空谷幽兰猗猗,面南山居,昼夜赏菊。 I still like you very much, like the valley orchid Yi Yi, face Nanshan house, day and night enjoy chrysanthemum.

34、我还是很喜欢你,像等了很多年故人的老城门,茕茕孑立。 I still like you very much, like the old gate of my old friend who has been waiting for many years, standing alone.

35、我需要的不是一个每天说多爱我的人,而是一个会关心我踏踏实实的人。 What I need is not a person who says how much I love me every day, but someone who cares about me.

36、时光是琥珀,泪一滴滴被反锁,情书再不朽,也磨成沙漏。 Time is amber, tears are locked, love letter no longer immortal, also ground into hourglass.

37、有一种思念,叫好想见你一面,一起聊聊天。 There is a kind of missing. I want to see you and have a chat.

38、有的人你以为永远没法忘记,但总有一天时光会模糊了记忆里的笑脸。 Some people you think you can never forget, but one day time will blur the smile in memory.

39、爱人和我说:到老的时候,你先死,爱人逝去的痛苦让我来承受。 Love and I said: to the old time, you die first, the pain of the death of love let me bear.

40、祝福那些不懂得相思的人,至于我,则愿意永远想念着你。 Blessing those who do not know how to Acacia, as for me, is willing to miss you forever.

41、突然发现每次看到你眼睛里总会出现一样东西,会出现坏坏的我啦。 Suddenly found that every time you see something in your eyes, there will be a bad me.

42、第一眼看见你就想上你,斯文人把这叫做一见钟情。 The first time I see you, I want to fall in love with you at first sight.

43、等风,等雨,等你,可否等来一场春风得意马蹄疾。 Waiting for the wind, waiting for the rain, waiting for you, can we wait for a happy horseshoe disease.

44、能量是守恒的,就像我给你的爱永不消失。 Energy is conserved, just like the love I give you will never disappear.

45、自从喜欢上了你,我就脱离了地球引力,因为我的重心是你。 Since I fell in love with you, I have been out of gravity, because my center of gravity is you.

46、自从认识了你,我都穿得很厚,因为我怕冻着了你。 Since I met you, I have been wearing very thick, because I am afraid of freezing you.

47、若你不高兴了,就随便折腾我,谁让我喜欢你呢。 If you're not happy, just mess with me. Who makes me like you.

48、这里有一份热烈的欢喜,请你注意查收。 Here is a warm joy, please check.

49、陪你走山山水水,不累,只为能微笑你的嘴。 Accompany you to walk mountains and rivers, not tired, just to be able to smile your mouth.

50、风里来,雨里去,为了这个家,你拼搏的样子,真的好美丽。 Come in the wind, go in the rain, for the sake of this home, your fighting appearance is really beautiful.