1、一张嘴就是你的名字,一闭眼就是你的样子。 A mouth is your name, a closed eye is your appearance.

2、不必承诺永远,只要爱我一天又一天。 Don't promise forever, just love me day after day.

3、不想流浪远方,只想在你身旁安心当个流氓。 Don't want to wander far away, just want to be a rascal beside you.

4、不爱这世间灯火万千,偏爱你眼里星辰点点。 Don't love the world lights, prefer the stars in your eyes.

5、不要试图想明白我,只管爱我就好! Don't try to understand me, just love me!

6、人生漫漫,或许是我们遇见的太早了。 Life is long, maybe we meet too early.

7、你不用多好,我喜欢就好。 You don't have to be nice. I just like it.

8、你是我所有温柔的来源和归属。 You are the source and belonging of all my tenderness.

9、你来的那天春天也来到。 The spring came the day you came.

10、你的爱像阳光,在我的四面八方。 Your love is like sunshine in all directions of me.

11、你连自己这坎都过不去,还谈什么往后余生。 You can't even cross your own barrier. What else can you talk about for the rest of your life.

12、全世界都看得到我眼眸里的悲伤,除了你。 The world can see the sadness in my eyes, except for you.

13、喜则留,厌则走,道不同不相为谋。 Joy is to stay, weariness is to go, different ways do not conspire.

14、喜欢是不离开,爱是离不开。 Like is not to leave, love is inseparable.

15、因为他不喜欢你了,所以不会心疼你的难过。 Because he doesn't like you, he won't hurt you.

16、如果余生是你,我希望余生尽快开始。 If it's you for the rest of my life, I hope the rest of my life starts as soon as possible.

17、如果在乎都是用嘴巴说,那哑巴怎么办。 If you care with your mouth, what about dumb people.

18、如果天堂无门而入,那我愿和你去地狱猖獗! If heaven has no door to enter, then I would like to go to hell with you rampant!

19、如果我是猫,九条命里都想和你过。 If I were a cat, I would like to spend nine lives with you.

20、守着相爱的人,做着心爱的事,就是幸福。 To keep loving people and do beloved things is happiness.

21、寒冬后,炎夏前,谁给过你春一般的爱恋。 After winter, before summer, who gave you spring love.

22、希望被宠爱,受不得一点委屈。 Hope to be loved, not a little wronged.

23、想夏天给你撑伞,冬天给你温暖。 I want to support you in summer and warm you in winter.

24、感情不是个好东西,它总让人软弱让人流泪。 Love is not a good thing, it always makes people weak and cry.

25、感情不是人生的全部,却是心灵最好的归宿。 Feelings are not the whole of life, but the best destination of the soul.

26、感谢生命中所有的幸运,比如遇见你! Thank you for all the good luck in life, such as meeting you!

27、愿你我老去之后,都有个嘴角上扬的青春。 I wish you and I have a young mouth.

28、愿岁月静好,始于初见,止于终老。 May the years be quiet, from the beginning to the end.

29、我们彼此最大的坎,离不开又合不来。 Our biggest barriers to each other are inseparable and incoherent.

30、我依旧是曾经的模样,过着不咸不淡的人生。 I'm still what I used to be, living a life of salt and water.

31、我可以受十分的苦,但我受不了半分的委屈。 I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand half the grievances.

32、我在开过的玩笑里,藏着好多好多的我爱你。 In the joke I played, there are so many things I love you.

33、我希望我就是你的偏爱,独一无二的那种。 I hope I am your preference, the unique one.

34、我希望有一个人会懂我,即使我什么都没说。 I hope someone will understand me, even if I don't say anything.

35、我没有在等他,等的是以前的我。 I wasn't waiting for him. I was waiting for me.

36、我爱你,从这里到月亮,然后再回来这么久。 I love you, from here to the moon, and then back so long.

37、我的爱情,长了蛀虫,我的爱情,出了毛病。 My love, grew the moth, my love, went wrong.

38、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。 My temper drove many people away, but left the most real people.

39、所幸遇你,从此山河旖旎,都不及你。 Fortunately, I met you, since then, the mountains and rivers are not as beautiful as you.

40、有些事,嘴上没说,但心里已经尘埃落定了。 Some things, the mouth did not say, but the heart has settled the dust.

41、有些人,你忘了,输入法却还记得。 Some people, you forget, input method still remember.

42、有人追你吗?没有的话,那你跑我追吧。 Are you being chased? If not, then run and I'll chase you.

43、没有资格吃的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。 The vinegar without qualification is the most sour, and the person who moves first is the most miserable.

44、燥热的风灌满心胸,也吹不干潮湿的梦。 The hot and dry wind fills my heart, and I can't dry my wet dream.

45、爱很简单:一个你,一心一意。 Love is simple: one you, one mind.

46、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.

47、爱情,就是习惯了另一个人的习惯。 Love is getting used to the habit of another person.

48、爱情,是比任何武器的伤害都来得大。 Love is more harmful than any weapon.

49、爱,不是改变对方,而是一起成长。 Love is not to change each other, but to grow together.

50、爱,就是,愿意放下身段,护你周全! Love is willing to lay down your body and protect your integrity!

51、现在的我很乖,没有谈恋爱,还在等你。 Now I am very good, no love, still waiting for you.

52、相比说起晚安,我更想帮你把被子盖好。 I'd like to help you cover the quilt better than good night.

53、看上了就去追啊,别管自己丑,没准他瞎呢。 Go after him if you like. Don't worry about his ugliness. Maybe he's blind.

54、看过云落风起,终究身不由己。 After seeing the clouds falling and the wind rising, I can't help it.

55、离开的人越来越多,留下的人越来越重要。 More and more people leave, and the people who stay are more and more important.

56、给你一整首情诗,关于你温暖名字。 Give you a whole love poem about your warm name.

57、逆着光的,看不清表情,爱这么近你那么远。 Against the light, can not see the expression, love so close to you so far.

58、重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。 What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you.

59、顺着你的光,看到了从未看到过的世界。 Follow your light and see the world you've never seen before.

60、鱼和熊掌不可兼得,可*和你我都想要。 You can't have both fish and bear paw, but you and I want freedom.