1、一场雨后,草丛里的野伸出来撒娇了。 After a rain, the grass in the wild out.

2、一场雨后,草丛里的野花探出头来了。 After a rain, the heads of wild flowers in the grass were sticking out.

3、一场雨后,草丛里的野花踮着脚出来了。 After a rain, the wild flowers in the grass came out on tiptoe.

4、五颜六色的小野花在碧绿的草地上欢笑着。 Colorful small wild flowers are laughing on the green grass.

5、人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开。 In April, the peach blossoms in the mountain temple are in full bloom.

6、你看,荷花正在和妈妈说着悄悄话。 You see, lotus is whispering with her mother.

7、傍晚八点,夜来香穿上了粉色的长裙。 It's eight o'clock in the evening. I'm wearing a long pink dress.

8、公园里的樱花在向人们摆弄风姿。 Cherry blossoms in the park are playing with people.

9、公园里的花开了像少女们在风中翩翩起舞。 The flowers in the park are blooming like girls dancing in the wind.

10、公园里的花开了,向人们绽放了笑脸。 The flowers in the park bloom and smile to people.

11、公园里鲜花争先恐后地盛开,很美丽。 The flowers in the park are in full bloom. They are very beautiful.

12、向日葵在中午的时候,摇摆着自己的脸庞。 Sunflower at noon, swaying his face.

13、向日葵摇动着自己的圆脸,在和我打招呼。 Sunflower shakes its round face and greets me.

14、夜来香在晚上八点展现出自己恬静的面庞。 At eight o'clock in the evening, the evening primrose shows her quiet face.

15、小雏菊在和蓝天妈妈说悄悄话呢! Little Daisy is whispering with blue sky mother!

16、春天到了,蔷薇绽放了他们的笑脸。 Spring is coming, and the roses are blooming their smiling faces.

17、春天来了,石榴花绽开了笑脸。 Spring is coming, pomegranate flowers are blooming and smiling.

18、春天,花坛里鲜花竞相绽开笑脸。 In spring, flowers in the flower bed compete to bloom and smile.

19、朵朵梅花张开了笑脸,在向我们打招呼。 Blossoming plum blossoms opened their smiling faces and said hello to us.

20、杜鹃花每天都对自己精心的梳洗打扮。 Rhododendrons groom themselves carefully every day.

21、杜鹃花看着自己的美丽的花瓣高兴的笑了。 Rhododendron looked at its beautiful petals and laughed happily.

22、桃花尽日随流水,洞在清溪何处边? Peach blossom as soon as the water, the hole in the Qingxi where side?

23、梅花在寒冷的季节中露出了开心的笑脸! Plum blossom in the cold season showed a happy smile!

24、槐花穿着白色的连衣裙向我们微笑。 Sophora flower smiles at us in her white dress.

25、樱花在阳光的映照下,笑容是那样的灿烂。 Cherry blossom in the sunshine, smile is so brilliant.

26、水仙花像个娇羞的小姑娘绽开了笑颜。 Daffodils like a shy little girl opened a smile.

27、池塘里的荷花和荷叶在相互依偎在一起。 The lotus and lotus leaves in the pond are nestling together.

28、海棠花在微风中摇曳着身姿。 Crabapple flowers swayed in the breeze.

29、海棠花绽放了她甜美的笑容。 Begonia flowers bloom her sweet smile.

30、漂亮的玉兰花被风婆婆抚过,翩翩起舞。 The beautiful magnolia was caressed by mother-in-law Feng and danced.

31、烂漫的樱花争先恐后地的盛开了。 The blooming cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

32、牵牛花吹起了小喇叭,露出了灿烂的笑容。 Morning glory blew a small horn, showing a brilliant smile.

33、牵牛花吹起了紫色的小喇叭。 Morning glory blew its little purple trumpet.

34、牵牛花展开了她的身躯,笑了起来。 Morning glory unfolded her body and began to laugh.

35、牵牛花拿着大喇叭向我们问好。 Morning glory said hello to us with a trumpet.

36、玫瑰花在中午的时候悄悄的笑了。 The rose smiles quietly at noon.

37、玫瑰花在太阳出来的时候笑的更灿烂了。 Roses smile more brightly when the sun comes out.

38、百叶双桃晚更红,窥窗映竹见玲珑。 The double peaches of the Venetian blinds are even more red in the evening, and the bamboo reflected by the window is exquisite.

39、百合将叶子张开,露出自己最美的笑脸。 The most beautiful leaves open their faces.

40、百合花以洁白温柔的笑容证明自己的存在。 Lily with a white and gentle smile to prove their existence.

41、盛开的梨花像江南女子清丽的脸庞。 The pear flowers in full bloom are like the beautiful faces of Jiangnan women.

42、睡莲在盛满水的水缸里绽开笑脸。 Water lilies in the water tank full of water burst into a smile.

43、短短桃花临水岸,轻轻柳絮点人依。 Short peach blossom near the water bank, light willow catkins point people by.

44、秋冬时节,广玉兰依旧穿着绿色的衣服。 In autumn and winter, Magnolia grandiflora still wears green clothes.

45、秋天来了,向日葵不好意思的低下了头。 Autumn has come, sunflower embarrassed to bow his head.

46、秋风吹来,她跳起舞蹈,真是婀多姿啊! The autumn wind blows, she dances, is really graceful!

47、粉红的桃花张开了美丽的脸膛尽情呼吸! Pink peach blossom opens the beautiful face to breathe!

48、美丽的荷花露出了她那怡人的笑容。 The beautiful lotus showed her pleasant smile.

49、艳丽的山茶争先恐后地露出了笑脸。 Gorgeous Camellia vied to show a smile.

50、艳丽的蔷薇姑娘慢慢露出了笑脸。 The gorgeous rose girl slowly showed a smile.

51、艳丽的蔷薇绽开了灿烂的笑脸。 The gorgeous rose bloomed a brilliant smile.

52、艳丽的蔷薇花跳起了柔美的舞蹈。 The beautiful rose danced in a soft and beautiful way.

53、草色青青柳色黄,桃花历乱李花香。 The grass is green, the willow is yellow, the peach blossom is disorderly, and the plum blossom fragrance is fragrant.

54、荷塘里的荷花羞答答的开出了美丽的花朵。 The lotus in the lotus pond is shy and blooming beautiful flowers.

55、蔷薇花开了,露出了她美丽的芳容。 The rose blossomed, revealing her beautiful face.

56、蔷薇花迷迷糊糊的真开眼睛。 The rose is really open eyes.

57、路边的野花像小姑娘一样羞羞答答的开了! Roadside wild flowers like a little girl shy open!

58、路边的野花绽开了可爱的笑脸。 The wild flowers on the side of the road bloomed a lovely smile.

59、迎春花儿笑了,那笑让人感到春的温暖。 Yingchun flowers smile, the smile makes people feel the warmth of spring.

60、风一吹,桂花朵朵飘落,翩翩起舞。 As soon as the wind blows, Osmanthus fragrans are falling and dancing.